Eight Easy Ways To Save Money On Car Repairs Right Now (2024)


Eight Easy Ways To Save Money On Car Repairs Right Now (1)I hate taking my car to the mechanic to get repairs. I always worry that I’m going to be overcharged for the repairs needed to fix my car.

I have to admit that I am not mechanically inclined in the least little bit. My best friend and I tried to change my oil one time in high school, and we quickly gave up after accidentally dumping several quarts of oil on his parents’ driveway.

Even if you are not knowledgeable about taking your car to the mechanic, there are several ways that you can save money on car repairs. If you educate yourself a little bit about the process and different ways to save money on car repairs, then you will feel better about taking your car to the mechanic and confident that you save money on car maintenance.

Eight Ways To Save Money On Car Repairs

1.Shop Around For Repairs – If you are faced with an expensive repair, it may help you save money on car repairs if you shop around. Most people do not think to get multiple estimates for car repairs, but there is a reason that the government requires three different bids in most cases before they award a contract. You are more likely to receive a more accurate quote on the price of your repair if you shop around and receive multiple quotes for the repairs.

2. Skip Unnecessary Maintenance – You do not need to change your oil every 3,000 miles. That is the old rule of thumb that no longer applies to most modern cars thanks to technological advances that have been made. Many synthetic motor oils can last for a year or more between oil changes Delaying unnecessary maintenance as excessive oil changes save you money will save you money on car repairs.

3. Consider Preventative Maintenance – You have heard time and time again that you can save money on gas by changing the way that you drive. The same is true for maintenance as well. Preventative maintenance can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Do you keep up with all of the recommended maintenance on your car? While it may seem like a hassle, it can save you money in costly big repairs. Changing your oil regularly is the best way to prevent catastrophic damage to your car’s engine.

4. Ask For Referrals – You wouldn’t pick your doctor or a lawyer by thumbing through the Yellow Pages, and you shouldn’t pick your car mechanic that way either. The best way to find a great mechanic and to save money on car repairs is to get a referral.

Which repair shop do your friends use? That is a great way to find a good one you can trust. You can also find reviews of repair shops on websites like YelpEight Easy Ways To Save Money On Car Repairs Right Now (2). Or, you can always poll your Twitter followers or your friends on Facebook too.

5. Get Your Own Code Reader – Have you ever wondered what the error code displayed in your car means? If you had your own error code reader, you would know exactly what was causing your check engine light to come on. If you already know what is wrong with your car when you take it to the mechanic, you can head off any needless repairs before they even start.

6.Surf The Web For Tools – There are a lot of great tools and websites out there to help you learn the cost of certain repairs. Wise Bread has a great list of six tools to save you money on car repairs.

They list some great websites like RepairPal, DriverSide, and AllDataDIY that can help you become more familiar with car repairs, what to expect, what they cost, and other information. The more information that you know will help you feel more comfortable in the repair shop and help you save money on car repairs.

7. Find Your Own Parts – One way to save money on car repairs is to purchase your own parts. This will essentially cut out the dealership or mechanic who is acting as a middle man. There are many websites and even stores like Autozonewhere you can find cheaper car parts than purchasing them at a dealership or service department. Many mechanics do not advertise the fact that you can purchase your own parts and bring them to install.

Another great option for people with a little mechanical skill is to head to your local junkyard to find your own parts there for a fraction of the cost of a new part. To save the most money on your car parts there bring your own tools to pull the parts from cars in the salvage yard. Do It Yourself and Save at AutoZoneEight Easy Ways To Save Money On Car Repairs Right Now (3)

8. Do you know a mechanic? Do you know someone who is the classic shady tree mechanic? You might find a great deal to save money on car repairs by offering a local mechanic a little bit of side work. Like with referrals, you may be able to find someone who knows someone who is looking for a little extra income. This can be a great opportunity for you and the mechanic.

What about you? How do you save money on car repairs? Did I miss any good tips? Leave a comment below and let us know.

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Eight Easy Ways To Save Money On Car Repairs Right Now (2024)


How to save money at the mechanic shop? ›

  1. Get multiple estimates.
  2. Ask for a labor estimate and cost.
  3. Provide your own parts.
  4. Consider independent and franchise shops.
  5. Get repairs done quickly.
  6. See if your insurance offers discounts.
  7. Become a regular.
  8. Spend now to save later.
Feb 5, 2024

How can I avoid expensive car repairs? ›

When you change your oil regularly, it will not only give your engine a longer life but save you money in the future. Regular oil changes help your car avoid dirty oil buildup and other issues that lead to costly repairs down the line. Always check your owner's manual to know how often you should change your oil.

What is the easiest thing to fix on a car? ›

Simple replacements, like windshield wiper blades, don't require any tools whatsoever, but for others, such as air filters, you may need basic tools, like a screwdriver. Some parts are easy to replace, but hard to access. Lightbulbs, batteries, and spark plugs are all quick to replace once you can get to them.

How can I save money on my car fast? ›

Save for a car by following these seven steps.
  1. Decide to Lease or Purchase. ...
  2. Calculate What You Can Afford. ...
  3. Factor in Other Car Expenses. ...
  4. Set a Monthly Savings Goal. ...
  5. Adjust Your Household Budget. ...
  6. Open a Savings Account and Automate Savings Transfers. ...
  7. Consider a Side Hustle. ...
  8. Improve Your Credit Score.
May 25, 2023

Is it OK to negotiate with a mechanic? ›

Negotiating Your Repairs

Never shy away from discussing your concerns with your mechanic or service center. Open a conversation about potential discounts or any promotional offers that might be running. Some service centers even provide flexible payment plans to help spread out the cost.

Why is mechanics so expensive? ›

Labor Costs

Diagnostic Labor – This requires significantly more training than a repair laborer, as well as different tools, both of which require training and exact a significant expense. Repair Labor – This requires a significant amount of training and experience, which master technicians take many years to accrue.

At what point is it too expensive to repair a car? ›

The 'Too Expensive to Fix' Point: Generally, if the cost of a repair exceeds the value of the car, it's probably not worth it. Say your old car is worth about $3,000, and it needs a new transmission that's going to cost $4,000. In this case, you're better off not doing the repair.

What's the most expensive thing that can go wrong with a car? ›

Anything that involves repairing/replacing the engine or gearbox. If you are replacing either the engine or the gearbox is a lot of money, this are the most expensive components of your car. Even repair or diagnosis is really pricey due to the labor involved simply in dismounting them.

What is the hardest car part to fix? ›

Engine Replacement

Greatly considered to be the most difficult automotive repair, replacing an engine is incredibly expensive. In fact, this repair is so expensive that it is often more appropriate to purchase a new vehicle rather than pay for an engine replacement.

What part on a car takes the longest to fix? ›

Depending on what kind of auto repair you need, you should expect your vehicle to be down for anywhere between 2 days and a few weeks. Significant repairs such as engine replacement, transmission, and head gaskets seem to take the longest.

What car brand do mechanics recommend? ›

The top choices for auto brands that are the most dependable, according to mechanics, are Honda and Toyota.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

Which car saves you the most money? ›

Smaller cars tend to be more fuel-efficient and hybrids can help you save even more on gas. If you do a lot of driving on the highway, a diesel car may be the best option for you. Diesels tend to get great mileage and have fewer emissions than gas cars.

How can I save money with low income? ›

  1. Focus on small changes in various budget categories.
  2. Automate your savings into a high-yield savings account.
  3. Earn interest on your checking account.
  4. Use those three-payday months to save more.
  5. Keep a budget.
  6. Shop around for insurance rates.
  7. Refinance your mortgage.
  8. Find a way to save on rent.
Oct 19, 2023

Should I shop around for a mechanic? ›

You can save money in the long run by doing the necessary research when shopping for a reputable and experienced auto repair shop in the area. You should always plan ahead for vehicle maintenance and repairs by finding a trusted auto repair shop before you actually need their services.

How do you shop around for a mechanic? ›

There's no single clue to what makes a good repair shop, but here are some things you should look for:
  1. Find a shop for your brand of car. ...
  2. Ask your family and friends. ...
  3. Search the Internet. ...
  4. Check for certification. ...
  5. Check the Better Business Bureau. ...
  6. Give the shop a tryout. ...
  7. Ask about warranties. ...
  8. Make sure the shop is convenient.
May 9, 2017

Is it cheaper to work on your own car? ›

If you decide to repair the car yourself, you can save substantially. It's also possible to save money on the cost of parts by shopping for a better deal. Most mechanics won't use used car parts for liability reasons, but you can decide to install used parts if you choose (just make sure they're in good working order).

How do I trust my mechanic? ›

Shop around and ask for recommendations from trusted friends. If a mechanic diagnoses your car and the report doesn't sound right, don't be afraid to get second or third opinions before you commit.

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