ELI5: What is Gnosis? (2024)

TL;DR: Gnosis is a decentralized exchange that pools limit orders of different tokens, pays “solvers” to suggest how those orders should be settled (every 5 minutes), and finally executes the most cost-efficient settlement suggestions on-chain.

ELI5: What is Gnosis? (1)

Pooling limit orders:

A user creates limit orders for different tokens they wish to trade. For example, Alice can specify she is willing to sell X $SNX for at least Y $LINK.

ELI5: What is Gnosis? (2)

Solver suggestions:

Solvers try to find the most optimal way to match limit orders within a batch. The most optimal way means delivering the best possible trading prices and settling as much trade volume as possible.

ELI5: What is Gnosis? (3)

Trade execution:

The protocol executes the best solver suggestion and pays trading fees to the solver and GNO tokenholders. In Gnosis, traditional immediate trade execution is replaced by batched auctions, where trades are settled after a delay period.

ELI5: What is Gnosis? (4)

What’s unique about Gnosis?

Gnosis is designed to improve the liquidity of the long-tail of tokens and is optimized for larger trade sizes (compared to AMMs like Uniswap).

Gnosis vs. Uniswap?

Gnosis uses shared liquidity instead of having liquidity pools for specific token pairs (the Uniswap model).

Each asset in a Gnosis batch has a single price, whereas assets in Uniswap liquidity pools can have different prices in the same block.

Gnosis features:

  • Anyone can list tokens and build integrations.
  • Open competition among solvers (no central operator).
  • Ring trades → pooled and optimized settlement.
  • Transaction batching → limit price guarantee and no frontrunning.
  • Fees included in limit prices.

UIs built on top of Gnosis?

Mesa, the 1st trading interface built on top of Gnosis, supports trading and simple market making for stablecoins. Users can market make with minimal effort, add liquidity, and earn a competitive yield on their assets.

ELI5: What is Gnosis? (5)

How does Gnosis make $$$?

The protocol has a built-in fee of 0.1% for each trade.

The fee is split evenly between the solvers and GNO tokenholders, which means that GNO tokenholders benefit from increased volume.

How is the protocol governed?

The protocol is decentralized and permissionless. It cannot be upgraded (no admin keys and governance) and will run for as long as Ethereum is around.

Token Terminal provides financial and business metrics on crypto protocols — metrics we’re used to seeing applied to traditional companies, e.g the P/E ratio. Crypto protocols operate like traditional businesses, only they do it directly on the Internet.

For more, check out Token Terminal’s website and Twitter.

ELI5: What is Gnosis? (2024)


What is that means of gnosis? ›

gnosis in American English

(ˈnousɪs) noun. knowledge of spiritual matters; mystical knowledge.

What does gnosis mean in the Bible? ›

The Church Fathers used the word gnosis (knowledge) to mean spiritual knowledge or specific knowledge of the divine.

Does gnosis mean knowledge? ›

knowledge of spiritual matters; mystical knowledge.

Who created gnosis? ›

Who are the founders of Gnosis? Gnosis was founded by Martin Koeppelmann and Stefan George. The Gnosis prediction market platform was one of the first projects backed by the Ethereum-focused incubator, ConsenSys. Stefan George had also developed a Bitcoin production market Fairplay.com before developing Gnosis.

What are examples of gnosis? ›

Gnosis itself refers especially to spiritual knowledge. Other examples are stereognosis, the ability to perceive the form of solid objects by touch, and telegnosis, the psychic perception of events happening at a distance.

What is the mindset of gnosis? ›

In chaos magic, gnosis or the gnostic state refers to an altered state of consciousness in which a person's mind is focused on only one point, thought, or goal and all other thoughts are thrust out.

Why is the gnosis important? ›

The Gnosis is an Archon or a god's link to Celestia. It's a borrowed item from up above that allows the Archons to tap into Celestia's power. It's practically their symbol and their token of power. Needless to say, it accounts for more than half of their godly powers.

Does the gnosis give power? ›

In light of this information, fans can reasonably consider that a Gnosis in Genshin Impact does not simply provide an Archon with “a foci” to channel the element, as they previously had the Vision for it. But instead, the Gnosis strengthens that very power and perhaps grants the corresponding Archon a firm “Ideal.”

Was Jesus a Gnostic? ›

Jesus is identified by some Gnostics as an embodiment of the supreme being who became incarnate to bring gnōsis to the earth, while others adamantly denied that the supreme being came in the flesh, claiming Jesus to be merely a human who attained enlightenment through gnosis and taught his disciples to do the same.

What do Gnostics believe about God? ›

Therefore, although Gnostics, like other Christians, find salvation through the messages of Jesus, Gnostics seek salvation not from sin but from "the ignorance of which sin is a consequence." The gnostics believe that the evil creator God and his angels cause this ignorance.

How do you bridge to Gnosis? ›

To switch between Ethereum Mainnet and Gnosis:

Click on the "Bridge" tab, and select "xDAI Bridge": This will take you to the Gnosis Chain Bridge, where you can connect your wallet and "deposit/withdraw" tokens to and from the Optimism network.

Is Gnosis a root? ›

Gnosis is a Greek word that means “knowledge.” It comes from the Indo-European root gno from which the English word “knowledge” is derived.

Who do Gnostics believe God is? ›

Monad. In many Gnostic systems, God is known as the Monad, the One. God is the high source of the pleroma, the region of light. The various emanations of God are called æons.

What happens when a gnosis is taken? ›

A Gnosis (Chinese: 神之心 Shén Zhī Xīn, "Heart of God", plural Gnoses) is an item used by The Seven to directly tap into energy from Celestia, and is proof of their status as an elemental Archon.

What is the function of gnosis? ›

What is gnosis? Gnosis is the ability of the brain to recognize previously learned information such as objects, persons, or places collected from our senses. Thus, there are different types of gnosis, one for each sensory modality, and gnosis which combine different sensory modalities.

What are the three basic beliefs of Gnosticism? ›

In general, Gnostics taught cosmological dualism, strict asceticism, repudiation of material creation as evil, docetism, and the existence of the divine spark in humans.

Who was the first God in Gnosticism? ›

In some gnostic systems, the Supreme Being is known as the Monad, the One, the Absolute, Aiōn Teleos (the Perfect Aeon, αἰών τέλεος), Bythos (Depth or Profundity, Βυθός), Proarchē (Before the Beginning, προαρχή), Hē Archē (The Beginning, ἡ ἀρχή), the Ineffable Parent, and/or the primal Father.

What are the four Gnostic religions? ›

For now, the four groups I am talking about are the Ecclesia Gnostica, the Apostolic Johannite Church, the Ordo Templi Orientis and the Gnostic Movement of Samael Aun Weor.

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.