Do You Really Need That? 8 Items to Sell for Extra Cash (2024)

I recently sold an awkward picnic backpack I received as a wedding gift five years ago.

I only made $11, but it got me thinking… what else could I sell for cold, hard cash?

Initially, I didn’t think I had anything worth selling. Then I realized I might as well open an eBay store for the amount of stuff lurking in my house and garage.

Here are eight items I’m thinking of selling. If you have any of these lying around your house, why not use these apps to sell themand enjoy a little extra money?

1. Wedding Gifts You’ll Never Use

In pre-marital bliss, you couldn’t imagine life without a trifle bowl and cake stand.

Now, 11 years into your marriage, you’ve never used the trifle bowl (what are they even for?) and you haven’t baked a cake in a decade.

5 Companies That Send People Money When They’re Asked Nicely

When you log into your bank account, how do your savings look? Probably not as good as you’d like.

It always seems like an uphill battle to build (and keep) a decent amount in savings. But what if your car breaks down, or you have a sudden medical bill?

Ask one of these companies to help….

It’s time to sell those babies and buy a slice of cake with the profits.

2. Clothes That Don’t Fit

Someday you’re going to fit in those size 6 pre-pregnancy jeans, you think. Or maybe you worry you’ll pack on 10 pounds this holiday season drinking a gallon of Aunt Hilda’s egg nog and have to bust out your biggest jeans.

But do you really need to save 14 pairs of jeans you can’t wear now? Keep one size up and one size down, if you must, and sell the rest.

3. Sports Equipment You Don’t Use Regularly

Someday you really will get back to golf, skiing or belly dancing. But for now those clubs, skis and cymbals are just sitting in your garage, waiting for their new owners.

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4. Furniture That Doesn’t Work in Your New Space

You moved to a new place and your beloved Papasan chair from college doesn’t fit the space or the décor. Neither does the bookshelf, end table or corner lamp.

Unless you plan to move again soon, it’s time to say goodbye to ill-fitting furniture.

5. Seasonal Items You Don’t Enjoy

One day, you’ll bust out that Zoot suit Halloween costume and it’s going to be epic.

One day, you’ll ditch the real tree and set up that fake white one that lives in the attic.

One day, maybe your kids will have kids and you’ll get to use those Easter baskets again.

Unused seasonal items not only take up space but also cost you the cash that could be in your wallet. Sell them to someone who will put them to use.

6. Presents From Your Ex

You love that framed Beatles poster your ex-girlfriend gave you when you were 22, but now it doesn’t fit your wall — or your life.

Unless you plan to make that man cave a reality, it’s time to let go of lost love and sell that collectible on eBay. The same goes for jewelry, records and CDs.

You broke up for a reason, right? Stop looking at reminders.

7. Redundant Appliances

Do you really need an oven, a toaster oven, a toaster and a microwave? How often do you really use that rice cooker and electric wok? Why own the George Foreman if you have a grill right outside your patio door?

Appliances are convenient, but often waste precious counter space while you rarely use them. It’s time to turn those babies into moolah.

8. Big Toys

You bought a camper because you couldn’t wait to hit the mountains every weekend. This summer, you went camping once.

You had visions of riding that ATV with mud slinging behind the tires and your hair blowing in the wind. Instead, you stayed home and drank beer while having a Netflix marathon.

Instead of paying for licenses, insurance and storage, rent big toys once or twice a year when you actually need them.

Once you’ve determined what you should sell, consider the best place to market your items.

  • Facebook garage sale groups: If these are popular in your area, they’re a great way to sell a variety of items in different price ranges. One reader made more than $600!
  • Craigslist: The site is a great option for those bigger ticket items, like furniture and big toys.
  • eBay: The auction site is your go-to for collectable or hard-to-find items, especially those you can easily ship.
  • Garage sale: This good, old-fashioned option is a quick and easy way to sell lots of items in a single weekend.

Your Turn: What other items would you add to this list?

Eva Daniel is a radio producer and lives with her husband, two boys and puppy in Colorado Springs. She has a passion for saving money and loves to scrimp on clothes by shopping at thrift stores so that she can splurge on overpriced lattes.

5 Companies That Send People Money When They’re Asked Nicely

When you log into your bank account, how do your savings look? Probably not as good as you’d like. It always seems like an uphill battle to build (and keep) a decent amount in savings.

But what if your car breaks down, or you have a sudden medical bill?

Ask one of these companies to help….

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Do You Really Need That? 8 Items to Sell for Extra Cash (2024)


What is money you make when you sell something for a higher price than what you paid for? ›

Capital gain. The profit that comes from selling an investment for more than you paid for it.

How to make money on eBay without selling anything? ›

  1. Understanding eBay's Ecosystem.
  2. Affiliate Marketing with eBay Partner Network.
  3. Dropshipping – The Art of Selling Without Stock.
  4. Become an eBay Product Reviewer.
  5. Become an eBay Assistant Seller.
  6. Offer eBay Listing Services.
  7. Other Services or Consulting.
  8. The Pros & Cons: Is it Really Worth It?
Nov 24, 2023

What items sell quickly on eBay? ›

Video games and video consoles are among eBay's best selling products. Popular brands in this category are Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo and also generic brands. Best selling products on eBay in the Health & Beauty category are Vitamins & Dietary Supplements, Skincare products, perfume, hair straighteners and hair dryers.

What makes the most money on eBay? ›

If you're new to eBay and looking to make money, consider selling popular items that are in high demand. Electronics like smartphones, tablets, and gaming consoles are always sought after. Fashion items such as clothing, shoes, and accessories can also sell well.

Is it legal to resell items for more money? ›

If you legally own the item, you can legally resell. A rule of thumb to use is that if the item is unrestricted to buy, it's probably unrestricted to sell. You're also free to sell your items at whatever price you want. You can list them low or ludicrously high, it's your right as a seller.

How to sell something for a high price? ›

Ten Strategies to Sell at Higher Prices without Losing Customers
  1. Target consumers who have more money. ...
  2. Refuse to cheapen your product. ...
  3. Sell the problem, not the solution. ...
  4. Bundle them. ...
  5. Use bonuses and free gifts. ...
  6. Build a pre-sold audience. ...
  7. Write a book. ...
  8. Give choices.
Apr 27, 2022

How to make money on Amazon without selling anything? ›

Amazon Affiliate Program: Earning Through Recommendations

One of the most popular ways to earn money on Amazon without selling physical products is through the Amazon Affiliate Program, also known as Amazon Associates. This program allows you to make a commission by promoting and recommending products to your audience.

What is the secret to selling on eBay? ›

Try Different Options on Items That Don't Sell

Beyond relisting the item at a lower price, you can play with other options when you try to sell it again. If you've been selling it via an auction, then try a Buy It Now listing, or vice versa. Increase the price slightly or leave it the same but offer free shipping.

How much can you make on eBay without reporting? ›

Why do I need a Form 1099-K? For 2023, the IRS requires eBay and other online marketplaces to report total sales exceeding $20,000 and 200 transactions on Form 1099-K. Use the Form 1099-K that eBay sends to you when determining whether you have taxable income from the sale of goods.

What is it called when selling price greater than cost price? ›

If the selling price (S.P.) of an article is greater than the cost price (C.P.), the difference between the selling price and cost price is called profit.

What is it called when you sell something for more? ›

Cross-selling and upselling are similar in that they both focus on providing additional value to customers, instead of limiting them to already-encountered products. In both cases, the business objective is to increase order value inform customers about additional product options they may not already know about.

What is the money made when you sell a product called? ›

Revenue is the money a business earns by selling a product or service, and profit is the money your business keeps after accounting for all the expenses involved in generating that revenue.

What is it called when you make money from sales? ›

Revenue is the money generated from normal business operations, calculated as the average sales price times the number of units sold. It is the top line (or gross income) figure from which costs are subtracted to determine net income. Revenue is also known as sales on the income statement.

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.