Common Texting Abbreviations and Acronyms (2024)

Common Texting Abbreviations and Acronyms (1)

    Teenager texting using abbreviations


    Westend61 / Getty Images

Back in the early days of texting, longer texts were more expensive to send. So early texters developed texting abbreviations and acronyms that made sending messages easier and cheaper. These abbreviations are still common in texting, but they’ve also made their way to social media, message boards, and even conversational slang. Check out a helpful list of online jargon that will help you keep up with the times — and the texts!

Abbreviations for Parts of Sentences

If you’re trying to write long sentences quickly, you'll want to consider abbreviations. They can make your message more concise without losing understanding. Take note of this list of common texting abbreviations and their meanings. Each has an example in parentheses that uses correct capitalization and punctuation, but remember that proper grammar can make you sound more formal than needed when texting.

  • @ - at (“C U @ noon.”)
  • 2 - two/too/to (“I work til 2.” “Me 2. Wanna go 2 the pool after?”)
  • 2g2bt - too good to be true (“UR 2g2bt!”)
  • 2moro - tomorrow (“C U 2moro”)
  • 2nite - tonight (“R U coming 2nite?”)
  • 4 - for/four (“Come over around 4. I have a present 4 you.”)
  • 4ever - forever (“Luv u 4ever!”)
  • 8 - ate (“I don’t want pizza, I 8 that last night.”)
  • ?4U - question for you (“?4U. Can I borrow your lawnmower?”)
  • a3 - anytime, anywhere, anyplace (“I can meet a3”)
  • abt - about (“I heard abt your new job!”)
  • adbb - all done, bye bye (“Joe and his gf are adbb.”)
  • afk - away from keyboard (“I’m afk right now.”)
  • asap - as soon as possible (“Please let me know ASAP.”)
  • atm - at the moment (“I’m not sure where Vita is atm.”)
  • b4 - before (“Let’s meet up b4 the concert.”)
  • b/c or bc or bcoz - because (“I can’t come bc I have to babysit.”)
  • bf/gf - boyfriend/girlfriend (“Did Lily break up with her bf?”)
  • bff - best friend forever (“My bff told me about the party.”)
  • bif - before I forget (“Bif – are you coming tomorrow?”)
  • btdt - been there done that (“I don’t want to go to the club. BTDT”)
  • btw - by the way (“Btw, can I borrow the car?”)
  • c - see (“I’ll C U there!”)
  • cm - call me (“Can’t talk now. Cm l8r.”)
  • csl - can't stop laughing (“That video’s so funny, I csl!”)
  • dm - direct message (“DM me the details later.”)
  • dnbl8 - don't be late (“Concert starts at 7, dnbl8!”)
  • g4i - go for it (“There’s a job opening there. You should g4i!”)
  • gab - getting a beer (“Want to hang out and gab?”)
  • gas - got a second? (“Gas? I’ve got a question.”)
  • gr8 - great (“Gr8 news! I got the promotion!”)
  • icymi - in case you missed it (“Icymi, Joan broke up with her husband.”)
  • iirc - if I recall correctly (“The meeting starts at 8 iirc.”)
  • im - instant message (“Im me if you have any questions.”)
  • ima/imma/i'ma - I'm going to (“Ima see Derek tonight.”)
  • imo/imho - in my opinion/in my humble opinion (“Imo, you should wear the red dress tonight.”)
  • iow - in other words (“Iow, Shawn isn’t coming tonight.”)
  • irl - in real life (“We should meet up irl!”)
  • j2lyk - just to let you know (“J2lyk, I can’t make it tonight.”)
  • l8r - later (“The fireworks show isn’t till l8r.”)
  • lmk - let me know (“Lmk if you can bring anything tonight.”)
  • msg - message (“Msg me later if you want more details.”)
  • n - in (“He’s n the garage.”)
  • peeps - people (“Hey peeps! Going out l8r?”)
  • pita - pain in the a** (“Studying for finals is a pita.”)
  • pls or plz - please (“Can I borrow your computer pls?”)
  • ppl - people (“A bunch of ppl were asking about you tonight.”)
  • r - are (“R u ok?”)
  • tom/2mrow - tomorrow (“Want 2 c a movie tom?”)
  • u - you (“Where were u today?”)
  • ur - your/you're (“U left ur camera at my house.”)
  • w8 - wait (“W8 till Bernard gets there b4 opening presents.”)
  • w/ - with (“Do you want a sandwich w/mayo?”)
  • w/o - without (“Don’t leave w/o saying goodbye!”)
  • yf - wife (“I'll ask my yf if we have plans 2nite.”)

Standalone Text Abbreviations

Texting and online communication move quickly. By the time you’ve got a reply ready, the moment may have passed. That’s why standalone text abbreviations and acronyms are helpful to keep a fast-moving conversation moving.

Response Abbreviations

When someone texts you a funny meme or posts a shocking announcement, you can react quickly with the right response. These abbreviations work by themselves or as part of a longer sentence. Check out these examples of responses appropriate for text talk.

  • 10q, tq, or ty- thank you
  • fofl - falling on floor laughing
  • gratz - congratulations
  • h&k - hugs and kisses
  • ily - I love you
  • idc - I don’t care
  • idk - I don't know
  • ftw - for the win (or “this is the best or very good”)
  • j/k or jk - just kidding
  • k - okay
  • lmao - laughing my a** off
  • lol - laughing out loud
  • mtf - more to follow
  • n1 - nice one
  • np/no prob - no problem
  • oic - oh I see
  • omg - oh my gosh/oh my god
  • orly - oh really?
  • prw - parents are watching
  • rotfl/rofl/fotfl - rolling on the floor laughing, falling on the floor laughing
  • sok - it's ok
  • soz or sry - sorry
  • sup - what's up?
  • ta - thanks again
  • thx - thanks
  • tl;dr - too long; didn’t read
  • tmi - too much information
  • toy - thinking of you
  • wtf - what the f***?
  • wru - where are you?
  • xoxo - hugs and kisses


Ending the Conversation

It’s not polite to leave a fellow texter hanging. End the conversation politely with these texting shorthand options. You can choose the best one depending on how long you’ll be gone.

  • cul8r - see you later
  • cwyl - chat with you later
  • cya - see ya
  • b4n - bye for now
  • brb - be right back
  • brt - be right there
  • gnite - good night
  • gtgb - got to go, bye
  • hagd - have a great day
  • g2g/gtg - got to go (“We’ll talk later, gtg.”)
  • sec - wait a second
  • tc - take care
  • ttfn - ta-ta for now
  • ttyl - talk to you later
  • ttyt - talk to you tomorrow
  • syl - see you later
  • t@yl - talk at you later
  • yolo - you only live once

Emojis and Emoticons

It can be hard to convey your message with text alone. Emoticons (or “emotional/emotive icons”) used to be the standard way to send a quick image to establish your written tone. However, emoji keyboards now enable users to select an illustration that gets the point across.



Emoticons are simply combinations of keyboard characters that, when combined, resemble an expressive human face. They can be used as punctuation to a longer message or as stand-alone messages. Tilt your head to the left to see these examples:

  • :) - standard happy face
  • :o) - happy face with a big nose
  • :-) - happy face with a narrow nose
  • :c) - happy face with an upturned nose
  • =) - happy face with cartoonish eyes
  • 8-) - happy face with glasses
  • :/ - displeased or skeptical face
  • <:0) - clown face
  • :( - sad face
  • ^^ - pleased face (or “I agree with the above message”)
  • >:( - angry face
  • :O - surprised face
  • :P - tongue sticking out
  • ;) - winking face
  • (~_^) - another winking face
  • :'( - crying face
  • :* - Kiss


An emoji is a picture version of an emoticon. You’re much more likely to see emojis these days than emoticons. Most devices even change an emoticon to its proper emoji. Take a look at your phone's emoji keyboard to see all of the possibilities!


Common Texting Abbreviations and Acronyms (2)

    Emojis examples


    Omadbek Nabiev / iStock / Getty Images Plus

More Texting Resources

Still not sure your texting skills are up to date? Check out a slideshow that ensures you’re texting what you think you’re texting. You can also read through a longer list of texting slang to make sure you’re not missing any crucial phrases.

Common Texting Abbreviations and Acronyms (2024)


Common Texting Abbreviations and Acronyms? ›

skl – School. sksksk – Representing laughter. slaps – Describing something as good (e.g. This song slaps)

What are the most used acronyms in texting? ›

Common text abbreviations
  • ROFL: Rolling on the floor laughing.
  • STFU: Shut the f*** up.
  • ICYMI: In case you missed it.
  • TL;DR: Too long, didn't read.
  • TMI: Too much information.
  • AFAIK: As far as I know.
  • LMK: Let me know.
  • NVM: Nevermind.
Mar 1, 2024

What does skl mean in texting? ›

skl – School. sksksk – Representing laughter. slaps – Describing something as good (e.g. This song slaps)

What does oml mean in text? ›

OML means Oh My Lord.

No one seems sure of the exact original, but it's believed that OMG and OML both have roots going back to the earliest days of the internet. You won't see OML as often as you see the popular OMG (Oh My God), but they are basically identical, both indicating surprise, disbelief, or excitement.

What does TIA stand for in texting? ›

written abbreviation for thanks in advance: used in an email when you ask someone for information or want them to do something for you. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Internet, email and texting conventions.

What does ftw mean? ›

for the win. used especially to express approval or support.

What does 143 mean? ›

143 means "I love you." Back in the 90s when pagers were widely used, 143 was a quick way of saying it. Each number of 143 just counts the letters in each word: I (1), Love (4), You (3). But do you know when it first became significant in our digital world?

What does N9 mean? ›

N9 Visas are reserved for children (unmarried individuals under the age of 21) of officers (current or former) or employees (current or former), of foreign governments which belong to an international organization listed under the International Organization & Immunities Act.

What does HMP mean in txt? ›

HMP is an acronym that means both hit my phone and help me please.

What does slk mean? ›

2-door roadster. Layout. Front-engine, rear-wheel-drive. The former name "SLK" was derived from sportlich (sporty), leicht (lightweight), and kurz (short). With the release of the facelift R172 in 2016, the SLK-Class was renamed to SLC-Class in accordance with the revised nomenclature adopted by Mercedes.

What does "ofc" mean from a girl? ›

In texting and internet slang, OFC means “of course.” Sometimes, the F stands for a particularly offensive epithet: of f* * *ing course. In writing, OFC stands for “original female character.” When encountering this initialism in the wild, one of these two definitions is likely the one you are looking for.

What is iykyk? ›

IYKYK stands for “If You Know, You Know.” It is an acronym commonly used on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. The phrase is often used to indicate that there is a shared understanding or knowledge about something among a specific group of people.

What does pov mean in text? ›

The phrase "point of view" is used to expressed somebody's own opinion or perspective.

What does gtg ttyl mean in texting? ›

GTG TTYL means: "Got to go. Talk to you later."

What is the most popular acronym? ›

Popular acronyms and initialisms
  • ASAP (As Soon As Possible) ASAP is up there with the widely used acronyms. ...
  • TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) ...
  • TIA (Thanks In Advance) ...
  • LOL (Laugh Out Loud) ...
  • OMG (Oh My God) ...
  • WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)

What does EOD mean in texting? ›

Text message abbreviations and acronyms
EODEnd of day/end of discussion
EOMEnd of message
ETAEstimated time of arrival
190 more rows

What are the 3 dots called texting? ›

The ellipsis ... (/əˈlɪpsɪs/; also known informally as dot dot dot) is a series of dots that indicates an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning.

What are 10 acronyms? ›

List of Acronyms Examples
  • LOL – Laugh out loud.
  • YOLO – You only live once.
  • ASAP – As soon as possible.
  • WIP – Work in progress.
  • FOMO – Fear of missing out.
  • PIN – Personal Identification Number.
  • SONAR – Sound Navigation and Ranging.
  • ZIP – Zone Improvement Plan.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.