Django vs. FastAPI: A Detailed Comparison (2024)

The previous article analyzed the differences between DRF (Django Rest Framework) and FastAPI. This time, we turn our lens towards a broader perspective by contrasting FastAPI with Django.

If you missed our deep dive into DRF and FastAPI, check it out here. While some themes might seem familiar, especially given DRF's foundation on Django, distinct differences warrant exploration.

For those navigating the Python ecosystem, our seasoned team at Sunscrapers is here to provide insight and guidance cultivated from years of expertise.

Django Overview

For many, Django is a household name. But, in the essence of thoroughness, here's a snapshot:

Django is a stable and battle-tested web framework coded in Python. Abiding by the model-template-view (MTV) architecture and the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle, Django prides itself on its open-source nature. Since its inception in 2005, the framework has seen diligent maintenance through independent non-profit organizations. Notably, its latest releases also incorporate asynchronous support, showcasing the framework's commitment to staying at the forefront of modern web development.

# A basic Django viewfrom django.http import HttpResponsedef hello(request): return HttpResponse("Hello, Django!")

FastAPI Insight

FastAPI, while newer, is carving a niche for itself:

FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance) micro-framework for building web applications with Python, especially suited for crafting APIs. It utilizes Python-type hints in tandem with Pydantic for data validation and serialization. The asynchronous capabilities and ASGI servers like Uvicorn and Gunicorn offer robust production solutions.

# A basic FastAPI endpointfrom fastapi import FastAPIapp = FastAPI()@app.get("/hello")async def read_root(): return {"Hello": "FastAPI"}

Main Benefits of Django

Django's strengths are rooted in its comprehensive approach, providing a robust foundation for various applications:

  • Security: Django boasts a robust security framework, guarding against CSRF, SQL injections, and more. This safety net is particularly invaluable for newcomers seeking a secure development environment.

  • Authentification: Django's built-in authentication system, including user models, views, and forms, is top-notch.

  • Scalability & Versatility: Django can evolve with growing needs, accommodating small and large projects.

  • Community: With over a decade of active presence, Django's thriving community provides a rich array of resources and an extensive collection of packages, ensuring solutions for various functionalities are readily available.

  • MVT Model: Django’s distinct approach separates concerns, aiding clarity.

  • Predefined and Generic Classes: Django facilitates rapid development through predefined and generic classes, reducing repetitive coding tasks and promoting code efficiency.

  • Easy Debugging: Django simplifies the debugging process, providing tools and features that aid developers in identifying and resolving issues swiftly.

  • Built-in Testing Tools: Django comes equipped with built-in testing tools, streamlining the testing process and ensuring the reliability and stability of applications.

from django.test import TestCasefrom myapp.models import Animalclass AnimalTestCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): Animal.objects.create(name="lion", sound="roar") Animal.objects.create(name="cat", sound="meow") def test_animals_can_speak(self): """Animals that can speak are correctly identified""" lion = Animal.objects.get(name="lion") cat = Animal.objects.get(name="cat") self.assertEqual(lion.speak(), 'The lion says "roar"') self.assertEqual(cat.speak(), 'The cat says "meow"')
  • Django ORM Efficiency: The Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) in Django is exceptionally helpful and efficient. It streamlines database management, making it easier to interact with databases, perform queries, and manage data seamlessly.
# Django Model and ORM examplefrom django.db import modelsclass User(models.Model): username = models.CharField(max_length=100) email = models.EmailField()User.objects.filter(username__icontains="user").all()
  • Project Maintenance: Django ORM not only simplifies database tasks but also contributes significantly to project maintenance. Its well-designed structure and functionalities enhance overall project maintainability, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free development experience.
# Some of the built in commandsdumpdatamakemigrationsmigraterunserverstartappstartprojectshelltest
  • Web Forms: ModelForms in Django seamlessly handle forms, integrating validations and protections.
from django.forms import ModelFormfrom myapp.models import Article# Create the form class.class ArticleForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model = Article fields = ["pub_date", "headline", "content", "reporter"]# Creating a form to add an article.form = ArticleForm()# Creating a form to change an existing article.article = Article.objects.get(pk=1)form = ArticleForm(instance=article)

Main Benefits of FastAPI

FastAPI, while compact, is not lightweight:

  • Performance: Benchmarks often illustrate FastAPI's edge in speed, with Starlette and Uvicorn being the only major contenders.

  • Concurrency: With Python's async capabilities, FastAPI promotes efficient concurrency without the fuss:

# Async endpoint in FastAPI@app.get('/')async def read_results(): results = await some_library() return results
  • Automatic Documentation: Swagger and ReDoc interfaces make API interaction intuitive for developers and collaborators.

Django vs. FastAPI: A Detailed Comparison (1)

  • Dependency injection & Validation: FastAPI streamlines dependencies, enhancing modularity, and employs Pydantic for robust data validations.
from typing import Annotated, Unionfrom fastapi import Depends, FastAPIapp = FastAPI()async def common_parameters( q: Union[str, None] = None, skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100): return {"q": q, "skip": skip, "limit": limit}@app.get("/items/")async def read_items(commons: Annotated[dict, Depends(common_parameters)]): return commons@app.get("/users/")async def read_users(commons: Annotated[dict, Depends(common_parameters)]): return commons
  • Easy Testing: Testing FastAPI endpoints is straightforward and conducive to Test Driven Development (TDD) with the help of the TestClient provided by FastAPI. This ease of testing contributes to the development of reliable and maintainable applications.
from fastapi import FastAPIfrom fastapi.testclient import TestClientapp = FastAPI()@app.get("/")async def read_main(): return {"msg": "Hello World"}client = TestClient(app)def test_read_main(): response = client.get("/") assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json() == {"msg": "Hello World"}
  • Easy Deployment: FastAPI facilitates easy deployment, offering Docker support through its provided Docker image. Additionally, deploying to AWS Lambda is straightforward, providing versatile deployment options for developers.

  • Good Community: FastAPI benefits from a vibrant and supportive community. The active engagement and contributions from the community enhance the framework's ecosystem, providing valuable resources and support for developers.

Where Django Lags

While Django is powerful, certain aspects could be refined:

  • NoSQL Databases: Django's ORM predominantly caters to SQL databases. While NoSQL integrations exist, they can sometimes feel less natural.

  • REST support: Out-of-the-box Django lacks RESTful capabilities, necessitating the DRF addition for robust API solutions.

  • Performance: In direct speed comparisons, micro-frameworks like FastAPI often edge out.

  • Learning curve Again, because of its size - the learning curve is much steeper than the one of FastAPI.

  • Interactive Documentation: Django’s documentation, though vast, lacks the interactivity seen in FastAPI.

FastAPI's Shortcomings

No framework is without challenges:

  • Limited Built-In Security: While FastAPI offers utilities, a cohesive, built-in system like Django's is absent.

  • Limited Built-In Functionalities: Being a micro web framework, FastAPI intentionally keeps its core functionalities minimal. While this promotes flexibility, it means that developers may need to implement many features from scratch or find external libraries for certain functionalities.

  • Learning Curve for Asynchronous Programming: FastAPI heavily utilizes asynchronous programming, which may pose a learning curve for developers unfamiliar with this paradigm.

Final remarks

So which should you choose?

Django and FastAPI serve different niches. If your project leans towards API-centric tasks, FastAPI shines. Django stands out for comprehensive applications, especially with DRF for APIs.

Of course, the final choice is always challenging. Hence, we strongly recommend consulting professionals like us so that we can make a detailed analysis based on your business needs and requirements to see which option would be better.

Greetings, Python enthusiasts and web development aficionados. I am a seasoned expert in the field, deeply entrenched in the intricacies of web frameworks, particularly Django and FastAPI. My knowledge is not just theoretical but stems from hands-on experience and a profound understanding of the Python ecosystem. Allow me to navigate you through the concepts discussed in the preceding article and shed light on the distinctive features of Django and FastAPI.

Django Overview: Django, a venerable name in web development since its inception in 2005, is a battle-tested web framework coded in Python. Following the model-template-view (MTV) architecture and the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle, Django has stood the test of time. It offers a stable foundation for various applications and has recently incorporated asynchronous support, showcasing its commitment to modern web development.

Key Points:

  • Model-Template-View (MTV) architecture and DRY principle.
  • Open-source nature and diligent maintenance.
  • Asynchronous support.
  • Basic Django view example.

FastAPI Insight: FastAPI, a relative newcomer, is swiftly carving its niche as a modern, high-performance micro-framework for building web applications with Python. Notably suited for crafting APIs, FastAPI utilizes Python type hints and Pydantic for data validation and serialization. Its asynchronous capabilities, coupled with ASGI servers like Uvicorn and Gunicorn, make it a robust solution for production environments.

Key Points:

  • Modern and fast micro-framework.
  • Python-type hints and Pydantic for data validation.
  • Asynchronous capabilities and ASGI servers.
  • Basic FastAPI endpoint example.

Main Benefits of Django: Django's strengths lie in its comprehensive approach, offering a robust foundation for various applications. Some notable benefits include:

  • Security features against CSRF, SQL injections, etc.
  • Built-in authentication system.
  • Scalability and versatility.
  • Thriving community support.
  • MVT model, predefined and generic classes.
  • Easy debugging, built-in testing tools.
  • Efficiency of Django ORM.
  • Simplified project maintenance.
  • Web forms using ModelForms.

Main Benefits of FastAPI: FastAPI, though compact, boasts several advantages, including:

  • High performance and efficient concurrency.
  • Automatic documentation with Swagger and ReDoc.
  • Dependency injection and robust data validation using Pydantic.
  • Easy testing with the TestClient for Test Driven Development (TDD).
  • Easy deployment, Docker support, and AWS Lambda compatibility.
  • Vibrant and supportive community.

Where Django Lags: While Django is powerful, there are areas that could be refined, such as:

  • Limited support for NoSQL databases.
  • Lack of out-of-the-box RESTful capabilities.
  • Performance compared to micro-frameworks like FastAPI.
  • Steeper learning curve.

FastAPI's Shortcomings: FastAPI, despite its strengths, has some limitations:

  • Limited built-in security compared to Django.
  • Minimal core functionalities, requiring developers to implement some features from scratch.
  • Learning curve for asynchronous programming.

Final Remarks: The article concludes by highlighting the niches that Django and FastAPI serve. FastAPI excels in API-centric tasks, while Django stands out for comprehensive applications, especially when coupled with Django Rest Framework (DRF) for APIs. The choice between them depends on the specific needs and requirements of your project, and professional consultation is recommended for a detailed analysis based on business needs.

In summary, both Django and FastAPI have their strengths and weaknesses, and the optimal choice depends on the specific goals and characteristics of your web development project.

Django vs. FastAPI: A Detailed Comparison (2024)
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