Classical vs. quantum computing: What are the differences? | TechTarget (2024)

As new technologies develop and gain traction, the public tends to divide into two groups: those who believe it will make an impact and grow, and those who don't. The former tends to be correct, so it is crucial to understand how future technologies differ from the status quo to prepare for their adoption en masse.

Classical computing has been the norm for decades, but in recent years, quantum computing has continued to rapidly develop. The technology is still in its early stages, but has existing and many more potential uses in AI/ML, cybersecurity, modeling and other applications.

It might be years before widespread implementation of quantum computing. However, explore the differences between classical vs. quantum computing to gain an understanding should the technology become more widespread.

Differences between classical computing vs. quantum computing

Quantum computers typically must operate under more regulated physical conditions than classical computers because of quantum mechanics. Classical computers have less compute power than quantum computers and cannot scale as easily. They also use different units of data -- classical computers use bits and quantum computers use qubits.

Units of data: Bits and bytes vs. qubits

In classical computers, data is processed in a binary manner.

Classical computers use bits -- eight units of bits is referred to as one byte -- as their basic unit of data. Classical computers write code in a binary manner as a 1 or a 0. Simply put, these 1s and 0s indicate the state of on or off, respectively. They can also indicate true or false or yes or no, for example.

This is also known as serial processing, which is successive in nature, meaning one operation must complete before another one follows. Lots of computing systems use parallel processing, an expansion of classical processing, which can perform simultaneous computing tasks. Classical computers also return one result because bits of 1s and 0s are repeatable due to their binary nature.

Quantum Computing: 4 Things You Need to Know

Classical vs. quantum computing: What are the differences? | TechTarget (1)

Quantum computing, however, follows a different set of rules. Quantum computers use qubits as their unit of data. Qubits, unlike bits, can be a value of 1 or 0, but can also be 1 and 0 at the same time, existing in multiple states at once. This is known as superposition, where properties are not defined until they are measured.

According to IBM, "Groups of qubits in superposition can create complex, multidimensional computational spaces," which enables more complex computations. When qubits become entangled, changes to one qubit directly affect the other, which makes information transfer between qubits much faster.

In classical computers, algorithms need a lot of parallel computations to solve problems. Quantum computers can account for multiple outcomes when they analyze data with a large set of constraints. The outputs have an associated probability, and quantum computers can perform more difficult compute tasks than classical computers can.

Power of classical vs. quantum computers

Most classical computers operate on Boolean logic and algebra, and power increases linearly with the number of transistors in the system -- the 1s and 0s. The direct relationship means in a classical computer, power increases 1:1 in tandem with the transistors in the system.

Classical vs. quantum computing: What are the differences? | TechTarget (2)

Because quantum computers' qubits can represent a 1 and 0 at the same time, a quantum computer's power increases exponentially in relation to the number of qubits. Because of superposition, the number of computations a quantum computer could take is 2N where N is the number of qubits.

Operating environments

Classical computers are well-suited for everyday use and normal conditions. Consider something as simple as a standard laptop. Most people can take their computer out of their briefcase and use it in an air-conditioned café or on the porch during a sunny summer day. In these environments, performance won't take a hit for normal uses like web browsing and sending emails over short periods of time.

Organizations that don't plan on implementing quantum computing in their own business will still need to prepare for the external threats quantum computing might impose.

Data centers and larger computing systems are more complex and sensitive to temperature, but still operate within what most people would consider "reasonable" temperatures, such as room temperature. For example, ASHRAE recommends A1 to A4 class hardware stays at 18 to 27 degrees Celsius, or 64.4 to 80.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Some quantum computers, however, need to reside in heavily regulated and stringent physical environments. Some need to be kept at absolute zero, which is around -273.15 degrees Celsius or -459.67 Fahrenheit, although recently the first room-temperature computer was developed by Quantum Brilliance.

The reason for the cold operating environments is that qubits are extremely sensitive to mechanical and thermal influences. Disturbances can cause the atoms to lose their quantum coherence -- essentially, the ability for the qubit to represent both a 1 and a 0 -- which can cause errors to computations.

Why data center managers should take note of quantum computing

Like most technologies, quantum computing poses opportunities and risks. While it might be a while before quantum computers really take off, start to have conversations with leadership and develop plans for quantum computing.

Organizations that don't plan on implementing quantum computing in their own business will still need to prepare for the external threats quantum computing might impose. Firstly, quantum computers can potentially crack even the most powerful and advanced security measures. For example, a motivated enough hacker can, in theory, use quantum computing to quickly break the cryptographic keys commonly used in encryption if they are savvy.

In addition, organizations that are considering quantum computers for their data centers or certain applications will have to prepare facilities. Like any other piece of infrastructure, quantum computers need space, electricity supply and resources to operate. Begin examining the options available to accommodate for them. Look at budget, space, facility and staffing needs to begin planning.

Classical vs. quantum computing: What are the differences? | TechTarget (2024)


Classical vs. quantum computing: What are the differences? | TechTarget? ›

A quantum computer uses a quantum property called superposition or qubits to store data. Unlike a classical computer whose bits of data can exist as either a zero or a 1, a qubit can be a zero, 1, or both simultaneously.

What is the difference between classical and quantum computing? ›

Quantum Computing vs Classical Computing: Key Difference. Quantum Computing vs Classical Computing is fundamentally different paradigms that work on different principles. Classical computing relies on binary digits (bits) that are either in the state of 0, or 1, while quantum computing relies on quantum bits or qubits.

What is the difference between classical and quantum information? ›

Classical information is subject to the laws of classical physics, while quantum information obeys the laws of quantum mechanics. This chapter provides basic concepts from mathematics, quantum mechanics, and computer science necessary for understanding the properties of quantum information.

What is the difference between classical algorithms and quantum algorithms? ›

A difference with a classical algorithm is that a quantum algorithm is always reversible. This means that if measurements are not a part of the circuit, a reverse traversal of the quantum circuit will undo the operations brought about by a forward traversal of that circuit.

What is the difference between classical and quantum mechanics? ›

Classical mechanics describes the physics of macroscopic objects and is deterministic, i.e., future is predictable. Quantum mechanics describes microscopic particles like atoms, emphasizing probabilities and wave-particle duality. It is inherently probabilistic and acknowledges that precise prediction is impossible.

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Classical statistics describes macroscopic matter using classical many body theory, while quantum statistics uses many body quantum theory to describe matter at the quantum level.

What can a quantum computer do that a classical computer can't? ›

Quantum computers simulate real world scenarios in ways that classical computers can't. Their multi-dimensional processing enables complex analysis of complex problems, thanks to capabilities like superposition and entanglement.

How do you know if something is classical or quantum? ›

There is a rule that physicist often use to separate classical physics from quantum. If Planck's constant appears in the equations, it is quantum physics. If it doesn't, it is classical physics.

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On the other hand, quantum computing, in general, offers the potential for exponential speedup in certain computations due to the specific characters in quantum mechanics. It has the advantage of being able to perform complex calculations faster than classical computers.

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Quantum computing is faster and more complex than classical computing. It can maintain a superposition of all states and pick a specific state with one operation. Grover's algorithm uses this advantage to search unsorted databases more efficiently.

How fast is a quantum computer compared to a classical computer? ›

Quantum computers have shown that they can process certain tasks exponentially faster than classical computers. In late 2019, Google claimed that it had managed to solve a problem that would take 10,000 years for the world's fastest supercomputer within just 200s using a quantum computer.

What is the difference between classical AI and quantum AI? ›

Quantum AI represents a paradigm shift in artificial intelligence, blending the principles of quantum mechanics with advanced computing. Unlike classical bits, quantum bits or qubits can exist in multiple states simultaneously, opening new possibilities for computation.

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The quantum internet is a hypothetical secure network made of qubits. It differs from the classical internet with its use of quantum principles for enhanced security and computing.

What is the major difference between quantum and classical computers? ›

Data Representation: Classical computers use bits to represent and process information. A bit can be in one of two states: 0 or 1. Quantum computers, on the other hand, use quantum bits or qubits, which can represent 0, 1, or a superposition of both states simultaneously.

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The main differences

There are two key differences: Classical probabilities pi range from zero to one, and satisfy ∑ipi=1. Quantum probabilities ψi are complex numbers, and instead satisfy ∑i|ψi|2=1.

What is the difference between classical and quantum measurement? ›

On a last note, a main fundamental difference between measurements in quantum systems (or more correctly a difference in measurability of system properties) and classical ones is the fact that in the former there are conjugate pairs of observables such as position and momentum that are not measurable simultaneously, ...

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Quantum states change by a different set of rules than classical states. For example, classical waves can't climb over a barrier that's too tall, but quantum waves can. The word "state" pops up in many places.

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2. Solving Complex Data Patterns. Quantum computing can assist in solving complex data patterns that cannot be addressed by classical machine learning and deep learning algorithms. Very complicated datasets where data correlations and patterns are not recognisable and solvable, the QML can make it possible.

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