Coin Bureau Guy Net Worth - How Rich Is the Crypto YouTuber? - Techie + Gamers (2024)

The face and owner of the crypto-themed website and YouTube channel Coin Bureau is a gentleman popularly known online as Guy. His company is one of the most up-to-date information sources relating to digital currencies and blockchain technology. Guy is a former actor who now considers himself a jack of all cryptocurrency trades. As of 2022, Coin Bureau has a net worth of $2 million.


Much of Guy’s personal details are a mystery. However, it is rumored that his real name is Mike Jenkins from Hackney, East London. He has also shared on his Twitter account that his birthday is on October 15, but the year is unknown.

As a child, his fascination with economics began when his father, an accountant, described how the stock market operated. He understood that money can grow if put to work rather than lying in a savings account somewhere.

Guy worked in a variety of occupations after graduating from university with a degree in English. He worked as a writer, editor, and instructor. He also had a few acting gigs.

Diving Into Crypto

Though he worked in multiple fields, Guy was always mindful of the financial economy. In 2011, he looked at an interview with Alistair Darling, who exposed how British banks were at their lowest point.

He realized at that time that the current financial system was not only dysfunctional but also unsuited for function. As a result, when he learned about cryptocurrency, he was immediately intrigued.

Guy first learned about crypto in 2013, when his neighborhood pub in East London began taking Bitcoin as payment. He thoroughly studied the new currency later on.

Coin Bureau

After two of his buddies stated they were founding Coin Bureau, Guy asked to join the group. They started as an educational website that wrote overviews about blockchain platforms, smart contracts, and crypto in general.

Guy was one of the website’s original writers, and he contributed to many of the site’s early educational articles. Later, in 2018, he mentioned starting a YouTube channel and they launched in early 2019.

Now, their YouTube channel is one of the most recognized in the cryptocurrency category. By regularly posting quality content, Guy and his team earned a subscriber count of 2 million.

Net Worth and Salary

Reports estimate that Guy’s YouTube channel is making between $1,300 and $21,000 per month. This adds up to a yearly income of $15,800 to $252,100. The channel is also supported by affiliate marketing.

They receive extra revenue with Binance’s affiliate program as well as selling their own merch. Their website is also active, posting articles almost every day. This is why Coin Bureau Guy has an estimated net worth of $2 million in 2022.

Personal Life

Guy is very secretive about his personal affairs. However, it’s a different story when it comes to his personal crypto portfolio. Over 60% of his portfolio is split between Ethereum and Bitcoin. He also put some of his money into ADA, USDC, SOL, DOT, RUNE, PAXG, LINK, INJ, ATOM, REN, and LIT.

Coin Bureau Guy Net Worth - How Rich Is the Crypto YouTuber? - Techie + Gamers (1)

Techie Gamers

    Started in 2017, Techiegamers is now home to over 500,000 visitors every month and has been featured on websites such as the LA Times, Yahoo, MSN and many more.

    Coin Bureau Guy Net Worth - How Rich Is the Crypto YouTuber? - Techie + Gamers (2024)
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