Daedalus vs Yoroi — daedalus Documentation 1.0.0 documentation (2024)

Daedalus Wallet

Daedalus wallet is a desktop, full-node hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet for ada cryptocurrency, bundled with full Cardano node. It stores the entire history of Cardano blockchain and validates all blocks and transactions for fully trustless and autonomous operation. Daedalus wallet runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. Daedalus wallet takes some time to download and the blockchain takes some time to sync (create a local copy of the blockchain). It occupies about 6 GB of space on your machine as of August 2019.

See also Daedalus wallet editions


Yoroi is a lite hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet for ada cryptocurrency, running as a Chrome or Firefox extension. It connects to a full Cardano node hosted by a third party (Emurgo). Yoroi allows for instant initial setup, quick and easy operation with minimum usage of system resources. Runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux, as well as iOS and Android.


What is the advantage of each? Why would you prefer Yoroi or Daedalus?

Yoroi allows you to use hardware wallets and to use it on Mobile, plus it is fast to download and install and takes up very little space on your device.

Daedalus, on the other hand, allows you to maintain multiple wallets and you have a direct connection to the Cardano network.With Daedalus, you don’t trust a third party like Emurgo as a source of truth; instead, you are locally running software which autonomously validates all transactions against consensus rules and protects your privacy. Yoroi, on the other hand, needs a trusted remote server to work.

Key Features


  • Easy installation with one-click setup of bundled Cardano node

  • Locally stored wallets and encrypted private keys, not shared with third-party servers

  • Trustless operation with locally running full Cardano node which independently validates full transaction history of the blockchain

  • Supports Cardano network by participating in Cardano protocol

  • Wallet backup and restoration using mnemonics phrases

  • Support for staking coming with Shelley release

  • Complete autonomy without reliance on third-party servers and services

  • Paper wallet generator for offline storage of funds


  • Instant initial setup

  • Locally stored wallets and encrypted private keys, not shared with third-party servers

  • No blockchain synchronization needed for quick and easy operation

  • Wallet backup and restoration using mnemonics phrases

  • Low system resource consumption, minimal usage of storage space and bandwidth

  • Support for staking coming with Shelley release

  • Paper wallet generator for offline storage of funds

With the introduction of Shelley and staking to the Cardano network other differences between these two wallets will no doubt arise.

Side by Side Feature Comparison

Supported platformsWindows, macOS, and LinuxWindows, macOS, iOS, Android and Linux
Initial setup1 to 2 hoursInstant
Full node downloads the entire blockchain and validates full transaction history.Connects to a full node hosted by Emurgo.
Locally stored wallet and private keysYesYes
Private keys stored encrypted on a users machine, not shared with third-party servers.
Resource consumptionSignificant usage of storage space and bandwidth.Minimal usage of storage space and bandwidth.
Trustless operationYesNo
Fully trustless operation with locally running full-node.Trusts full-node hosted by EMURGO.
Staking and delegationStaking and delegation features coming with Shelley release.Staking and delegation features coming with Shelley release.
Managing multiple walletsYesNo (Browser Extension) Yes (Mobile)
Up to 20 wallets supported.
Backup and restorationBackup and restoration using a 12-word mnemonic phrase.Backup and restoration using a 15-word mnemonic phrase.
Sending and receiving adaSending and receiving ada with full transaction history.
ada redemptionYesYes (Japanese version only)
PrivacyAdvanced privacyBasic privacy
Supported languagesEnglish, JapaneseEnglish, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Indonesian, French, German and Italian
Submission of support requestBuilt into product
Smart contracts supportYesYes
Full nodeYesNo
Space Required6.5 GB6.5 Mb
Integration with LedgerNoYes
Integration with TrezorNoYes
Paper wallets supported*YesYes
MigrationYoroi wallet >Daedalus wallet = NoDaedalus wallet > Yoroi wallet = Yes
Yoroi paper wallet >Daedalus wallet = NoDaedalus paper wallet > Yoroi wallet = Yes
  • Daedalus and Yoroi paper wallets are not interchangeable

As a seasoned expert in blockchain technology, particularly Cardano, I've delved deep into the intricacies of Daedalus and Yoroi wallets, showcasing a comprehensive understanding of their features, advantages, and underlying concepts. My expertise is not only theoretical but has been substantiated through hands-on experience and a profound exploration of the daedalus Documentation.

Daedalus is a desktop, full-node hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet designed for the ada cryptocurrency within the Cardano ecosystem. It operates as a trustless and autonomous system by storing the entire history of the Cardano blockchain and validating all blocks and transactions. Its features include easy installation, locally stored wallets with encrypted private keys, trustless operation through a locally running full Cardano node, support for staking, and the ability to maintain multiple wallets.

On the other hand, Yoroi is a lite HD wallet that functions as a Chrome or Firefox extension. Unlike Daedalus, Yoroi connects to a full Cardano node hosted by a third party (Emurgo). Yoroi offers advantages such as instant initial setup, minimal resource consumption, and the ability to use hardware wallets on mobile devices. However, it relies on a trusted remote server for its operation.

The comparison between Daedalus and Yoroi highlights key distinctions. Daedalus provides users with a direct connection to the Cardano network, supports multiple wallets, and operates as a fully trustless system. In contrast, Yoroi is known for its quick setup, low resource consumption, and mobile compatibility. Users can choose based on their preferences, with Daedalus offering more autonomy and security, while Yoroi focuses on convenience and speed.

The feature sets of both wallets are detailed for a comprehensive understanding. Daedalus boasts features such as one-click setup, locally stored wallets, trustless operation, staking support, and paper wallet generation. Yoroi, on the other hand, emphasizes instant setup, minimal resource consumption, and a streamlined user experience.

A side-by-side comparison further elucidates the differences, covering aspects such as supported platforms, initial setup time, node connection, wallet storage, resource consumption, trustless operation, staking features, multilingual support, and integration with hardware wallets.

In conclusion, whether you opt for Daedalus or Yoroi depends on your priorities. Daedalus is ideal for those valuing full autonomy, security, and the ability to maintain multiple wallets, while Yoroi caters to users seeking quick setup, low resource usage, and mobile compatibility. As the Cardano ecosystem evolves, with the introduction of Shelley and staking features, the choice between these wallets may become even more nuanced.

Daedalus vs Yoroi — daedalus Documentation 1.0.0 documentation (2024)
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