Enable secure privileged access management (2024)

  • Protect privileged users and accounts against phishing attacks and account takeovers

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    Zero account takeovers with the YubiKey

    Enable secure privileged access management (1)

    Privileged usersare the most highly targeted users by cyber attackers as these users hold higher ‘privileges’ to critical and sensitive applications and data. These could be IT, security, network and database admins, as well as C-suite, HR, finance and marketing employees.

    Securing privileged users across both IT and business with legacy authentication such as usernames and passwords or mobile-based authenticators, can put your organization at risk of being hacked. Usernames and passwords are easily hacked and while multi-factor authentication (MFA) can be a strong first-line of defense against phishing, account takeovers, and ransomware attacks, not all forms of MFA are created equal. SMS, OTP codes, and push notifications are highly susceptible to modern phishing attacks, malware, SIM swaps, and attacker-in-the-middle attacks.

    Yubico offers the phishing-resistant YubiKey for highest-assurance multi-factor and passwordless authentication. YubiKeys stop phishing attacks and account takeovers 100% and are simple to deploy and use. They also help reduce IT help desk costs related to password resets by 75%.

    Whether your privileged users are on-site, hybrid or remote, Yubico makes it easy to get keys directly into the hands of your users with YubiEnterprise Delivery, a cloud-based service that streamlines the distribution of YubiKeys to end-users, serving both domestic and international locations including residential addresses.

    BeyondTrust enforces Zero Trust for privileged accounts using YubiKeys

    “Attacks are becoming privileged-based, identity-based and pretty much every report reinforces that identity is the real number one problem. As a security company, we have to practice what we preach, use all of our own products, and have very strict controls on any type of privileged access within our environment. Once the YubiKey started to be adopted, it became a very strong case for the right way to do things to protect the organization.”

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    Enable secure privileged access management (4)


    The critical strong authentication need for privileged users

    Read the Yubico white paper to learn who really is a privileged user, and industry best practices to secure your privileged users against phishing attacks and account takeovers.

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    Benefits from the phishing-resistant YubiKey

    Enable secure privileged access management (5)
    Modern, hardware-backed phishing-resistant security

    Any software downloaded on a computer or phone is vulnerable to malware and hackers and legacy authentication such as usernames and passwords, and mobile-based authenticators rely on centralized servers with stored credentials that can be easily breached.
    With the modern, phishing-resistant YubiKey, security is enhanced using strong hardware-based public key cryptography, similar to smart cards PKI technology. Private keys are securely stored on a separate secure chip on the YubiKey that cannot be exfiltrated. Additionally, the touch sensor on the YubiKey verifies that the user is a real human and the authentication is done with real intent, and is not triggered remotely by an attacker or trojan.

    Enable secure privileged access management (6)
    Exceptional user experience drives high productivity

    Not all forms of MFA offer the optimal balance of strong security with a fast and easy user experience that enables high productivity. Mobile authenticators typically increase the number of steps in the authentication process, requiring users to wait for SMS, OTP or push app codes.
    The YubiKey offers strong MFA and passwordless authentication with just one touch or tap of the YubiKey, and is 4 times faster than typing in an OTP, ensuring that your users can quickly access the services they need even without requiring a battery or a network connection—driving high productivity anytime and anyplace.

    Enable secure privileged access management (7)
    Easy to deploy and use

    YubiKeys integrate seamlessly with existing identity and access management (IAM), identity provider (IDP) solutions, and privileged access management (PAM) solutions such as Microsoft, Okta, DUO, Ping, CyberArk, Axiad, Google, and work out-of-the-box with over 1,000 applications and services, making it easy to to get started.The YubiKeys‘ multi-protocol support for FIDO2, FIDO U2F, Smart Card, OTP and OpenPGP, ensures a seamless, single solution for both legacy and modern IT environments, as well as a bridge to a passwordless future.

    Enable secure privileged access management (8)
    Reduce IT support costs and drive high ROI

    The combination of frictionless user experience, data breach prevention, mobile device and service cost savings, and the YubiKeys versatility with multi-protocol support results in high ROI. YubiKeys also enable self-service password resets, eliminating IT support costs related to help desk password-reset requests.

    Yubico solutions, and flexible YubiKey procurement and deployment options through YubiEnterprise Subscription, you can experience an estimated 203% ROI over three years and, a reduction of password-related helpdesk support tickets by 75% by year 3.

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    Enable secure privileged access management (9)

    Fluidra enhances its global workforce security with YubiKeys

    “Return on investment in cybersecurity is a very complicated matter, but I would say the return is very good. We have a token that ensures maximum security for access to certain systems. That was the goal: we achieved it, easily and painlessly. And the product works very well.”

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    Enable secure privileged access management (11)


    Learn why securing users and accounts with phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a critical need across the industry.

    Enable secure privileged access management (12)


    Read the Forrester Consulting study commissioned by Yubico and see how a composite organization reduced risk by 99.9%, saw a drop in password-related tickets by 75%, and experienced a 203% 3-year ROI with YubiKeys.

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Enable secure privileged access management (2024)


How does a Pam solution work? ›

PAM software and tools work by gathering the credentials of privileged accounts, also known as system administrator accounts, into a secure repository to isolate their use and log their activity. The separation is intended to lower the risk of admin credentials being stolen or misused.

Does Microsoft offer a Pam solution? ›

Robust session management is a PAM security tool that lets you see what privileged users (people in your organization who have root access to systems and devices) are doing once they are logged in. The resulting audit trails alert you to accidental or deliberate misuse of privileged access.

What is privileged access management for dummies? ›

Understanding Privileged Access Management

In the cybersecurity arena, privileged users wield administrative might, holding the keys to critical systems. These individuals have the authority to configure systems, install software, alter user accounts, and access secure data.

What is the privileged access management feature? ›

PAM refers to a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy – comprising people, processes and technology – to control, monitor, secure and audit all human and non-human privileged identities and activities across an enterprise IT environment.

How do I choose a Pam solution? ›

The key features to look for in a modern PAM solution include zero-trust security, cloud-based infrastructure, integration with native tools and easy deployment. Continue reading to learn more about PAM solutions, why your organization needs one and what key features to look for when selecting a PAM solution.

Is Okta a Pam solution? ›

With our PAM solution, we make this a reality. The Okta platform securely stores and manages identities while providing critical capabilities like auditing and reporting. Okta's unification strategy allows our products to work together to help customers achieve their security goals more efficiently and effectively.

Is Active Directory considered PAM? ›

When we talk about privileged access management (PAM) for Windows Active Directory, we often mean protecting the most privileged of types of Active Directory accounts: Windows local administrator accounts, domain admin accounts, Active Directory service accounts, and any account with authority over a major part of the ...

What is the difference between MFA and Pam? ›

How do MFA & PAM Overlap? MFA is the first layer of security and PAM is the second. Users will connect to a PAM solution using their MFA credentials. These two solutions work together by first authenticating the user and then providing the privileged access the user was seeking.

What is the difference between Active Directory and Pam? ›

Active Directory RBAC is a method of access control that assigns permissions based on roles or groups rather than individual users. Traditional PAM is a set of tools and processes that manage, monitor, and audit the use of privileged accounts and credentials.

What is the risk of privileged access management? ›

When a privileged user shares their credentials with another user, however well-trusted, it puts the account and the enterprise at risk. If users share credentials for even a few designated privileged accounts, it can lead to a massive data breach with lasting effects.

How do I enable privileged identity management in Azure? ›

Activate PIM roles using the Azure mobile app

Open the Azure mobile app and sign in. Click on the 'Privileged Identity Management' card and select My Azure Resource roles to view your eligible and active role assignments. Select the role assignment and click on Action > Activate under the role assignment details.

What is the Pam feature in Active Directory? ›

PAM separates privileged accounts from an existing Active Directory environment. When a privileged account needs to be used, it first needs to be requested, and then approved.

How do I set privileges in Windows? ›

Navigate to the "Security" tab. Click on the "Edit" button to change permissions. In the permissions window, select a user or group from the list. Then, check or uncheck the boxes in the "Permissions for [username]" section to grant or deny specific permissions (like "Read", "Write", etc.).

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.