College still worth it? Should we invest in it 2023 & beyond (2024)

It has come to light that the college degree, which was once regarded by many as a necessary step towards realizing the American Dream, has become less valuable in the eyes of many Americans. Falling faith in the promise of steady job for graduates and the skyrocketing costs of college education are two of the main causes of this erosion in the value of traditional four-year degrees.

College still worth it? Should we invest in it 2023 & beyond (1)

In this article we will go into further depth about whether college is the right investment for you future.

Table of Contents

Uncertain Returns

Thepotential earnings is one of the main causes of uncertainty regarding the worth of a college degree. Although it’s true that college graduates typically make more money than non-graduates over the course of their careers, this isn’t always the case. Incomes can differ greatly depending on a number of variables, including location, the college or university attended, the major selected, and personal career decisions. While graduates in the humanities or social sciences may experience slower career advancement and lower starting salaries, those in engineering or computer science may see significant returns.

Rising Student Debt and Tuition Costs:

For many people, the rising expense of a college education is a serious concern. For many years, tuition costs have increased faster than inflation, placing a heavy financial burden on higher education. To pay for these expenses, students frequently have to turn to loans, which causes them to accrue large amounts of student debt. Financial stress brought on by this debt can be debilitating and persist for years or even decades after graduation. Critics contend that, especially for those pursuing lower-paying careers, the possibility of crippling debt may not outweigh the possible financial return on investment.

Impact of Student Debt

College still worth it? Should we invest in it 2023 & beyond (2)

With millions of graduates struggling to repay loans that frequently total tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, the burden of student loan debt has reached a crisis point.

As of Spring 2023 there were roughly 17 million college students and over 43 million borrowers in the US owed a total of $1.75 trillion in student debt. With 45% of borrowers affirming that college was not worthwhile.

Student loan debt can have serious financial long-term effects. For many years after graduation, graduates might have to set aside a sizeable percentage of their income to pay back their loans. Their capacity to make other important life decisions, like purchasing a home, beginning a family, or going back to school, may be impacted by this financial hardship.

The Job Market is Changing:

The labor market is continuously changing. Critics contend that the focus on degrees is out of date and does not always take into account how things are changing. In some sectors of the economy, employers are giving certifications, experience, and skills greater weight than degrees. A portfolio of work or pertinent certifications can now be more valuable than a diploma in fields like technology and the arts, where this change is especially noticeable. Not to mention how technology will make a vast majority of jobs obsolete.

Alternative Educational Routes:

The conventional college model is under threat from the emergence of alternative learning pathways. For a fraction of the price of a traditional four-year degree, specialized and job-specific training is available through online courses, apprenticeships, and vocational training programs. These courses are frequently made to give students real-world experience and information that they can use in their chosen fields. They provide many with a quicker and more affordable path to a lucrative career. Opponents contend that these alternate courses better suit the demands of the modern workforce, in which a practical education is frequently valued above a general one.

Skills vs. Degrees:

The preference for skills over degrees is one of the biggest changes in the employment market. When hiring, employers are becoming more and more aware of the value of practical skills and real-world experience. This trend is especially noticeable in fields like technology, where coding bootcamps, certifications, and tangible skills are frequently valued more highly than traditional degrees.

t’s crucial to research whether the curriculum for certain majors will provide you with this vital experience, if not you will have to gain that experience after graduation. Because of this, some contend that spending money on a degree might not be the best way to get employment in these fields.

Online Learning and MOOCs

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have become very popular as an adaptable and reasonably priced way to learn new things. A wide range of courses in different disciplines are available on platforms such as Coursera, edX, and Udemy, which enable access to top-notch education for a worldwide audience. Many of these courses offer certificates or micro-credentials that help people gain expertise in particular fields without pursuing a full degree. These credentials can be recognized by employers.

Trade School and Bootcamps


Bootcamps are intensive, brief training programs that concentrate on particular skills needed in industries with high demand for workers. For example, in just a few months, coding bootcamps prepare students for careers in software development.

vocational training

Conversely, programs for vocational training provide practical, industry-specific training in areas such as welding, automotive technology, and healthcare. These courses usually result in a quicker entry into the workforce and are more reasonably priced

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

College still worth it? Should we invest in it 2023 & beyond (3)

Because AI and automation can automate repetitive, routine tasks, the job market is rapidly changing. There are several job sectors where automation is becoming increasingly prevalent, including manufacturing, data entry, finance/accounting, marketing and customer service. The possibility of job displacement is a big worry for recent college graduates who had previously chosen careers in these fields. People who once thought that a college degree would guarantee them a stable job may find themselves without one as these jobs become more automated.

The employment market is being significantly disrupted by artificial intelligence. Although new opportunities are appearing, they frequently call for a dedication to lifelong learning, specialized skills, and multidisciplinary knowledge. To stay competitive in a labor market that is becoming more and more shaped by automation and artificial intelligence, college graduates must evaluate how their degrees fit with these changing employment trends and think about pursuing further training or education.


College still worth it? Should we invest in it 2023 & beyond (4)

In conclusion, a number of factors, such as the skyrocketing expense of college tuition, the rise of alternative learning pathways, changes in the demands of the labor market, and the opportunity costs connected with attending college, contribute to the skepticism surrounding the value of a college education. These worries show how important it is to give serious thought to one’s particular situation and career goals when determining whether a traditional college degree is the best option. The choice to continue with higher education should ultimately be based on a thorough assessment of the benefits and risks, considering both the skeptical and affirmative viewpoints.

College still worth it? Should we invest in it 2023 & beyond (2024)
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