Correlation (2024)

Drinking a glass of red wine per day may decrease your chances of a heart attack.

Taking one aspirin per day may decrease your chances of stroke orof a heart attack.

Eating lots of certain kinds of fish may improve your health andmake you smarter.

Driving slower reduces your chances of getting killed in a trafficaccident.

Taller people tend to weigh more.

Pregnant women that smoke tend to have low birthweight babies.

Animals with large brains tend to be more intelligent.

The more you study for an exam, the higher the score you are likelyto receive.

Correlation (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.