Epic List of Money Saving Tips I Love - AmintaDemadura.com (2024)

Epic List of Money Saving Tips I Love

Epic List of Money Saving Tips I Love - AmintaDemadura.com (1)

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Hey there! Welcome to my epic post of money saving tips that I love and use. I really hope that you find this list useful. We'll cover different sections from saving money on shopping to groceries to home maintenance to travel.

Feel free to pick and choose which money saving tips are right for you and yours! And if you get a moment, let me know any other great savings ideas you might have in the comments below.

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1. Save Money on Groceries

  1. ReadHow to Save Money on Groceries and Still Buy Healthy Food here.

  2. Imperfect Produce- Save money on fruits and veggies, and help reduce global food waste.

  1. Plan your meals in advance

  1. Pack your lunch for work or going out for the day

  1. Cook with an Instant Pot (it’ll save you plenty of time too)

  1. Don’t grocery shop when you are hungry!

  1. Buy a local CSA share

  1. Grow your own herbs and lettucein a container garden

  1. Become a better cook and eat at home more often

  1. Plant a garden

  1. Brew your own beer and wine(plus, it's fun!)

2. Grow Your Savings Account

  1. Save your spare change automatically with Acorns. (You'll get $5 free when you sign up.) You can read my full review of Acorns here.
  2. Rent your stuff out on Fat Llama, and consider renting from others as well (instead of buying)
  1. Use Personal Capital to track your spending, net worth, and investment accounts.
  1. Cancel your unused memberships and subscriptions
  1. Use Mint to create and track your budgets and monthly spending.
  1. Buy a Moka pot and make your own delicious coffee
  1. Start a blogging side hustle and invest the income
  1. Check your credit score for free and try to improve it.

3. Save on Retail Shopping

  1. UseEbates to get cash back on purchases you make from companies like Amazon and Macy’s.Read my personal review of Ebates here.
  2. Buy new clothes ahead of time in the off season. (Winter clothes in July, summer clothes in February)
  3. Check out your local Buy Nothing group to save money on, well, everything!
  4. Read my best tips for saving money on baby here!
  1. Shop consignment stores for staple pieces like leather jackets and quality dresses.
  2. The Honey app (free) is a browser extension that automatically tries discount codes at checkout
  1. Buy high quality shoes- you’ll spend less in the long run!
  1. Do a no spend month.
  1. Buy your Christmas decor after the holidays and save it for next year.(Same goes for the other holidays too!)

4. Save On Your Home

  1. Install a clothesline in your laundry room
  1. Make your own cleaning supplies
  1. Choose to live in a smaller home
  1. Get a roommate, or rent your spare room on Airbnb
  1. Compost as much of your waste as possible.
  1. Adopt your pets from the local shelter.

5. Travel on the Cheap

  1. Stay in an Airbnb instead of a hotel and save hundreds on your trip.
  1. Take Uber instead of taxis and save 50% or more.
  1. Get free flights for travel with travel rewards cards
  1. Rent out your home on Airbnb while you are traveling to recoup your costs
  1. Picnic in the park with a fresh baguette, fruit, and some good cheese instead of going to a restaurant.

6. Everyday Savings

  1. Go out for coffee instead of dinner with friends.
  1. Do your own gel nails at home.
  1. Picnic in the park instead of going to a restaurant.
  1. Stop smoking and reduce how much alcohol you buy.
  1. ReadYou Are A Badass At Making Moneyby JenSincero
  1. Drive a more affordable car.
  1. Shop garage and estate sales.
  1. Drive less, and find more ways to walk and bike more often.
  2. Read Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin & Joe Dominguez
  1. Use the library every month. (Many of them offer free museum passes and fun classes!)
  1. Unplug your appliances when not in use.
  1. Use Groupon for activities, meals out, and spa services.
  1. Check out my complete FI Roadmap below to get you on the path to financial freedom!

Epic List of Money Saving Tips I Love - AmintaDemadura.com (3)

How to Never Have to Work Again (Yes, Really)

TheFinancial Independence Road Map will show you how to use your business to drive simple investments and never have to work again.

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Epic List of Money Saving Tips I Love - AmintaDemadura.com (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.