Creative Ways To Save Money With Almost Zero Effort (2024)

Genius ways to save money without trying!

Saving money can be very difficult for some people (me included) it can make you really dread budgeting. Using creative ways to save money can help you out a ton, especially if after you do your budget you realize you have no extra money to even put in a savings which happens often to those on a low income.

I have been there before as well, but once you get some savings started it grows surprisingly fast! As long as you don’t touch it of course, to help with that I suggest finding extra ways to make money for things you want.

You should also have an emergency fund BEFORE you start a savings, why?! Well I thought you’d never ask, you can check out why I believe emergency funds are more important than savings here.

Now let’s get creative shall we?

Use The App Digit

I love this app as it really makes saving money so easy! Digit will take a small amount of your income and add it to your Digit savings account, when your income spikes or expenses fall they will compensate for that.

The average person using Digit saves approximately $2,500 per year! That is pretty decent especially for those who have trouble saving a dollar.

Use Ebates To Save When You Shop

Using Ebatesis probably my favorite way to save extra money, first it gives me an extra excuse to shop, of course within my means😉.

What is Ebates? Well it is a great earn while you shop site, you usually earn %2 back but they always have deals happening, like right now when you shop through Amazon you get %10 back on your purchase, Hello Cash!💰💰

Ebates is free to use so this is a no-brainer, very easy to save money using Ebates.

🎇Sign up for your free account and start saving while you shop!

🚩If you are Canadian, use this link!

Do The Pop Bottle Challenge

This is one of my most creative ways to save money and a great way to save up for Christmas or a mini vacation! Take a 2L pop bottle and start saving your nickles and dimes, because let’s be real, no way I will be able to save my toonies and loonies < (for us Canadians).😎

Average amount saved after you fill a pop bottle with:

  • dimes: $600-700 or more depending.
  • Nickles: $300-500 depending.

This paid for my Christmas this year so I will definitely be starting it again.

Shop After Holidays

For this you will need to plan ahead a bit because you will be spending a bit more money then usual but it will help in the long run.

After each major holiday I will shop for discounts and stalk up for next year!

For example, at Christmas I always buy Pajama’s for my nieces and nephews so after Christmas I usually can find them anywhere between $3-$5 per set.

This saves me tons and I shop through Ebates which again saves me more.

Cut Down On Expenses

This may not be the most creative way but it does save you money, I always try to cut down on my fixed expenses such as monthly bills and of course my debt.

You can check out some creative ways to save money on your bills.

Always look for ways to cut down on your variable expenses as well, groceries are always a huge expense in my household so I spend a lot of time meal planning and shopping for sales.

Recently to save myself time I signed up for the $5 meal plan which has been a life saver.

🌟Grab a 14 day risk free trial here, you won’t regret it!

Grow Your Own Food

I love growing my own food, especially herbs and spices, because they are costly where I live. Plus it’s nice to have fresh plants throughout your home!

Related: How To Save Loads Of Money On your Groceries!

Save Using Paribus

This nifty App will give you cash back on purchases if there is a price drop in the future, or for Amazon if they deliver your item(s) late.

💥Paribus is %100 free and has great reviews.

Is Paribus safe?

Yes, it is safe to use but because I am extra safe I signed up for a new email address I only use for shopping online. Since Paribus needs access to your emails in order for the app to scan your receipts. Paribus was acquired by Capital One in 2016, though you do not need to connect a credit card.

Paribus is legit completely free, so sign up now and start saving!

There you have it, the most creative ways to save money. Using all of the above shouldn’t be too difficult and there is no reason why you couldn’t save at least $10,000 a year applying all the techniques listed above. Of course, in the end it is up to you and how much effort you are willing to make to save the money.

Looking for ways to MAKE some extra money?

Here are some great ways to make some extra money to add even more to your savings!

  • Create and sell some gigs on Fiverr.
  • Make money in your spare time doing surveys.
  • Make money on Swagbucks doing Surveys.
Creative Ways To Save Money With Almost Zero Effort (1)
Creative Ways To Save Money With Almost Zero Effort (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.