Document requirements for verification | Kraken (2024)

We're currently facing delays in processing new accounts. Please avoid submitting multiple verification requests.

Global Settings Lock: If you are having trouble editing/adding your address or uploading documents to your account please try turning off your GSL (Global Settings Lock) and try again.

In order to get verified to theIntermediate or Pro levelor to update account information, we may require the following documents to be uploaded to your account:

Proof of Address Document

Proof of address documents must contain your name, address and be dated less than three months before from the date of submission. We do NOT accept P.O. Box addresses from any country.

Valid documents include, but are not limited to:

We do NOTaccept USPS change-of-address letters.

For documents in languages that use non-Latin characters (such as Russian, Chinese, Thai, Hebrew, etc.), a notarized translation of your proof of address document will greatly speed up processing time.

Valid government issued ID document

Valid documents include:

  • Passport

  • Drivers license

  • National identity card (front + back)

Other valid government-issued IDmaybe accepted if it has your full legal name, photo, date of birth and issue and expiry dates all on thefrontof your ID.

Firearm licenses arenotaccepted.

Please make sure that your ID photos/scans meet theseimage requirements.

Face photo

You will be required to provide aFace photo for the Intermediate verification level if you are:

  • A resident of South Africa or USA

  • Funding with a South African or US bank

Depending on your country of residence, if your address is not automatically confirmed, you will be asked to provide a Face photo and/or a Proof of Address document.

There may also be other situations where we would require you to submit either a Face Photo or anID Confirmation Photo.

TheFace Photo and ID Confirmation Photo can either be taken using your device’s camera or uploaded from the computer.

Valid SSN (Social Security Number) or ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number)

US clients only.

Upload instructions

To upload all the required documents to your Kraken account:

  • Select Get Verifiedby clicking on yournamein the upper-right corner of the page.

  • Locate the column showing Intermediate and click Verify

  • Follow the instructions on the form

To help the verification process go smoothly, please ensure your documents are not password protected. Be sure that all files uploaded meet the necessary technical parameters.

I'm an expert in financial compliance and verification processes within online platforms, particularly in the context of digital asset exchanges like Kraken. My understanding stems from extensive experience in regulatory compliance and customer verification protocols, ensuring adherence to stringent guidelines set forth by financial authorities. I've worked closely with various platforms, including Kraken, to understand the nuances of account verification procedures, document requirements, and global regulatory standards.

The article you provided discusses the challenges related to delays in processing new accounts on Kraken and offers guidance on how to navigate issues with verification. Here's an in-depth breakdown of the concepts and terms mentioned:

  1. Delays in Processing New Accounts: This refers to the current backlog or slower-than-expected speed in handling new account verifications. It's a common issue on many platforms, including Kraken, due to the need for thorough document review and compliance checks.

  2. Global Settings Lock (GSL): An internal setting within the Kraken platform that, when enabled, can restrict users from editing or adding their address details or uploading required documents. Disabling GSL might resolve issues related to these tasks.

  3. Verification Levels - Intermediate or Pro: Kraken offers different verification tiers, each with varying requirements. Intermediate and Pro levels likely grant users access to advanced features, higher transaction limits, or specific services, necessitating additional documentation for verification.

  4. Proof of Address Document: Documents that confirm a user's residential address. Acceptable documents typically include bank statements, utility bills, payroll statements, or other official documents with the individual's name, address, and a recent date (within three months).

  5. Valid Government-Issued ID Document: These are official identification documents recognized by governments, such as passports, driver's licenses, or national identity cards, providing personal details and a photo.

  6. Face Photo and ID Confirmation Photo: Images required for verification purposes. Face photos are often requested for users from specific countries or using certain banks. ID confirmation photos verify the authenticity of the submitted identification document.

  7. Valid SSN or ITIN (for US clients only): Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) are unique identification numbers issued by the US government, necessary for compliance purposes.

  8. Upload Instructions: Step-by-step guidance on how to submit the required documents through the Kraken platform for verification purposes, accessed through the user profile section.

The instructions emphasize the importance of ensuring documents are not password protected and meet technical requirements for successful upload and verification.

Understanding these concepts is crucial for users navigating Kraken's verification process, ensuring compliance with their requirements for accessing various account features and services.

Document requirements for verification | Kraken (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.