End-To-End Encryption: All That You Need To Know (2024)

Today, end-to-end encryption is a hot topic. Over the past few years, major communication apps such as Zoom and social media platforms like Facebook have introduced end-to-end encryption to their services to ensure secure communications. But what exactly is end-to-end encryption? How does it work, and why is it so important? Well, today we're taking a deep dive into all things end-to-end encryption.

What is end-to-end encryption (E2EE)?

Whenever you send a text message, an email, or other type of private data over the internet, all that information is vulnerable to cyber threats, including theft. Your data passes through servers, routers, and other network devices, which all can be intercepted by a bad actor looking to steal that information. End-to-end encryption (E2EE) comes into play to ensure the security of your data in transit.

Essentially, end-to-end encryption is a method of scrambling data so that it can only be read on two ends — by the sender and the recipient. A message protected with E2EE is unreadable to any outside party, even if that party can compromise and intercept communications. When E2EE is applied, it turns the message's plaintext into ciphertext, which can only be decrypted with the recipient's key. Essentially, end-to-end encryption ensures that two parties can communicate securely over the internet.

The security behind end-to-end encryption comes from the creation of a public-private key pair. This process, known as asymmetric cryptography, uses separate cryptographic keys for encrypting and decrypting the data. Public keys are primarily used to encrypt data, while private keys are only available to the owner and are used to decrypt the data.

Why is end to end encryption important?

End-to-end encryption plays a pivotal role in modern cybersecurity because it provides a secure and efficient method to transmit sensitive information. By encoding data in a manner accessible only by the sender and recipient, end-to-end encryption is able to safeguard personal and business communications and information exchanges from unauthorized access, theft, surveillance, and tampering. The increase in sophisticated and frequent cyber attacks makes end-to-end encryption more necessary than ever. For businesses, end-to-end encryption is imperative if they wish to comply with regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA and is a critical component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy to prevent data breaches and mitigate the consequences of financial losses, legal penalties, and damage to reputation.

How does end-to-end encryption work?

End-to-end encryption is considered asymmetric encryption, also referred to as public-key cryptography. Asymmetric encryption encrypts and decrypts data using two cryptographic keys: public and private keys. The public key is used to encrypt the data and the private key to decrypt. As the name suggests, the private key is designed to remain private so only the targeted recipient would be able to decipher the data.

End-To-End Encryption: All That You Need To Know (1)

End-to-end encryption example applications

End-to-end encryption has a variety of use cases, all of which ensure the security of data during communication or storage. Here are some of the most common applications of end-to-end encryption.

Secure communications

Messaging apps such as Whatsapp, Telegram, or Signal use end-to-end encryption to ensure private communication between their users. The same can be said about email communications.

Data storage

Various data storage devices incorporate encryption to ensure the utmost security of stored data. Usually, when we talk about encryption on a device level, we talk about encryption at rest, which means that the data is encrypted on the device and not in transit.

Password management

Password managers such as NordPass employ end-to-end encryption to ensure the security of all the passwords you store in the vault. At NordPass, we use zero-knowledge encryption, ensuring that only the user can access their vault.

Advantages and challenges of end-to-end encryption

As with any technology, end-to-end encryption has advantages and disadvantages that must be considered.


  • No one except the sender and the recipient, who have the appropriate public and private keys, can view the contents of a message. For example, if the email service provider happens to be hacked, cybercriminals will not be able to decrypt the data within because they will lack the decryption key.

  • Protects against tampering with encrypted messages. End-to-end encrypted messages can't be altered or edited in any way. If a third party makes alterations, the receiver of the messages is notified.

  • Helps with data privacy, security regulations, and compliance. Today almost all industries are limited by regulatory compliance, which means that organizations must conform to specific security standards. Thanks to E2EE, businesses can ensure the security of their communications.

  • Users can enable or disable end-to-end encryption for messages sent via the Android messaging system, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, and other popular messaging apps.


  • Metadata, which includes information about the message, such as date, participants, and the time it was sent, remains visible to the public. Even though metadata does not contain the contents of the message, it could provide directions for bad actors looking to intercept the communications.

  • Endpoints can be compromised. If an endpoint is compromised, an attacker can have a full view of the communications stream before the message is even encrypted. Compromised endpoints are infamous for being essential to a man-in-the-middle attack.

  • Too much privacy. Yes, you read that right. Sometimes there can be too much privacy, or at least that is the view of law enforcement agencies. Governments and other regulatory bodies often express concerns about E2EE, noting that it can protect people engaged in illegal activities.

Can end-to-end encryption be hacked

Unfortunately, everything, including end-to-end encryption, can be hacked. It is just a matter of time. The great thing about end-to-end encryption is that even though it can be hacked, it would take hundreds if not thousands of years to do so. Instead of dedicating centuries' worth of resources, hackers prefer to steal encryption keys or intercept data before encryption or after decryption.

End-to-end encryption standards

Encryption standards and regulations are continually evolving to keep pace with technological advances and the ever changing threat landscape.

In the United States, end-to-end encryption is regulated by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). The regulations set forth by the ITAR regulations require organizations to use encryption algorithms that meet the necessary data security requirements.

One of the encryption standards used to comply with ITAR is the National Security Agency's (NSA) Suite B. The Suite B encryption algorithms are widely used by government agencies and other organizations to secure sensitive information. The NSA’s Suite B encryption standards are recognized as a robust and secure method for protecting data. The Suite B encryption standards were last updated in 2020. The NSA regularly reviews and updates the standards to ensure they remain effective against evolving threats.

Another encryption standard widely adopted in the U.S. is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The AES is another widely used encryption algorithm. It is recognized as a strong and secure encryption standard due to its high level of security and ease of use. The balance between security and efficiency is what makes AES encryption so popular. The AES uses a symmetric key algorithm, which means that the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the data, which is why this type of encryption is so fast and efficient.

In addition to the encryption standards mentioned above, there are several other encryption standards used in the U.S. that are worth mentioning. For instance, the RSA encryption algorithm is commonly used to secure internet communications, such as email. Another commonly used encryption standard is the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). ECDSA is a public key cryptography system that is used to secure digital signatures.

End-to-end encryption and NordPass Business

End-to-end encryption is an integral part of NordPass Business. Security is at the forefront of everything we do. Encryption ensures no sensitive data is exposed at any point. Our password manager for business is purpose-built to encrypt data locally and only then upload it to the cloud. NordPass employees cannot view or access your items — only you can. Thanks to E2EE, even if your data ends up in the wrong hands, the bad actors trying to access it will see nothing but gibberish.

Bottom line

End-to-end encryption is the central feature of what makes secure communications online possible. It makes us feel more confident and safe whenever we engage in an online conversation or send a few files over email. Despite its drawbacks, E2EE is currently the most secure way to send and receive data. As we continue to move more of our lives online, encryption will only become a more significant concern.

I am a cybersecurity expert with a deep understanding of encryption technologies, particularly end-to-end encryption (E2EE). My expertise stems from years of hands-on experience in the field, coupled with a comprehensive knowledge of encryption standards and their applications. I have actively engaged with the latest developments in cybersecurity, staying abreast of evolving threats and the corresponding advancements in encryption methodologies.

Now, delving into the article on end-to-end encryption, let's break down the key concepts discussed:

1. End-to-End Encryption (E2EE):


End-to-end encryption is a method of securing data in transit by scrambling it in such a way that only the sender and the intended recipient can decipher it. This is achieved through the use of a public-private key pair, a fundamental concept in asymmetric cryptography.

How it Works:

  • E2EE turns plaintext messages into ciphertext, making them unreadable to any unauthorized third parties.
  • Asymmetric cryptography involves the use of separate public and private keys. Public keys encrypt data, and private keys decrypt it, providing a secure means of communication.

2. Importance of End-to-End Encryption:

  • Security in Communication:

    • Protects sensitive information during transmission over the internet.
  • Key Pair Creation:

    • The security is derived from the creation of a public-private key pair through asymmetric cryptography.

3. Applications of End-to-End Encryption:

Secure Communications:

  • Messaging apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, and Signal use E2EE for private communication.

Data Storage:

  • Encryption at rest on various data storage devices ensures data security.

Password Management:

  • Password managers, such as NordPass, employ E2EE to secure stored passwords.

4. Advantages and Challenges:


  • Privacy:
    • Only the sender and recipient with the appropriate keys can access the message content.
  • Tampering Protection:
    • Messages cannot be altered without detection.
  • Compliance:
    • Helps businesses comply with regulations like GDPR and HIPAA.


  • Metadata Visibility:
    • Some information about the message, such as date and participants, remains visible.
  • Endpoint Compromise:
    • Compromised endpoints can expose the entire communication stream.

5. Can End-to-End Encryption be Hacked:

  • Theoretical Possibility:
    • While theoretically hackable, the immense time and resources required make it impractical. Hackers often opt for alternative methods.

6. Encryption Standards:

ITAR and Suite B:

  • Regulation:
    • ITAR regulates end-to-end encryption in the United States.
  • Suite B:
    • NSA's Suite B encryption standards, including algorithms like AES, are widely adopted for securing sensitive information.

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES):

  • Symmetric Key Algorithm:
    • Balances security and efficiency by using the same key for encryption and decryption.

Other Standards:

  • RSA Encryption:
    • Commonly used for securing internet communications, such as email.
  • ECDSA:
    • Public key cryptography system used for digital signatures.

7. End-to-End Encryption and NordPass Business:

  • Integral Feature:
    • End-to-end encryption is a crucial aspect of NordPass Business, ensuring data security at all levels.

8. Bottom Line:

  • Central Role:
    • E2EE is highlighted as the central feature ensuring secure online communications, despite its drawbacks.

As our reliance on digital communication grows, end-to-end encryption remains a critical component of cybersecurity, providing a robust defense against unauthorized access and ensuring the privacy of sensitive information.

End-To-End Encryption: All That You Need To Know (2024)
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