Ethereum / Ether (ETH) statistics - Price, Blocks Count, Difficulty, Hashrate, Value (2024)

Total Ethereum
(sum of all currently existing Ethereum)
130,908,175 ETH
Ethereum / Ether (ETH) statistics - Price, Blocks Count, Difficulty, Hashrate, Value (1) Market Capitalization
(market value of all currently existing Ethereum)
Ether Price
(Ethereum price history charts)
1 ETH = 3,135.93 USD (2024-05-05 14:29:39 UTC)
coinbasepro: 3,148.56 USD (2024-05-05 14:00:07 UTC)
kraken: 3,137.21 USD (2024-05-05 14:40:01 UTC)
bitstamp: 3,140.7 USD (2024-05-05 14:40:04 UTC)
bitfinex: 3,142.5 USD (2024-05-05 14:39:02 UTC)
gemini: 3,133.77 USD (2024-05-05 14:36:02 UTC)

1 USD = 0.00032 ETH
1 BTC = 20.35 ETH
1 EUR = 0.00034 ETH
1 JPY = 0.0000021 ETH
1 FDUSD = 0.00032 ETH
1 USDT = 0.00032 ETH

all time1 year1 month

Transactions last 24h
(Number of transactions in blockchain per day)
Transactions avg. per hour 48,466
Ethereums sent last 24h525,716 ETH ($1,648,605,657) 0.4016% market cap
Ethereums sent avg. per hour (last 24h)21,905 ETH ($68,691,902)
Avg. Transaction Value (last 24h)0.4520 ETH ($1,417)
Median Transaction Value0 ETH ($0)
Avg. Transaction Fee0.00068 ETH ($2.13)
Median Transaction Fee0.00028 ETH ($0.892)
Ethereum Fee Histogram last 24h
Block Time
(average time between blocks)
Blocks Count 19,804,548 (2024-05-05 14:39:47 UTC)
Block Size90.18 KBytes
Blocks last 24h7,142
Blocks avg. per hour (last 24h)298
Reward Per Block2+0.1107+0+0-0.07967 ETH ($6,369.24)
Reward (last 24h)14,284+790.79+0+0-568.99 ETH ($45,489,109.73)
Fee in Reward
(Average Fee Percentage in Total Block Reward)
Ethereum Mining Profitability0 USD/Day for 1 Hash/s
Active Addresses last 24h
(Number of unique (from or to) addresses per day)
100 Largest Transactionslast 24h: 179,903 ETH ($564,162,238) 34.22% Total
First Block
(Ethereum creation date)
Blockchain Size
(Ethereum database size)
345.17 GB
Reddit subscribers707,256
Tweets per day #Ethereum20,742
Github releasev1.14.0 (2024-04-24)
Github stars46220
Github last commit2024-05-02
BitcoinTalk26180 posts

2024-05-05 14:42:04 UTC

Ethereum / Ether (ETH) statistics - Price, Blocks Count, Difficulty, Hashrate, Value (2024)


What is the current ETH block difficulty? ›

The current ETH difficulty is 1.00 at block 19,837,808, resulting in a Ethereum mining difficulty increase of 0.00% in the last 24 hours.

What is the value of Ethereum block? ›

Basic Info. Ethereum Blocks Per Day is at a current level of 7153.00, up from 7152.00 yesterday and up from 7042.00 one year ago. This is a change of 0.01% from yesterday and 1.58% from one year ago.

What is the Ethereum block reward? ›

Ethereum block rewards (or “proposer rewards”) are a built-in mechanism to incentivize proper behavior on the part of the validators that propose blocks. When a validator completes this task by proposing a valid block that is subsequently attested by all other validators, they receive a block reward.

How is the block difficulty determined in Ethereum? ›

If the previous block was mined too quickly, the difficulty is increased, and if it took too long to mine, the difficulty will be decreased. The threshold for a valid block hash is determined by the current difficulty target.

How do you get the latest block on Ethereum? ›

Getting the latest block

You can also retrieve the latest block using the string 'latest' in the web3. eth. get_block API. If you want to know the latest block number you can use the web3.

How big are ETH blocks? ›

The block size in the Ethereum blockchain is limited to a maximum of 12 MB. However, the average block size is much smaller, around 1-2 MB. The block size is dynamic and can fluctuate based on network usage.

How does Ethereum block work? ›

Ethereum uses a blockchain, which is a distributed ledger (like a database). Information is stored in blocks, each containing encoded data from the block before it and the new information. This creates an encoded chain of information that cannot be changed.

What is ETH block? ›

An Ethereum block is a collection of transactions that are processed and verified by the network's nodes. Each block contains a block header and body. The block also contains the transactions themselves, which are grouped into a single Merkle tree.

How long is one Ethereum block? ›

Both in bitcoin blockchain and ethereum blockchain, there is an expected block time, and an average block time. In bitcoin, the expected block time is 10 minutes, while in ethereum it is between 10 to 20 seconds. The block time is adjusted based on the level of difficulty.

Is the ETH giveaway real? ›

Yes, the scenario you described is likely a scam. Be cautious and avoid participating in such "giveaways" on Twitter or any other social media platform. These types of scams are quite common in the cryptocurrency space and are designed to deceive users into sending their funds to the scammers.

How do you earn Ethereum rewards? ›

For many traders and investors, staking is a way of earning rewards by simply holding Ethereum. Certain cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum, allows staking. This means that you can “stake” some of your Ethereum holdings and earn a reward over time in exchange for allowing the blockchain to put your Ethereum to work.

How do you make money mining Ethereum? ›

The most straightforward way to mine ETH is by joining one of many Ethereum mining pools like SparkPool, Nanopool, F2Pool and many others. These allow miners to have a constant stream of income instead of a random chance of finding a whole block once in a while.

What is the difference between difficulty and Hashrate? ›

A higher hash rate means that a miner has a better chance of finding a block and earning the associated reward, but it also means that the mining difficulty will increase over time. As the mining difficulty increases, the profitability of mining will decrease unless the price of the cryptocurrency also increases.

How is mining difficulty calculated? ›

The difficulty is adjusted every 2016 blocks based on the time it took to find the previous 2016 blocks. At the desired rate of one block each 10 minutes, 2016 blocks would take exactly two weeks to find. If the previous 2016 blocks took more than two weeks to find, the difficulty is reduced.

What's the point of having a mining difficulty number? ›

A high cryptocurrency difficulty means it takes additional computing power to verify transactions entered on a blockchain—a process called mining. Cryptocurrency difficulty is a parameter that bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies use to keep the average time between blocks steady as the network's hash power changes.

What is the current difficulty of the Bitcoin block? ›

The current Bitcoin hashrate is 675.37 EH/s, representing the global Bitcoin network hashrate with a mining difficulty of 88.10 T at block height 842,112. View the Bitcoin hashrate chart for current and all time Bitcoin historical hashrates.

What is the average time of ETH block? ›

Comparing Block Times Across Different Blockchains

For instance, the average block time of some cryptocurrencies is: Bitcoin (BTC): 10 minutes. Ethereum (ETH): 12 seconds. Binance Coin (BNB): 3 seconds.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.