Do you consider a commercial bank 'creator of money' in the economy? (2024)

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Commercial banks have the capacity to generate credit through demand deposits. These demand deposits makes credit more than initial deposits.

This can be explained by an example, in XYZ bank a depositor deposits Rs 20,000 in his saving account which will become demand deposits of bank.Based on the assumption that banks maintain a minimum cash reserve (CRR) of 10% of demand deposits. It lends remaining amount of Rs 18,000 in form of credit to customers.Credit multiplier is given by :



The money supply will increase by the amount of credit multiplier.

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Do you consider a commercial bank 'creator of money' in the economy? (2024)


Do you consider a commercial bank 'creator of money' in the economy? ›

Money creation, or money issuance, is the process by which the money supply of a country, or an economic or monetary region, is increased. In most modern economies, money is created by both central banks and commercial banks.

Do you consider a commercial bank creator? ›

A commercial bank is a trader and creator of money. Commercial banks do not contribute to quantum of money supply in the economy as they do not have note-issuing authority.

Is money created by commercial banks? ›

Commercial banks perform the function of credit creation in an economy. Therefore, the money that is created by commercial banks is known as credit money.

Who is the primary creator of money in the economy? ›

The Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States. Referred to as the Fed, it is arguably the most influential economic institution in the world. One of the chief responsibilities set out in the Fed's charter is the management of the total outstanding supply of U.S. dollars and dollar substitutes.

How do commercial banks contribute to the economy? ›

Economic impact analysis (or economic contribution analysis) is based on the idea that a dollar spent in a region stimulates additional economic activity, or multiplies as it circulates through the economy. ( 1 page)

Why do we say that commercial banks create money? ›

Most of the money in our economy is created by banks, in the form of bank deposits – the numbers that appear in your account. Banks create new money whenever they make loans.

What is considered commercial banking? ›

A commercial bank is a financial institution that provides services like loans, certificates of deposits, savings bank accounts bank overdrafts, etc. to its customers. These institutions make money by lending loans to individuals and earning interest on loans.

How is money created in the economy? ›

Bank loans issued by commercial banks expand the quantity of bank deposits. Money creation occurs when the amount of loans issued by banks increases relative to the repayment and default of existing loans.

What is the role of a commercial bank? ›

Role. The general role of commercial banks is to provide financial services to the general public and business, ensuring economic and social stability and sustainable growth of the economy. In this respect, credit creation is the most significant function of commercial banks.

Who controls the world economy? ›

Although governments do hold power over countries' economies, it is the big banks and large corporations that control and essentially fund these governments. This means that the global economy is dominated by large financial institutions.

Who creates money in the US? ›

In simple terms, the Fed creates dollars by exchanging cash for bonds. Treasuries and other types of fixed income instruments are held on the Federal Reserve balance sheet, and cash is placed on the balance sheet of major banks.

Who controls all the money? ›

To ensure a nation's economy remains healthy, its central bank regulates the amount of money in circulation. Influencing interest rates, printing money, and setting bank reserve requirements are all tools central banks use to control the money supply.

Who makes money in the US? ›

U.S currency is produced by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and U.S. coins are produced by the U.S. Mint. Both organizations are bureaus of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

What are the 5 functions of a commercial bank? ›

Commercial banks perform various functions that are as follows:
  • Accepting deposits. The basic function of commercial banks is to accept deposits of the customers. ...
  • Granting loans and advances. ...
  • Agency functions. ...
  • Discounting bills of exchange. ...
  • Credit creation. ...
  • Other functions.

Do banks contribute to the economy? ›

How Do Banks Drive the Economy? The banking sector is crucial to the modern economy. As the primary supplier of credit, it provides money for people to buy cars and homes and for businesses to buy equipment, expand their operations, and meet their payrolls.

What are the advantages of a commercial bank? ›

The Advantages of Commercial Banks are as follows:
  • Location. The commercial banks are large companies thus, these companies are to be found all over the town, state or country. ...
  • Discounts. Commercial banks also serve the customers with low prices. ...
  • Product Offerings. ...
  • Online Banking. ...
  • Electronic Banking.

Are commercial banks regarded as creators of money because they buy securities from the central bank? ›

Yes, commercial banks act as a creator of money in the economy. They create credit in the form of demand deposits related to the loans offered by them. Thus, banks create credit by advancing loans.

Is a bank a commercial company? ›

Possibly! Commercial banks are what most people think of when they hear the term “bank.” Commercial banks are for-profit institutions that accept deposits, make loans, safeguard assets, and work with many different types of clients, including the general public and businesses.

Who are the creators of money? ›

In most modern economies, money is created by both central banks and commercial banks. Money issued by central banks is termed reserve deposits and is only available for use by central bank account holders, which are generally large commercial banks and foreign central banks.

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