Cosmos on Chainlink Ecosystem | Every Chainlink integration and partnership (2024)

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Cosmos on Chainlink Ecosystem | Every Chainlink integration and partnership (18)

March 25, 2020

Bringing Chainlink Oracles to Cosmos

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Cosmos on Chainlink Ecosystem | Every Chainlink integration and partnership (19)

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212What’s a Rich Text element?

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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Cosmos is a rapidly expanding ecosystem of independent interconnected blockchains built using developer-friendly application components and connected with ground-breaking IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) protocol.

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About Chainlink

Chainlink is the industry standard for building, accessing, and selling oracle services needed to power hybrid smart contracts on any blockchain. Chainlink oracle networks provide smart contracts with a way to reliably connect to any external API and leverage secure off-chain computations for enabling feature-rich applications. Chainlink currently secures tens of billions of dollars across DeFi, insurance, gaming, and other major industries, and offers global enterprises and leading data providers a universal gateway to all blockchains.

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting or reading the developer documentation at

About Channel Partners

The Chainlink Labs Channel Partner strategy is intended to outline a joint approach between Chainlink Labs and select accelerators, launchpads, incubators, devshops, and software tools to promote the user adoption and growth of the web3 ecosystem. Chainlink Labs and the channel partners will collaborate to accelerate and nurture the web3 ecosystem in key areas including gameFi, NFTs, developers, and startups.

About Chainlink Labs

Chainlink Labs is the leading provider of secure and reliable open-source blockchain oracle solutions, enhancing smart contracts by connecting them to a wide range of off-chain data sources and computations, such as asset prices, web APIs, IoT devices, payment systems, and more. We are dedicated to the development and integration of Chainlink as the standard decentralized oracle framework used by smart contracts across any blockchain.

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Cosmos on Chainlink Ecosystem | Every Chainlink integration and partnership (2024)


Does Cosmos use Chainlink? ›

Chainlink nodes can communicate with all top blockchains that support smart contracts and not only Ethereum. They are fully compatible with the Cosmos and Polkadot blockchains.

What banks are using Swift with Chainlink? ›

Swift conducted an experiment with banks using Chainlink's Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol. The organization stated that its messaging standards, combined with Chainlink's CCIP, can achieve interoperability between traditional banks and blockchain networks.

What ecosystem is Chainlink on? ›

By securely and reliably feeding real-world data into these contracts, Chainlink facilitates complex, real-world interactions and transactions in the Web3 ecosystem.

How do you integrate Chainlink? ›

If you already started a project and need to integrate Chainlink, you can add Chainlink to your existing project with the @chainlink/contracts NPM package.

What blockchain does Cosmos run on? ›

The ATOM token serves as the native cryptocurrency of the Cosmos Hub, the first Cosmos-based blockchain on the Cosmos Network. Its versatile utility includes paying transaction fees, staking for network security, and on-chain governance decisions.

What is the difference between Cosmos and link? ›

Cosmos drives interoperability within the blockchain sector whereas Chainlink focuses on helping blockchains to communicate data between networks and off-chain sources.

Why would SWIFT partner with Chainlink? ›

Chainlink was used as an enterprise abstraction layer to securely connect the Swift network to the Ethereum Sepolia network, while Chainlink's Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) enabled complete interoperability between the source and destination blockchains.

Do US banks use SWIFT? ›

Each US Bank branch has a unique SWIFT code. You can check the correct SWIFT codes for your US Bank branch here.

What network does Chainlink run on? ›

Chainlink is a decentralized blockchain oracle network built on Ethereum.

Who is behind Chainlink? ›

10 Years of Decentralizing the Future. If digital assets are the future of finance and merging legacy financial systems with crypto is the key to this new system, Sergey Nazarov – the co-founder of the decentralized oracle network Chainlink – is one of the driving forces behind this revolution.

What is Chainlink backed by? ›

Decentralized and Sybil-resistant networks - Chainlink is the most decentralized oracle network, consisting of security-reviewed nodes that are backed by professional teams, allowing for the creation of numerous Sybil-resistant and tamper-proof oracle networks that can scale up as the value being secured rises.

Why is Chainlink so important? ›

Chainlink can facilitate secure communications between Ethereum projects and various off-chain data. Because Chainlink's LINK token is built on the Ethereum platform, LINK is compliant with the Ethereum platform's protocols.

What is Chainlink trying to solve? ›

To solve the oracle problem, Chainlink created a decentralized network that acts as middleware - a bridge - between smart contracts and external data sources (a.k.a. "on-chain" data and "off-chain" data).

Who is ChainLinks competition? ›

Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to Chainlink include reliability and ease of use. We have compiled a list of solutions that reviewers voted as the best overall alternatives and competitors to Chainlink, including Zengo Wallet, Ethereum, Venly, and CoinRabbit.

Does Chainlink use AI? ›

By synergizing the power of the Decentralized Knowledge Graph and Chainlink Data feeds, the capabilities of AI to retrieve verifiable information on RWAs can be applied across any domain.

Is Cosmos cross chain or multi chain? ›

Cosmos uses a light client-based cross-chain protocol called Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) for arbitrary message-passing. In the current design, IBC chains create 1:1 Connections with each other, over which Channels can be established.

What chains use Chainlink? ›

  • Ethereum.
  • Ethereum Mainnet.
  • Sepolia testnet.
  • Polygon.
  • Polygon Mainnet.
  • Polygon Amoy testnet.
  • Avalanche.
  • Avalanche Mainnet.

Which companies use Chainlink? ›

Top companies accepting Chainlink (LINK)
  • 4.2 6 reviews. ...
  • SimpleSwap is an easy to use exchange, and that's its main feature. ...
  • Hostiko is a young hosting provider. ...
  • We make privacy-friendly digital devices available to everyone. ...
  • ThunderVM. ...
  • Ordionis.

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Views: 6678

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.