Disruptive Technology for Military-Grade Software (2024)

The Ada programming language has been used successfully in hundreds of military projects in the US and the rest of the world. Ada is the programming language that helped build the mainstay of the Air Force or Navy, as it is used on combat aircraft programs such as the F-15 Eagle, the F-16 Fighting Falcon, the F-18 Hornet as well as many other allied programs such as the Eurofighter Typhoon or the JAS 39 Gripen.

The SPARK technology builds on the strengths of the Ada programming language to provide evidence-based assurance, completely removing many classes of dangerous defects, and significantly simplifying subsequent verification efforts. In a context of increasing cybersecurity threats with the development of cyber warfare capabilities by many actors, an effective protection requires more automation than is possible with traditional verification methods based on tests and reviews. The guarantees provided by automatic verification as demonstrated in SPARK will be critically useful in this context.

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Disruptive Technology for Military-Grade Software (2024)


What are the disruptive technologies in the military? ›

Currently, this includes artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous systems, quantum technologies, biotechnologies and human enhancement, hypersonic systems, space, novel materials and manufacturing, energy and propulsion, and next-generation communications networks.

What is a disruptive technology example? ›

The wheel, the light bulb, and the cellphone are three examples of disruptive technologies. At the time, these innovations caused a profound break with previous patterns, bringing about major changes in people's lives.

Why are disruptive technologies tricky? ›

Established companies often lack the flexibility to adapt quickly to new threats. That allows disruptors to move upstream over time and cannibalize more customer segments. Disruptive technologies are difficult to prepare for because they can appear suddenly.

Why do you think the DoD needs to control what software is used? ›

DoD must operate within its adversaries' digital OODA loop. Much like today's consumer electronic companies, the Department needs the ability to identify and mitigate evolving software and digital threats and to push continuous updates to fielded systems in near-real time.

What is some technology used in the military? ›

For a discussion of modern military technology, see small arm, artillery, rocket and missile system, nuclear weapon, chemical warfare, biological warfare, fortification, tank, naval ship, submarine, military aircraft, warning system, and military communication.

How to identify disruptive technology? ›

If your innovation incrementally improves the existing product, then the innovation is sustainable. But if it completely changes the way the product has been used so far, or if it serves a completely different set of customers, then the innovation is disruptive.

What are the three major disruptions in the world today? ›

They include the shifting locus of economic activity and dynamism to China, India, and other emerging economies; the world's growing connectedness through movements in capital, people, and information; the acceleration in the scope, scale, and economic impact of technology; and the aging global population.

What are the problems with disruptive technology? ›

In its early stages, a disruptive innovation doesn't perform as well as the product it eventually displaces. Nor does it deliver profits at the same levels or through the same mechanisms.

What is a negative effect of disruptive technology? ›

On the negative side, disruptive technologies can result in job losses, privacy decrease, and loss of human control over cyber systems . They can also create uncertainty for managers in terms of when and how to adopt new technologies .

Is the Internet disruptive technology? ›

The internet was disruptive because it was not an iteration of previous technology. It was something new that created unique models for making money that never existed before. Of course, that created losses for other business models.

What is DoD software development? ›

The Definition of Done (DoD) includes the conditions and criteria that a software solution or feature has to meet in order to be accepted by the customer. When something is done – this means that it can be released without any further work or testing.

What programming language does the DoD use? ›

Today, Ada is the most commonly used language for mission-critical defense software, which includes weapon systems and performance-critical command, control, communications, and intelligence (C3I) systems. DOD's inventory contains nearly 50 million lines of Ada code in these applications (Hook et al., 1995).

What is DoD in software testing? ›

The DoD is a set of high-level criteria that defines when a product increment is complete. It ensures the quality and consistency of a deliverable. Teams typically use the DoD at the end of a sprint when checking the quality of a product increment.

What are the three disruptive forces? ›

Readers will find in this book an explanation of how globalization, competitiveness, and governability define the context of global business.

What is the most technologically advanced military? ›

When it comes to cutting-edge military technology, one country arguably stands above the rest - the United States of America. However, other global powers like Russia, China, France, and the United Kingdom are not far behind. These nations continue to push the boundaries of innovation in the realm of defense.

What is disruptive technology for defense events? ›

Disruptive Technology for Defense Transformation is returning on 6-7 August 2024, Austin TX. Thought leaders will delve into a range of topics, including Artificial Intelligence, Autonomy, Machine Learning, Cyber, Data & Cloud, Sensors, Satellites, and more.

What are the 12 potentially economically disruptive technologies? ›

The 12 disruptive technologies include: mobile Internet, automation of knowledge and work, Internet of things, cloud technology, advanced robotics, autonomous and near-autonomous vehicles, next-generation genomics, energy storage, 3D printing, advanced materials, advanced oil and gas exploration and recovery, renewable ...

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

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Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.