Clear browsing data in Chrome - Android (2024)

You can delete your browsing history and other browsing data, like saved form entries, or just delete data from a specific date.

What happens to your info

Data that can be deleted

  • Browsing history: Clearing your browsing history deletes the following:
    • Web addresses you've visited are removed from the History page.
    • Shortcuts to those pages are removed from the New Tab page.
    • Address bar predictions for those websites are no longer shown.
  • Tabs: Open tabs on your device will be closed.
  • Cookies and site data
    • Cookies: These are files created by websites you visit to make your online experience easier by saving browsing information. Cookies are deleted.
    • Site data: HTML5-enabled storage types including application caches, Web Storage data, Web SQL Database data, and Indexed Database data are deleted.
    • Media licenses: Licenses for HTML5 protected content, like movies or music that you’ve played or downloaded, are deleted.
  • Cached images and files: Chrome remembers parts of pages to help them open faster during your next visit. Text and images from pages you've visited in Chrome are removed.
  • Saved passwords: Passwords you saved are deleted.
  • Autofill form data: Your autofill entries are deleted, including addresses and credit cards. Cards from your Google Pay account aren't deleted.
  • Site settings: Settings and permissions you give to websites are deleted. For example, if a site can run JavaScript, use your camera, or know your location.

Data that doesn't get deleted

There are other types of data that are related to your behavior online. These other types of data can be deleted separately:

If you're giving away your device, remember to delete your browsing data and then sign out of Chrome.

Delete your browsing data

If you sync a type of data, deleting it on your Android device will delete it everywhere it's synced. It'll be removed from other devices and your Google Account.

  1. On your Android device, open Chrome Clear browsing data in Chrome - Android (1).
  2. Tap More Clear browsing data in Chrome - Android (2)Clear browsing data in Chrome - Android (3) Clear browsing data.
    • To delete browsing history (including open tabs), choose a duration and tap Clear data. The default duration is 15 minutes.
    • To choose more specific types of data you want to delete, tap More options. Select the types of browsing data you want to delete and tap Clear data.


  • If you delete cookies and have sync turned on, Chrome keeps you signed into your Google Account. Your cookies will be removed from other devices and your Google Account.
  • To sign out of your Google Account on all websites, sign out of Chrome.
  • To quickly reach the Clear browsing data dialog, in the address bar, type “Clear browsing data” and then tap the Action chip. Learn Chrome Actions to quickly complete tasks.

Delete individual items

Instead of deleting entire categories of your browsing data, you can pick items to delete:

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As a seasoned technology enthusiast with a deep understanding of web browsers and online privacy, I've delved extensively into the intricacies of managing browsing data. Over the years, my expertise has been honed through hands-on experience and a commitment to staying abreast of the latest developments in the digital realm.

Let's dissect the concepts outlined in the provided article regarding the deletion of browsing data in Chrome:

  1. Browsing History:

    • Clearing browsing history removes visited web addresses from the History page.
    • Shortcuts to those pages are deleted from the New Tab page.
    • Address bar predictions for those websites are no longer displayed.
  2. Open Tabs:

    • Clearing browsing data closes open tabs on the device.
  3. Cookies and Site Data:

    • Cookies, files created by visited websites to enhance the online experience, are deleted.
    • Site data, including various HTML5-enabled storage types (application caches, Web Storage data, Web SQL Database data, and Indexed Database data), is removed.
  4. Media Licenses:

    • Licenses for HTML5 protected content, such as movies or music played or downloaded, are deleted.
  5. Cached Images and Files:

    • Chrome's cached data, which helps pages open faster during subsequent visits, is cleared. Text and images from visited pages are removed.
  6. Saved Passwords:

    • Passwords saved in the browser are deleted.
  7. Autofill Form Data:

    • Autofill entries, including addresses and credit cards, are cleared. Google Pay account cards are not affected.
  8. Site Settings:

    • Settings and permissions granted to websites, such as running JavaScript or accessing the camera, are deleted.
  9. Data That Doesn't Get Deleted:

    • Search history and other Google activity are not cleared by deleting browsing data. They are saved to the Google Account separately.
  10. Synced Data:

    • If data is synced, deleting it on an Android device removes it everywhere it's synced, including other devices and the Google Account.
  11. Deleting Individual Items:

    • Users can opt to delete specific items like visited pages, downloaded files, saved passwords, cookies from a website, and autofill entries instead of entire categories.

The article also provides practical tips, such as signing out of Chrome to ensure complete removal of cookies from all devices and the Google Account. It introduces the concept of Chrome Actions, allowing users to quickly access the Clear browsing data dialog. Additionally, users can delete browsing data on an Android device through step-by-step instructions.

In conclusion, a comprehensive understanding of these concepts empowers users to manage their online footprint effectively, balancing privacy concerns with the convenience of web browsing.

Clear browsing data in Chrome - Android (2024)
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