Early Stopping to avoid overfitting in neural network- Keras (2024)

A problem with training neural networks is in the choice of the number of training epochs to use. Too many epochs can lead to overfitting of the training dataset, whereas too few may result in an underfit model.

Early stopping is a method that allows you to specify an arbitrarily large number of training epochs and stop training once the model performance stops improving on the validation dataset.

This requires that a validation split should be provided to the fit() function and a EarlyStopping callback to specify performance measure on which performance will be monitored on validation split.

model.fit(train_X, train_y, validation_split=0.3,callbacks=EarlyStopping(monitor=’val_loss’))

That is all that is needed for the simplest form of early stopping. Training will stop when the chosen performance measure stops improving. To discover the training epoch on which training was stopped, the “verbose” argument can be set to 1. Once stopped, the callback will print the epoch number.

EarlyStopping(monitor=’val_loss’, verbose=1)

Often, the first sign of no improvement may not be the best time to stop training. This is because the model may get slightly worse before getting much better. We can account for this by adding a delay to the trigger in terms of the number of epochs on which we would like to see no improvement. This can be done by setting the “patience” argument.

EarlyStopping(monitor=’val_loss’, mode=’min’, verbose=1, patience=50)The exact amount of patience will vary between models and problems. there a rule of thumb to make it 10% of number of epoch.

Suppose: in our solution, we included EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=2) and we wanted to monitor the validation loss at each epoch and after the validation loss has not improved after two epochs, training is interrupted. However, since we set patience=2, we won’t get the best model, but the model two epochs after the best model.

So, An additional callback is required that will save the best model observed during training for later use. This is the ModelCheckpoint callback.

We can set the callback functions to early stop training and save the best model as follows:

The saved model can then be loaded and evaluated any time by calling the load_model() function.

from keras.models import load_model
saved_model = load_model('best_model.h5')
train_acc = saved_model.evaluate(trainX, trainy, verbose=0)
test_acc = saved_model.evaluate(testX, testy, verbose=0)
print('Train: %.3f, Test: %.3f' % (train_acc, test_acc))


Early Stopping to avoid overfitting in neural network- Keras (2024)


How early stopping reduces overfitting in neural networks? ›

Early stopping is a form of regularization, which is a technique that reduces the complexity of the model and prevents overfitting. Early stopping works by monitoring a metric, such as the validation error, during the training process and stopping the training when the metric stops improving or starts worsening.

How to reduce overfitting in neural network Keras? ›

These are the most common ways to prevent overfitting in neural networks: Get more training data. Reduce the complexity of the network. Add weight regularization.

What is the use of early stopping in Keras? ›

Early stopping is a regularization technique that stops training if, for example, the validation loss reaches a certain threshold. In TensorFlow 2, there are three ways to implement early stopping: Use a built-in Keras callback— tf. keras.

When to stop training to avoid overfitting? ›

Answer: You should stop the training when the validation loss starts to increase, indicating the onset of overfitting. Determining the optimal epoch to stop training and avoid overfitting depends on monitoring the model's performance on a validation dataset.

Is early stopping a good idea? ›

Early stopping provides several benefits in deep learning: 1. Prevents Overfitting: Halting training when the model's performance plateaus on the validation set avoids overfitting, ensuring better generalization to new data.

Is 100 epochs too much? ›

As a general rule, the optimal number of epochs is between 1 and 10 and should be achieved when the accuracy in deep learning stops improving. 100 seems excessive already.

Should dropout be before or after RELU? ›

Machine Learning FAQ

Typically, dropout is applied after the non-linear activation function (a). However, when using rectified linear units (ReLUs), it might make sense to apply dropout before the non-linear activation (b) for reasons of computational efficiency depending on the particular code implementation.

Why is early stopping used? ›

In machine learning, early stopping is a form of regularization used to avoid overfitting when training a learner with an iterative method, such as gradient descent. Such methods update the learner so as to make it better fit the training data with each iteration.

Will too many epochs cause overfitting? ›

Too few epochs may lead to underfitting, as the model hasn't seen enough of the data to learn complex patterns. On the other hand, too many epochs can lead to overfitting, where the model starts memorizing the training data instead of learning the underlying patterns.

Is early stopping accuracy or loss? ›

Answer: Early stopping is typically based on validation loss rather than accuracy. Early stopping based on validation loss is generally preferred over accuracy for several reasons: Generalization Performance: Validation loss is a more reliable indicator of the model's generalization performance than accuracy.

Can early stopping prevent overfitting? ›

Early stopping stands out as a practical and efficient way to prevent overfitting in machine learning models. By monitoring the model's performance and stopping the training at the right moment, it ensures the model remains general and effective on new, unseen data.

Which technique is used to avoid overfitting? ›

Regularization is a collection of training/optimization techniques that seek to reduce overfitting.

How to tell if a model is overfitting? ›

Here's how you can spot it: Validation set. Split your data into training and validation sets. If your model performs well on the training set but poorly on the validation set, it's likely overfitting.

How do dropouts prevent overfitting? ›

Dropout. It is another regularization technique that prevents neural networks from overfitting. Regularization methods like L1 and L2 reduce overfitting by modifying the cost function but on the contrary, the Dropout technique modifies the network itself to prevent the network from overfitting.

Which of the following is an effective way of reducing overfitting in neural networks? ›

In neural nets, regularization (e.g. L2, dropout) is commonly used to reduce overfitting.

When to stop training a neural network? ›

Stop Training When Generalization Error Increases

During training, the model is evaluated on a holdout validation dataset after each epoch. If the performance of the model on the validation dataset starts to degrade (e.g. loss begins to increase or accuracy begins to decrease), then the training process is stopped.

Is early stopping based on loss or accuracy? ›

Answer: Early stopping is typically based on validation loss rather than accuracy. Early stopping based on validation loss is generally preferred over accuracy for several reasons: Generalization Performance: Validation loss is a more reliable indicator of the model's generalization performance than accuracy.

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