Convert Stellar to US Dollar (XLM to USD) - BeInCrypto (2024)

Convert Stellar to US Dollar (XLM to USD) - BeInCrypto (1)xlm


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Historical Exchange Rate Graph for XLM to USD

The conversion value for 1 XLM to 0.131 USD. BeInCrypto is currently using the following exchange rate 0.131. You can convert XLM to other currencies like BTC, BTC or ADA. We updated our exchange rates on 2023/12/30 02:11. In the last 24 hours, the maximum exchange rate of 1 XLM to USD stands at and the lowest exchange rate at . USD price fluctuated by in the past one hour and changed by in the last 24 hours.

Change In The Value for 1 XLM to USD


1 XLM to USD

Change for 1 XLM

1 XLM to USDChange for 1 XLMChange %

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{prices_list}'; let convert_single_rowHistoryTableTemplate = '



{price} {price_change} {price_amount} {price_change_amount} {price_change_percent}%

'; let convert_single_dopTextTemplateToReplace = 'The conversion value for 1 XLM to 0.1301 USD. BeInCrypto is currently using the following exchange rate 0.1301. You can convert XLM to other currencies like BTC, BTC or ADA. We updated our exchange rates on 2023/12/30 02:11. In the last 24 hours, the maximum exchange rate of 1 XLM to USD stands at {max_to_amount} and the lowest exchange rate at {min_to_amount}. USD price fluctuated by {price_change_percent} in the past one hour and changed by {price_change} in the last 24 hours.'; let convert_single_pointFormat = '1 XLM = {point.y} USD'; let convert_single_convertLinkTemplate = '/convert/{fromCurrency}-to-{toCurrency}/'; let convert_single_coinLinkTemplate = '/price/{id}/'; let convert_single_currencies = {"usd":{"symbol":"USD","name":"US Dollar","logo":"$","rateToUsd":1,"show_in_widget":true,"show_in_table":true},"inr":{"symbol":"INR","name":"Indian rupee","logo":"\u20b9","rateToUsd":0.012223629200014116,"show_in_widget":true,"show_in_table":true},"eur":{"symbol":"EUR","name":"Euro","logo":"\u20ac","rateToUsd":1.100389653116964,"show_in_widget":true,"show_in_table":true},"gbp":{"symbol":"GBP","name":"Pound sterling","logo":"\u00a3","rateToUsd":1.248537643282009,"show_in_widget":true,"show_in_table":true},"aud":{"symbol":"AUD","name":"Australian Dollar","logo":"A$","rateToUsd":0.6596306073321487,"show_in_widget":true,"show_in_table":true},"cad":{"symbol":"CAD","name":"Canadian dollar","logo":"$","rateToUsd":0.733205027174298,"show_in_widget":true,"show_in_table":true}};

As an expert in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, I've delved deep into the nuances of various coins, tokens, and platforms. I've closely followed the developments of Stellar (XLM) and its position within the broader crypto ecosystem. Here's a breakdown of the concepts and information presented in the article:

  1. Convert/XLM to USD: This suggests the ability to exchange Stellar (XLM) tokens for US Dollars (USD). This conversion rate is crucial for traders and investors looking to understand the value of their holdings or make informed decisions.

  2. Stellar (XLM): Stellar is a decentralized protocol that enables the transfer of digital assets and tokens, including its native token, XLM. It focuses on facilitating low-cost, cross-border transactions.

  3. $US Dollar ($USD): The US Dollar is one of the world's primary reserve currencies and serves as a benchmark for various financial instruments and commodities. In the context of this article, it's the fiat currency against which XLM's value is being compared.

  4. Stellar Conversions: The article provides conversions for XLM against multiple fiat currencies like USD, INR (Indian Rupee), EUR (Euro), GBP (British Pound), AUD (Australian Dollar), and CAD (Canadian Dollar). These conversions help global users understand XLM's value relative to their local currencies.

  5. Top Crypto Platforms in the US | January 2024: The article mentions several prominent crypto platforms where users can potentially buy, sell, or trade XLM. Some of these platforms include Coinbase, iTrustCapital, UpHold, eToro, and BYDFi. These platforms play pivotal roles in the crypto ecosystem, offering services ranging from trading to custody.

  6. Historical Exchange Rate Graph for XLM to USD: This section likely provides a graphical representation of the historical performance of XLM against the USD over a specified period. Analyzing such graphs can offer insights into price trends, volatility, and potential future movements.

  7. Change In The Value for 1 XLM to USD: The article seems to provide details on the fluctuation in XLM's value concerning USD over specific time frames. It might include metrics like hourly changes, daily changes, and percentage fluctuations.

  8. Top Cryptocurrency Prices: The article lists the current prices and 24-hour percentage changes for popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT), BNB (BNB), Solana (SOL), and others. This data offers readers a snapshot of the broader crypto market's performance.

  9. Conversion Templates & Data Structures: The provided code snippets seem to outline templates and data structures for displaying conversion rates, historical data, and currency exchange functionalities. This structured data can be crucial for developers, analysts, or platforms aiming to integrate or display real-time crypto-fiat conversion information.

In summary, the article touches upon Stellar's value proposition, its conversion rates against various fiat currencies, and the broader crypto market landscape as of January 2024. Understanding these concepts is vital for anyone involved in cryptocurrency trading, investment, or analysis.

Convert Stellar to US Dollar (XLM to USD) - BeInCrypto (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.