Difference between Log Analytics and Monitor (2024)


Are you asking about Azure Monitor and Log Analytics? Log Analytics is a service within Azure Monitor. Its a bit like the relationship of Office to Word, Excel etc... Monitor is the brand, and Log Analytics is one of the solutions.


Log Analytics and Application Insights have been consolidated into Azure Monitor to provide a single integrated experience for monitoring Azure resources and hybrid environments.Documentation for each of these services has been consolidated into a single set of content for Azure Monitor.

February 2019 - Log Analytics terminology

After the consolidation of different services under Azure Monitor, we're taking the next step by modifying terminology in our documentation to better describe the Azure Monitor service and its different components.

Log Analytics

Azure Monitor log data is still stored in a Log Analytics workspace and is still collected and analyzed by the same Log Analytics service, but we are changing the termLog Analyticsin many places toAzure Monitor logs. This term better reflects its role in Azure Monitor and provides better consistency withmetrics in Azure Monitor.

The termlog analyticsnow primarily applies to the page in the Azure portal used to write and run queries and analyze log data. It's the functional equivalent ofmetrics explorer, which is the page in the Azure portal used to analyze metric data.

Difference between Log Analytics and Monitor (2024)


What is the difference between log analytics and Monitor? ›

While Azure Monitor provides a lot of features including aggregation of logs, real-time insights and performance metrics, Log Analytics allows advanced query capabilities and extensive log data analysis.

What is the purpose of log analytics? ›

Log analytics involves searching, analyzing, and visualizing machine data generated by your IT systems and technology infrastructure to gain operational insights.

What is the difference between log analytics and event hubs? ›

An Event Hub is created within the Event Hubs namespace. An authorization rule for the Event Hub is created to control the access. A Log Analytics Workspace is created for data querying and storage.

What is the difference between Azure App insights and Monitor? ›

Difference between Azure Monitor and Application Insights

Azure monitor is end to end logging solution. Application Insights is one of the feature service of azure monitor itself. Azure application Insights is Application Performance Management (APM) service for collecting and monitoring the application log data.

What is the difference between monitor workspace and log analytics workspace? ›

Log Analytics workspaces contain logs and metrics data from multiple Azure resources, whereas Azure Monitor workspaces currently contain only metrics related to Prometheus.

What is Azure monitor and log analytics? ›

Log Analytics is a tool in the Azure portal to edit and run log queries from data collected by Azure Monitor logs and interactively analyze their results. You can use Log Analytics queries to retrieve records that match particular criteria, identify trends, analyze patterns, and provide various insights into your data.

What is an Azure monitor used for? ›

Azure Monitor is a comprehensive monitoring solution for collecting, analyzing, and responding to monitoring data from your cloud and on-premises environments. You can use Azure Monitor to maximize the availability and performance of your applications and services.

What is Splunk log monitoring? ›

Splunk can be used to search, filter, and analyze data from a variety of sources, including logs, metrics, and events, and to create real-time visualizations and reports. Splunk log analysis is the process of using the Splunk platform to search, filter, and analyze log data to gain insights and troubleshoot problems.

What are the benefits of log analysis? ›

Here are five ways log analysis contributes to the overall success of your company.
  • More Efficient Business Operations. ...
  • Better Provisioning and Resource Allocation. ...
  • Stronger, More Detailed Security. ...
  • Demonstrate Compliance. ...
  • Boost the Effectiveness of Sales and Marketing Campaigns.

What is the difference between Azure monitor and log analytics workspace? ›

Azure Monitor builds on top of Azure Log Analytics, the platform service that gathers log and metrics data from all your resources. The easiest way to think about Azure Monitor vs Log Analytics is that Azure Monitor is the marketing name, whereas Azure Log Analytics is the technology that powers it.

What is the difference between log analytics and observability? ›

A log monitoring software, in general, involves the collection and analysis of logs and other system metrics. Log analysis involves deriving insights from logs, which then feeds into observability. Observability, as we've said before, is really the gold standard for knowing everything about your system.

Is Azure Monitor free? ›

Features of Azure Monitor that are automatically enabled such as collection of standard metrics and activity logs are provided at no cost. Also available at no additional cost are the advanced monitoring capabilities that use your ingested data (see Insights and core solutions).

What is the difference between Azure monitor and Event Hub? ›

Azure Event Hubs creates monitoring data using Azure Monitor, which is a full stack monitoring service in Azure. Azure Monitor provides a complete set of features to monitor your Azure resources. It can also monitor resources in other clouds and on-premises.

Which two data types should you use Azure monitor? ›

Explanation: Azure Monitor provides two primary data types for monitoring and analysis: Metrics and Logs. Metrics provide a numerical view of performance data, while Logs provide a detailed record of events and activities.

What two types of data are used by Azure monitor? ›

Observability data in Azure Monitor. Metrics, logs, and distributed traces are commonly referred to as the three pillars of observability. A monitoring tool must collect and analyze these three different kinds of data to provide sufficient observability of a monitored system.

What is the difference between Azure monitor and logs? ›

Azure Monitor Metrics can only store numeric data in a particular structure, whereas Azure Monitor Logs can store a variety of data types that have their own structures. You can also perform complex analysis on Azure Monitor Logs data by using log queries, which can't be used for analysis of Azure Monitor Metrics data.

What is log monitoring and analysis? ›

Log monitoring is the process of collecting, analyzing, and acting on log data from various sources. This can include applications and infrastructure — compute, network, and storage.

What does logging and monitoring mean? ›

Logging is a method of tracking and storing data to ensure application availability and to assess the impact of state transformations on performance. Monitoring is a diagnostic tool used for alerting DevOps to system-related issues by analyzing metrics. Start a Free Trial.

What is the difference between cloud logging and monitoring? ›

Cloud Logging automatically ingests Google Cloud audit and platform logs so that you can get started right away. Cloud Monitoring provides a view of all Google Cloud metrics at zero cost and integrates with a variety of providers for non Google Cloud monitoring.

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