distributed and decentralized systems explained (2024)

In this article, I will briefly explain the difference between decentralized and distributed systems, and why it matters for software development and engineering. I will also provide some examples of each type of system to illustrate their characteristics and applications.

Decentralized Systems

Centralization and decentralization refer to levels ofcontrol.

A decentralized system is a system where there is no single point of control or authority. planning and decision making are distributed evenly among several independent entities or nodes. Each node can act independently and autonomously, without relying on a central coordinator or leader. A decentralized system can be resilient to failures, censorship, and attacks, as there is no single point of failure or vulnerability. A decentralized system can also be scalable, as adding more nodes does not increase the complexity or overhead of the system.

The opposite of a decentralized system is a centralized system, where control is exerted by just one entity.

A majority of the web applications we access on a daily basis are centralized, meaning that they are owned by a single entity who is responsible for configuring and managing the software code. This code can be executed on an individual computer, server or even a group of computers. systems like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox and Google Drive are examples of centralized systems.

An example of a decentralized system is Bitcoin blockchain, a decentralized ledger of transactions that uses a peer-to-peer network and a consensus algorithm to verify transactions and maintain a distributed ledger. Bitcoin does not have a central authority or server that controls the network or the currency. Instead, each node in the network can participate in validating transactions and creating new blocks of data. Bitcoin can resist attacks from malicious actors, as they would need to control more than half of the network's computing power to alter the ledger. Bitcoin can also accommodate more users and transactions, as adding more nodes does not affect the performance or security of the system. note this decentralized system is inherently a distributed system as well.

However, a decentralized system also has some trade-offs that need to be considered. For example:

  • it may have lower efficiency or consistency than a centralized system, as it may require more communication or coordination among the nodes to reach consensus or agreement.
  • it may also have lower usability or accessibility than a centralized system, as it may require more technical knowledge or skills from the users or developers.

Distributed Systems

Distribution refers to differences oflocation.

A distributed system is a system where the components are located on different machines or networks, and communicate with each other to achieve a common goal. A distributed system can be centralized or decentralized, depending on how the components are coordinated and controlled. A distributed system can be efficient, as it can leverage the resources and capabilities of multiple machines or networks. A distributed system can also be fault-tolerant, as it can handle partial failures or errors without affecting the whole system.

The opposite of a distributed system is a non-distributed system, where all the parts of the system are in the same physical location. a standalone desktop application that don't relay on a remote service is an example of a non-distributed system.

Networks from LAN to Internet are examples of distributed systems.

Let's dive into another example of a distributed system, Google search, a web search engine that uses thousands of servers and data centers around the world (distributed) to process billions of queries per day. Google uses a proprietary algorithm to index and rank web pages and provide relevant results to users. Google can handle large amounts of data and requests, as it can distribute the workload among its servers and networks. Google can also recover from failures or errors, as it can replicate and backup its data and services across different locations. note this is also a (centralized) system as well as Google is a one giant entity that control the whole system.

However, a distributed system also has some trade-offs that need to be considered. For example:

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  • it may have higher cost or maintenance than a non-distributed system.
  • it may also have lower security or privacy than a non-distributed system, as it may expose more data or information to external parties or attackers.
  • it may also have lower reliability or availability than a non-distributed system, as it may depend on external factors such as network connectivity.
  • it may also have higher uncertainty than a non-distributed system.

The Difference Between Decentralized and Distributed Systems

The difference between decentralized and distributed systems is not always clear-cut, as some systems can have both characteristics or fall somewhere in between. both involve collection of independent nodes or components. However, decentralized systemsis inherently distributed systems But going a step further allowing the control to be distributed evenly among the components.

Why does this difference matter? Because it affects how we design, build, and maintain software systems that operate in complex and dynamic environments. Depending on the requirements and constraints of the problem domain, we may make the right design choices.


In conclusion, although decentralized and distributed systems share some similarities, they are not the same. decentralized and distributed systems are two different ways of organizing and managing software systems that involve multiple components or nodes. They have different advantages and disadvantages depending on the context and goals of the system. Understanding the difference between them can help us make better decisions and trade-offs when developing software systems.

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distributed and decentralized systems explained (2024)


What is distributed system and decentralized system? ›

In a distributed system, the workload is shared, unlike in a decentralised system where each node can act as a master server of its own. In a decentralised system, all participants have equal power, and decisions are made by consensus among all participants.

What is the difference between decentralized and distributed control systems? ›

In a decentralized system, control is distributed amongst the components of the system, while in a distributed system, the components are physically separated and they communicate over a network. Both types of systems can be used to enable the sharing of resources and workloads.

What is distribution and decentralization? ›

While decentralization is defined as the dispersion of coordinated communications, distribution is characterized by the diffusion of the decisionmaking process among stakeholders. ...

How would you explain the difference between centralized decentralized and distributed? ›

Like Decentralized networks, distributed networks offer more security, stability, and scalability than centralized networks. Still, unlike decentralized networks that use clusters of smaller “centralized” servers, the control is distributed evenly across each node.

What is an example of decentralized and distributed? ›

systems like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox and Google Drive are examples of centralized systems. An example of a decentralized system is Bitcoin blockchain, a decentralized ledger of transactions that uses a peer-to-peer network and a consensus algorithm to verify transactions and maintain a distributed ledger.

What are 4 examples of distributed systems? ›

Distributed System Examples
  • Networks. The earliest example of a distributed system happened in the 1970s when ethernet was invented and LAN (local area networks) were created. ...
  • Telecommunication networks. ...
  • Distributed Real-time Systems. ...
  • Parallel Processing. ...
  • Distributed artificial intelligence. ...
  • Distributed Database Systems.

What is an example of a decentralized system? ›

One of the most well known examples of a "natural" decentralized system is one used by certain insect colonies. In these insect colonies, control is distributed among the hom*ogeneous biological agents who act upon local information and local interactions to collectively create complex, global behaviour.

What is a distributed system with an example? ›

High traffic web and mobile applications are distributed systems. Users connect in a client-server manner, where the client is a web browser or a mobile application. The server is then its own distributed system. Modern web servers follow a multi-tier system pattern.

What is the difference between distributed and decentralised database? ›

A distributed database is a single logical database, which is installed on a set of computers that are geographically located at different locations and linked through a data communication network whereas A decentralized database is a database that is installed on systems that are geographically located at different ...

What is decentralization in simple words? ›

Decentralization is the process of shifting control from one main group to several smaller ones. The decentralization of government, for example, gives more power to the individual states, rather than concentrating it at the federal level.

How do you explain decentralization? ›

Decentralization—the transfer of authority and responsibility for public functions from the central government to subordinate or quasi-independent government organizations and/or the private sector—is a complex multifaceted concept.

What is a decentralized system? ›

In such a decentralized system, there is no single centralized authority that makes decisions on behalf of all the parties. Instead each party, also called a peer, makes local autonomous decisions towards its individual goals which may possibly conflict with those of other peers.

What are the problems with decentralized systems? ›

The multiplicity of participants can lead to prolonged decision-making processes due to the need for consensus and coordination. Decision-Making Delays: The decentralized decision-making process might result in delays, particularly when consensus is necessary, or input from multiple parties is required.

Is the internet decentralized or distributed? ›

Decentralization means the Internet is controlled by many. It's millions of devices linked together in an open network. No one actor can own it, control it, or switch it off for everyone. The Internet and the World Wide Web remain the biggest decentralized communication system humanity has ever seen.

What is the difference between distributed and Decentralised database? ›

A distributed database is a single logical database, which is installed on a set of computers that are geographically located at different locations and linked through a data communication network whereas A decentralized database is a database that is installed on systems that are geographically located at different ...

What do you mean by decentralization system? ›

Decentralisation is the process of transferring authority from the Supreme and state levels to the local level. The process of distributing functions and power away from a central place or authority is known as decentralisation.

What is the meaning of distributed system? ›

A distributed system is simply any environment where multiple computers or devices are working on a variety of tasks and components, all spread across a network. Components within distributed systems split up the work, coordinating efforts to complete a given job more efficiently than if only a single device ran it.

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.