Do you know your own insecurities? (2024)

Most people feel insecure at some point in their lives and some experience insecurity over extended periods of time, even life-long.

Feelings of insecurity bring chaos in ones life and with them a shift in perspective which leads to a decrease in quality of life and ability to experience happiness. In fact, feeling insecure affects all aspects of oneself: decision making, relationships, self-view, creativity, etc.

Feelings of insecurity keep one stuck in a number of never ending patterns (many of which are quite destructive) and most times, we dont even know it; after all who likes admitting to feeling insecure?

What makes insecurity hard to identify in oneself is a lack of clear understanding of what exactly falls under the insecurity umbrella; top that off with the ease of labeling others as insecure (think high school) and youre sure to remain confused. So what makes up feelings of insecurity?

Insecurity disguises itself in many forms making it hard to identify, especially in ourselves. Many times the more complex the disguises the more we understand the functionality of insecurity as a defense system meant to protect us.

Feelings of insecurity manifest themselves differently from one person to the next and can stem from a variety of sources such as childhood abuse, neglect, violence, failure, fears, etc.

Here are a few faces of insecurity


For some, insecurity manifests as an inability to receive constructive feedback. Negative or neutral feedback is perceived as a personal attack and so the victim is left with the only option of defending themselves (hence, becoming defensive).


Also a form of insecurity despite the fact that many people, even to this day, view jealousy as an expression of love. In reality, feelings of jealousy are meant to control the other person and typically stem from a lack of trust in oneself which invariably leads to a lack of trust in others.

People pleasing

Wanting to be liked by others at all costs and regardless of ones personal boundaries is also a manifestation of feelings of insecurity and typically stems from fears of rejection. This is particularly visible in cases where one will make efforts to be liked even by people they dont like. A side effect of people pleasing is the unwillingness to stand up for oneself or speak out, thus giving the other person the power to violate ones boundaries.

Emotional manipulation

Using ones emotions to get others to change their mind about something or change their believes and behaviors. This particular type of insecurity (like many others) can be unconscious (without realizing) or purposeful.

Incessant talking (typically about oneself)

This is a form of insecurity that pertains to people who do not feel heard. Talking is perceived as the surest way to maintain focus on themselves and to be noticed. A different type of talking that relates to insecurity is gossip. A person who feels insecure uses gossip and putting other people down as a way to make themselves look better in front of others and feel better about themselves.

Superior attitude.

This manifestation of insecurity is multi-pronged and includes other elements such as materialism, arrongance, and selfishness. In this context, people use expensive things, material possessions, achievements, and even relationships to help project an image of success (which contradicts to painful reality) or more to feel like they are better than the rest.

Unknown identity.

One of the deepest form of insecurity comes as a result of not knowing who we are and the reason why it is one of the deepest forms is because after all, identity is the foundation onto which everything else gets built. Because identity is such an abstract concept, identifying insecurities in this area all on your own can prove difficult, mostly because insecurities get confused and lumped up with personality traits.

For instance, doubt is a form of insecurity, yet many secure people feel doubt as well. Constantly doubting ones decisions and looking in the past with regret without learning from those lessons though is a form of pervasive doubt or insecurity.

Most of these forms of insecurity can be tough to recognize in oneself, although not impossible. Admitting to feeling insecure in itself is a huge first step that many choose to skip only to realize that without it, there is little room if any- for confrontation, acceptance, and growth. By no means is this process easy or pleasant, after all having to admit certain unpleasant truths when they used to be meant only for others can be quite the adjustment. Still, if you recognized yourself in any of these scenarios and if you can notice the ways in which youve been creating your own obstacles to success, taking a look and tackling your insecurities could very well be the answer to making a change.

Do you know your own insecurities? (2024)


How do you know your insecurities? ›

Signs of Insecurity
  1. Self-Isolation. Social insecurity can lead people to avoid social interactions, isolating themselves. ...
  2. Anxious or Avoidant Attachment Styles. Attachment insecurities often result in problematic attachment styles, or dysfunctional approaches to relationships. ...
  3. Poor Job Performance.
Dec 12, 2022

How to find your own insecurities? ›

How to Recognize Insecurities
  1. Observing Yourself.
  2. Surveying Others.
  3. Evaluating Relationships.

What is your insecurities in yourself? ›

Insecurities are the causes behind feelings of inadequacy or uncertainty about yourself. You can experience insecurity regarding any aspect of your life, whether that's physical appearance, relationships, financial stability, or professional skills. Self-esteem issues propel feelings of insecurity.

Do insecure people know they're insecure? ›

An insecure person subconsciously knows they are insecure. They can feel that a lot of personal work of some kind needs to be done and they feel this because they are so uncomfortable in most aspects of their lives, yet they don't know why.

Can people notice your insecurities? ›

You will be aware of your insecurities all the time, while most people won't even have the ability to recognise them. It takes an Empath to be aware of other people's problems and to respond accordingly. Find a way to remove your insecurities by dealing with them one at a time.

What triggers my insecurity? ›

Even people who are ordinarily confident may develop feelings of insecurity because someone made them doubt themselves. Jamea says this is common in cases of getting made fun of or being bullied—whether as a child or adult—or because of rejection, like after a breakup or not being included in an activity with friends.

How does an insecure person behave? ›

They are overly concerned about what others think of them. They never express a firm opinion. They suffer from a chronic inability to make decisions, even when the choices have little consequence. They frequently try to change the direction of projects and meetings.

Why am I so insecure about myself? ›

Low self-confidence, or insecurity, involves feeling inadequate or not good enough. Everyone experiences it from time to time, but it usually doesn't last forever. Insecurity can stem from a variety of factors. These include: childhood experiences, comparison to others, trauma, uncertainty, and discrimination.

What does God say about insecurity? ›

We can conquer insecurity the same way we do any temptation of the flesh. 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us that God will not allow us to “be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

How do I stop being insecure? ›

While it won't happen overnight, with the right strategies and mindset, you can take steps toward changing the way you feel about yourself.
  1. Affirm your own value. ...
  2. Take care of your needs first. ...
  3. Embrace the awkward. ...
  4. Challenge negative thoughts. ...
  5. Spend time with people who love you. ...
  6. Step away from troubling situations.
Nov 22, 2019

Is overthinking an insecurity? ›

Overthinking is not necessarily an insecurity in and of itself, but it can be a symptom of underlying insecurity. When we feel insecure, we may obsess over our perceived flaws or shortcomings, leading to rumination and overthinking.

Are insecure people toxic? ›

Is an insecure person toxic? Not always, but they can be. In some cases, highly insecure people may have mental health issues that drive behavior that may be unhealthy for relationships.

How does an insecure woman behave? ›

She Constantly Seeks Validation

But when it becomes excessive, it can be cause for concern. Insecure women might ask for a steady stream of reassurance, whether regarding looks, their actions, or your love. This might come from a lack of confidence or not feeling good enough.

Do insecure people get jealous? ›

Jealousy is often rooted in insecurities and fears that a person may not even realize they have. These could include fear of oversimplification, fear of inadequacy, fear of abandonment, fear of being replaced, and fear of being judged.

How do insecurities start? ›

Insecurity can stem from a variety of factors. These include: childhood experiences, comparison to others, trauma, uncertainty, and discrimination. Fortunately, by taking the steps and getting the right support, you can learn to boost your self-esteem and self-confidence.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.