Difference between XRP & XDC (2024)


XDC - ETH interoperability with built in public private ledger smart contract DAPs platform

XDC - very good privatisation of data associated with tokenised smart contracts

XDC - Debt - tokenise future interest payments and sell it on

8.00 XDC - tokenise both sides of trade deals and obligations and ownership (saleable to third party - unique to XDC)

11.00 XRP - strength are the combination between Liquidity features and Decentralised Exchange

11.00 XRP - Stock goes onto XRP ledger - multiway way transactions that include assets on and off chains

12.50 XRP - Gateways - Can trade derivatives in Fiat on bank accounts for a tiny fee. Adds massive liquidity channels across asset classes

17.40 XRP is a derivatives platform, XDC is a smart Contracts DAPS platform doing everything ETH does, but better.

18.40 - Tokenisation of Data on XDC network traded as a derivative on XRP networks - and trading the value of the XDC SC on the XRP network.

21.40 ISOT formats - its just universal format for banks to manage

22.40 Quant - token that over-ledgers the operating system.

24.00 Answering questions.

26.00 General Overview - WOW! Hard to keep up so much condensed info but well done.

28.00 He works for XDC but is very interested in interoperability between XDC and XRP networks to get full potential of both systems working together. and he talks about his work and goals in this space. He even likes ETH even though the fees suck.

31.00 Easiest way to flip the switch? Putting a billion dollars of asset on the network does nothing until those assets are traded. The XDC/XRP demand goes up in value as soon as the trading of the assets starts to happen. This principle also works for data, debt management as soon as data starts to get traded.

34.00 this is wild! (love this guy)

Its all the money and all the Debt too and all the agreements too (which is 10 times the value of the money side)

The XRP algo means no more liquidity pools - its insane

Edited by Julian_Williams

Difference between XRP & XDC (2024)
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