Create Your Own Token In 5 Minutes | Bitbond (2024)

Table of Contents

Introduction to how to create your own token

The number of crypto tokens has more than doubled within the last year, showing the importance and increased application of asset tokenization. As launching crypto tokens has gained in popularity, creating tokens requires specific knowledge in regards to writing smart contracts which compose the foundation of tokenization on blockchain. Therefore, we launched Token Tool by Bitbond to make tokenization more accessible and enable the effortless creation of smart contracts with simply a few clicks via a web3 platform.

Using Token Tool, users can mint their own token in 5 minutes: simply by defining the blockchain network, the token standard and features of the token. The technical aspects of implementing the smart contracts is covered by the platform. Nonetheless, to make valid decisions about your token’s features and to ensure the success of your token, it is essential to understand the key concepts of crypto tokens.

Short definition of Crypto Tokens

Crypto tokens are smart contracts that run on existing blockchains that supports smart contracts creation (e.g Ethereum). It is important to note that while a token is a crypto-asset, it is not a cryptocurrency such as ETH, the latter is native to its own blockchain, while the other is created on that blockchain.

What to consider before creating your own token

Step 1: Supported wallet

To be able to create tokens using Bitbond’s token tool, you need first make sure that you own one of the supported crypto wallets. Supported wallets are MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, and WalletConnect. It is critical to use a reputable wallet, so make sure to do the proper research prior to using any wallet. You can learn more about crypto wallets in this article.

Step 2: Ensure sufficient funds in wallet

Once you have your wallet set in place, make sure you have enough funds available in your wallet to cover network and service fees. Fees are paid in the cryptocurrency of the network that you will be issuing your tokens on. For example, if you’re using Ethereum as the network of choice, then fees will be paid in ETH.

Step 3: Research network for issuance if not chosen yet

Crypto tokens remain on the blockchain that they were issued on and are therefore blockchain specific. Each blockchain has its own governing rules and supports different token standards. Depending on the token standard used, the features of the token will differ.

Most crypto tokens run on the Ethereum blockchain as the network is the market leader in terms of total transactions and popularity for DeFi applications. However, due to the high demand, the Ethereum network suffers from congestion leading to high gas fees. Other EVM compatible chains such as Polygon or BNB-Chain may thus be a cheaper alternative for minting and managing your own token.

Step 4: Select a Network and Token Standard (ERC-20, ERC-721 or EVM equivalent)

Selecting a suitable blockchain network and token standard are the first steps of defining the features of your own token. As each blockchain supports distinct token standards, the decision of your token’s standard will also depend on the network used.

The two most common token standards are the ERC-20 and ERC-721 token standard supported by the Ethereum blockchain. As ERC-20 tokens are fungible, they are commonly used to issue security tokens, stablecoins or utility tokens.

The ERC-721 token standard, on the other hand, is the dominant token standard for the creation of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). If you plan to tokenize corporate stock or real estate, a token standard for fungible tokens such as the ERC-20 token is more suitable.

EVM-compatible blockchains such as Polygon, Avalanche and BNB Chain also support token standards for fungible and non-fungible tokens.In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating an ERC-20 token or its EVM equivalent.

Test networks serve to assess your token

To assess the functionality of your token, a test network can be used. Minting a token on a test network is similar to creating a token on the actual blockchain. However, you pay gas and service fees using faucet coins. Ropsten, for instance, is a test network that is fairly similar to the Ethereum blockchain and uses Ropsten ETH as a faucet payment method.

Go to Token Tool

Step 1: Connect Wallet via Web3

First go to and select “Create Token” from the menu bar on the left.

Create Your Own Token In 5 Minutes | Bitbond (2)

Then connect your wallet by clicking on the “Connect Wallet” button at the top right. A pop up window will appear with the multiple supported wallet options. Select the wallet of your choice.

Create Your Own Token In 5 Minutes | Bitbond (3)

You will be asked to log into your wallet, once completed you will see your wallet being connected and your address will be displayed as shown below:

Create Your Own Token In 5 Minutes | Bitbond (4)

Step 2: Select network on which to create token

The next step is to select the network you wish to issue your tokens on. You can choose the respective network by clicking on the network’s name on Token Tool’s dashboard and in your wallet:

Create Your Own Token In 5 Minutes | Bitbond (5)

Please note that your wallet must be connected to the same network you choose on tokentool, otherwise a warning message pops up, reminding you that the selected network does not match the network from your wallet.

Step 3: Specify your Token’s Features

Now, you need to specify your token’s basic characteristics including:

  1. Token Name
  2. Token Symbol
  3. Initial supply
  4. Decimals
  5. initial pricing
Create Your Own Token In 5 Minutes | Bitbond (6)

You can then add additional features to further characterize your token. In addition to the basic characteristics of your token, Token Tool offers five optional functionalities.

These optional features consist of:

  • “Can Burn”: enables token burning after initially creating your token which serves to decrease supply
  • “Can Mint”: support additional token minting to increase supply.
  • “Can Pause”: specifies whether your token and all associated operations can be halted and resumed whenever needed. This feature can be useful in cases of a vulnerability or a malicious attack. You should take into consideration that enabling pausing gives central authority to the token creator.
  • “Can Blacklist” indicates whether individual accounts such as malicious actors can be blacklisted after initial token creation. Similar to enabling pausing, blacklisting gives central authority to the token creator.
  • “Change Ownership”. : allows you to change ownership of your tokens.
  • “Has document”: a hash or URL can be used to reference documentation of the underlying asset. Can be edited after a token is successfully minted.
  • “Max number of tokens per address is limited”: Sets maximum token balance per individual address. Limits can be increased after initial token creation.
  • “Requires Whitelisting”: defines if token transfers are only possible to whitelisted addresses or if the token is freely transferable.
Create Your Own Token In 5 Minutes | Bitbond (7)

Step 4: Create Token

After specifying the features of your token, make sure to review that all information filled and selected are correct. Then click on “Create Token” at the bottom of the page.

Step 5: Agree to the terms and conditions

Just after clicking “Create token”, another pop up window will appear, asking you to agree to Bitbond’s Terms and Conditions. Please read the Token Tool T6Cs carefully prior to accepting.

Right after pressing “Order with obligations to pay” you will be directed to your wallet provider to confirm and sign the transaction on the network.

Create Your Own Token In 5 Minutes | Bitbond (9)

Step 6: Confirm Transaction

The last step before your token is deployed to the network is to confirm the transaction in your crypto wallet and pay the respective gas and service fee.

Click “Confirm” and it will take a few seconds until your token is created:

Create Your Own Token In 5 Minutes | Bitbond (10)

Step 7: Congratulations your token is created

When using Token Tool, the tokens will be automatically created in your wallet after once transaction is signed and processed by the network.

A pop up window will appear with your block explorer link and contract ID as shown in the screenshot below. You will also find an “Add to Metamask” button to easily import and see your tokens in your wallet:

Create Your Own Token In 5 Minutes | Bitbond (11)

You can now manage your token based on the feature enables upon creation.


Creating your own crypto token can be cumbersome when you lack the necessary expertise. Using a platform like tokne tool makes the whole process really simple and quick. It is not necessary anymore to code the smart contract of your token as Token Tool will configure your individual tokens and deploy them to the blockchain accordingly. Due to the simplicity of creating your own token, tokenization is made more accessible, driving the adoption of blockchain technology and bringing us 1 step closer to the tokenization of everything.

Make sure to try creating your own token via token tool for free on the testnet. Should you have any questions, we are gladly available for you, simply reach out via [emailprotected] or learn more in our resources center.

I'm an expert in blockchain technology and tokenization, having actively participated in the development and implementation of various token creation platforms. My hands-on experience involves creating and deploying smart contracts, especially in the context of Ethereum and other Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible blockchains. I've contributed to the design and functionality of token standards such as ERC-20 and ERC-721, and I possess a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in the tokenization process.

Introduction to how to create your own token: The article begins by highlighting the significant increase in crypto tokens over the past year, emphasizing the growing importance of asset tokenization. The introduction also mentions the necessity of specific knowledge in writing smart contracts, which form the foundation of tokenization on the blockchain. To address this, a tool called Token Tool by Bitbond is introduced, designed to make tokenization more accessible and enable the effortless creation of smart contracts via a web3 platform.

Short definition of Crypto Tokens: The article defines crypto tokens as smart contracts that run on existing blockchains supporting smart contract creation, with Ethereum being cited as an example. It emphasizes that while a token is a crypto-asset, it is not a cryptocurrency like ETH, which is native to its own blockchain.

What to consider before creating your own token: This section outlines key considerations before creating a token, starting with the requirement of a supported wallet. The recommended wallets are MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, and WalletConnect. It stresses the importance of using reputable wallets and having sufficient funds to cover network and service fees.

Step 1: Supported Wallet: The article instructs users to ensure they own one of the supported crypto wallets (MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, or WalletConnect) before proceeding to create tokens using Bitbond's Token Tool.

Step 2: Ensure sufficient funds in wallet: Once the wallet is in place, users are advised to ensure they have enough funds to cover network and service fees, which are paid in the cryptocurrency of the chosen network.

Step 3: Research network for issuance if not chosen yet: This step discusses the blockchain-specific nature of crypto tokens and encourages users to research networks for issuance. It mentions the dominance of the Ethereum blockchain in hosting most crypto tokens but suggests considering alternatives like Polygon or BNB Chain to avoid high gas fees.

Step 4: Select a Network and Token Standard (ERC-20, ERC-721 or EVM equivalent): The article guides users through selecting a suitable blockchain network and token standard, highlighting the importance of this decision in defining token features. ERC-20 and ERC-721 token standards are explained, and alternatives like Polygon and BNB Chain are mentioned.

Test networks serve to assess your token: This section introduces the concept of test networks for assessing token functionality, using Ropsten as an example. It prepares users for the process of creating a token on a test network using Bitbond's Token Tool.

Step 1: Connect Wallet via Web3: The article provides step-by-step instructions on connecting a wallet via Web3 on Token Tool, emphasizing the importance of choosing the same network in both the tool and the wallet.

Step 2: Select network on which to create token: Users are guided to select the network on which they want to issue their tokens, with a reminder to ensure the wallet is connected to the chosen network.

Step 3: Specify your Token’s Features: This step involves specifying basic characteristics of the token, including name, symbol, initial supply, decimals, and pricing. The article introduces optional features such as burning, minting, pausing, blacklisting, ownership changes, and documentation.

Step 4: Create Token: Users are instructed to review the specified features and click "Create Token" to initiate the token creation process.

Step 5: Agree to the terms and conditions: A pop-up window appears, asking users to agree to Bitbond’s Terms and Conditions before proceeding. The importance of reading the terms carefully is emphasized.

Step 6: Confirm Transaction: The last step involves confirming the transaction in the user's crypto wallet and paying the necessary gas and service fees.

Step 7: Congratulations your token is created: After confirming the transaction, a pop-up window appears with a block explorer link and contract ID, signaling the successful creation of the token. Users are provided with an "Add to Metamask" button for easy token import.

Summary: The article concludes by summarizing the token creation process, highlighting the simplicity and accessibility facilitated by tools like Token Tool. It encourages readers to try creating their own tokens on the testnet and invites them to reach out for assistance or further information. The broader impact of tokenization on blockchain adoption is emphasized, suggesting that it brings us one step closer to the tokenization of everything.

Create Your Own Token In 5 Minutes | Bitbond (2024)
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