Did You Know That Ink and Toner Cartridges Contains Gold? - Ink Toner Store Blog (2024)

Did You Know That Ink and Toner Cartridges Contains Gold? - Ink Toner Store Blog (1)

While companies have always purchased ink cartridges for purposes of recycling, selling these cartridges does not generate lots of cash. If you are interested in getting the most from the cartridges, you should extract the gold that is found on them. This might come as a surprise to many bur ink and toner cartridges actually contain gold. It is therefore possible to scrap ink and toner cartridges so that you remain with the gold that is found in them.

Removing the Gold Chips from the Cartridges

Firstly you have to get the gold chips removed from the cartridges. You will find them on the exterior of the cartridges. Make sure the chips are of gold and not of copper because copper will not get you a lot of money. If the cartridge is large, use a screw driver and if the cartridge is small, use a knife. Stick the screw driver under the gold ribbon and use it to pry the gold out cautiously. After it has been elevated to the right angle, peal it of carefully so that you get all the gold out. Once you have the gold, you need to extract it.

The Extraction Process

To extract the gold, use gloves, goggles and a respirator mask. Make sure the extraction process is done either outside or within a properly well ventilated area. You will also need muriatic acid, any good house bleach, and a stump out. You will need 150 ml of hydrochloric acid in a jar and in another jar; you will need 50 ml of house bleach. Pour the hydrochloric into the house bleach and then add the ribbons into the jar and then make sure it is mixed by stirring gently. The solution will change and become yellow, which is an indicator that the gold is moving from the ribbons and to the solution. Add a little bleach and then waif for white foam to appear momentarily and then clear in a matter of seconds. The solution will get a richer yellow color and you can then have a look at one of the ribbons to see if the gold has been separated. Continue adding ribbons and checking to see if they have been removed but do not add too many ribbons at a go. If you add too many ribbons, they will not soak into the solution properly and the gold will not be extracted properly.

Getting Precious Gold from Cartridges

When adding reborn, the solution will change and become auric chloride. This is a rich form of chemical mixture of chlorine and gold and can have about one ounce of gold if you undertake this procedure carefully. Once you have removed all the gold from the ribbons, you must filter the solution as this will help get rid of all particles. Particles hinder the precipitation process from being effective. Allow the solution to settle and saturate for a few days and then you can precipitate it so that you have your gold. You should also be careful in how you handle the chemicals. If you do this with a good number of cartridges, you will get a good amount of gold and hence good money.

Did You Know That Ink and Toner Cartridges Contains Gold? - Ink Toner Store Blog (2024)


Do toner cartridges contain gold? ›

If you are interested in getting the most from the cartridges, you should extract the gold that is found on them. This might come as a surprise to many bur ink and toner cartridges actually contain gold.

Do printers have gold in them? ›

Laptops, phones, cameras, and the like are filled with gold plated circuit boards even printers and scanners have gold, silver, and copper, even platinum in them. Gold is a precious, conductive, and pliable metal that retains a stable value better than many commodities.

Is ink more valuable than gold? ›

Here are two facts about printer ink that will absolutely shock you: When measured by the ounce, printer ink is more expensive than gold. If you were to send a shuttle into space that was powered by ink rather than rocket fuel, it would cost 1.3 billion times as much.

What is toner ink made of? ›

Unlike ink, printer toner is a fine powder that is typically used in laser printers, photocopiers and multifunction printers. Each printer brand will have its own formulations but, in general, toner is composed of finely ground plastic, silica and various organic compounds like iron, chromium and zinc.

Why are toner cartridges so expensive? ›

Toner is expensive because it is labor-intensive. The mold for the cartridge needs to fit your printer and made correctly, so it doesn't leak, ruining the device.

Can gold be made into ink? ›

Simply put, golden inks It is made of gold powder and gold oil, and silver ink is made of aluminum powder and silver oil. The pigment in golden ink is gold powder, which is actually powder made of copper and zinc alloy.

Can you get gold printer ink? ›

Glam up your printing with new metallic gold ink from RISO.

Whether it's a school, university print room or a commercial printer wanting to open up new lines of business, the metallic gold RISO ink will enhance any print job.

Is there gold in a cell phone? ›

There is actual gold in your phone, used because of its excellent conductivity and resistance to corrosion. However, the amount of gold contained in a phone is smaller than one might expect. On average, a smartphone might have around 0.034 grams of gold.

Is there gold in old tvs? ›

THE MOTHERLODE OF E-WASTE MYTHS. It's true there's often silver, platinum, palladium and gold in our damaged or outmoded electronics, not to mention plastic, glass and other materials that have some scrap value. The primary reason is that precious metals conduct electricity much better than alloys.

What electronics contain the most gold? ›

Among all home devices, computers and televisions typically contain the most gold. Gold is also found in the circuit boards of earlier generations of cameras, radios, and media players. Traces of gold can be found in other electronics like game consoles, tablets, and phones.

What is the most expensive color of ink? ›

One of the World's Most Expensive Liquids

When priced by the gallon, black printer ink costs more than human blood—and that's just the black ink. Just imagine what an ounce of magenta or cyan must go for on the black market.

What precious metal is worth more than gold? ›

Palladium is the most expensive of the four major precious metals – gold, silver and platinum being the others. It is rarer than platinum, and is used in larger quantities for catalytic converters.

Will my printer print gold? ›

Gold printing and other metallic colors are a challange because they are not available on a regular laser printer. With Flex-Soft (no-cut) Media this is now possible. This media can be used to created transfers in single colors which can't be printed like i.e. gold or silver.

What metal is in toner? ›

85 different toners were analysed for their content of heavy metals as follows: Lead, cadmium, cobalt, nickel and mercury. Additionally the level of chromium (VI) was determined. In nearly all samples, cadmium and mercury were not detectable or only as negligible traces. In two samples some chromium (VI) was found.

What's inside a toner cartridge? ›

Toner cartridges contain toner powder, a fine, dry mixture of plastic particles, carbon, and black or other coloring agents that make the actual image on the paper. The toner is transferred to paper via an electrostatically charged drum unit, and fused onto the paper by heated rollers during the printing process.

How much are empty toner cartridges worth? ›

The fact that you can get some cash for the effort is just a bonus – usually, it's anywhere between $1 and $5 per empty cartridge. In this article, we discuss some ways to recycle toner cartridges for cash, whether they're in mint condition or empty.

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