Declarations of Withdrawal Definition | Law Insider (2024)

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Declarations of Withdrawal Definition | Law Insider (2024)


Declarations of Withdrawal Definition | Law Insider? ›

Declarations of Withdrawal means the letters attached to the Settlement Agreement in draft form as Annex 4.1. Declarations of Withdrawal is defined in Section P. 12.

What is the meaning of withdrawal of goods? ›

Withdrawal of goods means any measure aimed at preventing the distribution, display for sale and offer of goods dangerous to the consumer.

What is an example of withdrawal? ›

People may recognize symptoms of withdrawal when they stop taking or cut back on a substance. Missing your usual morning cup of coffee, for example, might result in symptoms of caffeine withdrawal such as fatigue, headache, and irritability. Symptoms of withdrawal are an indication of dependence on a substance.

What is the act of withdrawal? ›

the act or process of taking something away so that it is no longer available, or of someone stopping being involved in an activity: Doctors demanded the withdrawal of the drug (from the market) after several cases of dangerous side-effects were reported.

What does withdrawals mean in business? ›

Definition. A withdrawal refers to the act of removing funds from a business account or using business resources for personal or non-business purposes.

What does withdraw in good order mean? ›

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishwithdraw/retreat in good orderwithdraw/retreat in good orderto move away from the enemy in war in an organized way → order.

What is cash and goods withdrawal? ›

Withdrawal of money and/or goods by the owner from the business for personal use is known as drawings.

What is withdrawal of cash and goods from business? ›

Withdrawal of any amount in cash or kind from the enterprise for personal use by the proprietor is termed as Drawings. The Drawings account will be debited and the cash or goods withdrawn will be debited.

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