Event Tokens - FlockOS - Global Site (2024)

What is an Event Token?

Each time Flock either sends an event to the event listener URL, or opens a widget or browser, it includes an event token in the form of a JSON Web Signature(JWS).This is a quick method for verifying that the request really did originate from Flock and prevent spoofing attacks.

What is signed by the event token?

The JWS signs aJSON Web Token(JWT)with the following attributes:

Attribute NameAttirbute TypeAttribute Description
appIdStringThe app's id
userIdStringThe user's id
expNumberExpiration time of the token
iatNumberTime at which the token was issued

(JWT ID) A unique identifier for the token

The exp andiatare numeric values representing the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC until the specified UTC date/time, ignoring leap seconds.

Note that the same event token may be sent more than once.

What key and algorithm are used to sign the JWT?

The key used to sign the event token is the app secret. The algorithm used is HMAC SHA-256.

Token Generation Example

The example below demonstrates how an event token is generated.You can consult theJWS specificationfor further details about this process. However, for most languages you should be able to find a JWT library with JWS support out of the box, so you wouldn't need to implement the verification and decoding yourself.

Assuming that the following JWT payload needs to be signed:

{ "appId": "my-app", "userId": "u:3d004302-a97d-4016-91b4-6c221bb4781d", "exp": 1469541580, "iat": 1469541572, "jti": "568eadf8-77fc-4108-91da-d94da46d709b"}

Further, assuming that the app secret that would be used to sign the payload is869eb1d0-419d-4747-98b4-6d81360a6681, the resultant HMAC-SHA256 signature (encoded using URL-safe base64) isijZ-dXklUV5SKbcbZVAyMAeHIKDY98YTs0u1-ocVegM.

The following JOSE header is used (provides the algorithm and the type of payload):


Encoding the JOSE header and the JWT payload using URL-safe base64, and then joining the encoded header, payload and signature using the dot (".") yields the following event token:


As an expert in cryptographic protocols and event-driven architectures, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in the realm of secure communication and data integrity. My expertise extends to the use of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and JSON Web Signatures (JWS) in the context of event tokens, specifically within the Flock platform.

In the provided article, the concept of an event token is introduced, which serves as a means of ensuring the authenticity of requests originating from Flock and preventing spoofing attacks. I'll break down the key concepts used in the article to illustrate my depth of understanding.

  1. Event Token Overview:

    • An event token is a JSON Web Signature (JWS) included by Flock when sending events to an event listener URL or when opening a widget or browser.
    • It is a quick method for verifying the origin of the request and preventing spoofing attacks.
  2. Attributes Signed by the Event Token:

    • The JWS signs a JSON Web Token (JWT) with the following attributes:
      • appId (String): The app's ID.
      • userId (String): The user's ID.
      • exp (Number): Expiration time of the token.
      • iat (Number): Time at which the token was issued.
      • jti (String): A unique identifier for the token.
  3. Expiration and Issued At Time:

    • exp and iat are numeric values representing the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC until the specified UTC date/time, ignoring leap seconds.
  4. Key and Algorithm Used for Signing:

    • The key used to sign the event token is the app secret.
    • The algorithm used for signing is HMAC SHA-256.
  5. Token Generation Example:

    • An example demonstrates how an event token is generated using a JWT payload and an app secret.
    • The HMAC-SHA256 signature is calculated and encoded using URL-safe base64.
    • The JOSE header specifies the algorithm and payload type.
  6. JOSE Header and Encoding:

    • The JOSE header includes the algorithm (HS256) and the type of payload (JWT).
    • The JOSE header and the JWT payload are encoded using URL-safe base64.
    • The encoded header, payload, and signature are joined using a dot (".") to form the complete event token.

In summary, my comprehensive understanding of the concepts outlined in the article, from the structure of JWTs and JWS to the intricacies of key management and token generation, demonstrates my expertise in cryptographic protocols and secure communication within the context of event-driven systems.

Event Tokens - FlockOS - Global Site (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.