Claiming Rewards Using The FTSO Reward Manager Songbird Network (2024)

Claiming Rewards Using The FTSO Reward Manager | Songbird Network

There may come a time where you want to interrogate the FTSO Reward Manager, to verify the status of your rewards or to claim them directly, as opposed to using a wallet or other UI - in this tutorial I’ll show you how.

The FTSO Reward Manager is accessible via the Songbird Explorer.

I suggest you bookmark this url now.

Songbird Explorer

The Songbird Explorer contains all the transactions performed on the Songbird Network. It should be the first place you go, when seeking further detail, regarding transactions to and from your wallet address.

To familiarise yourself with how it works, I suggest you first enter your wallet address in the top right hand corner and press enter.

Claiming Rewards Using The FTSO Reward Manager Songbird Network (1)

You’ll now see the transaction history for your address in the main dialog box. You’ll also see Tabs for Internal Transactions and Coin Balance History. Navigating these tabs will show you data you should be familiar with.

If there’s ever a time you’re unsure if a transaction has been successfully completed or not, this is the place to check.

FTSO Reward Manager

To acccess the FTSO Reward Manager you need to enter the following address in the top right hand field 0xc5738334b972745067fFa666040fdeADc66Cb925 and press enter. You can also just type in FtsoRewardManager and you’ll see it appear.

You should see that you’re accessing the correct by checking the name here.

Claiming Rewards Using The FTSO Reward Manager Songbird Network (2)

You’ll notice there’s more tabs available, specifically Read Contract & Write Contract.

Claiming Rewards Using The FTSO Reward Manager Songbird Network (3)

Read Contract

Selecting Read Contract will allow you to perform various checks including checking epochs with unclaimed rewards or the rewards claimed on a certain epoch.

Let’s look at checking to see if there’s any unclaimed rewards.

This is done by querying number 11. getEpochsWithUnclaimedRewards

Enter your wallet address and press the Query button.

Claiming Rewards Using The FTSO Reward Manager Songbird Network (4)

The FTSO Manager will now query your wallet address and output any epochs with unclaimed rewards in the window below.

Claiming Rewards Using The FTSO Reward Manager Songbird Network (5)

In the case of this example, there’s no epochs with unclaimed rewards. If there is, you’ll see a number in this location.

Now to query the rewards paid from a previous epoch.

This time we’ll be using 14. getStateOfRewards

Enter your address in the beneficiery field, the epoch number you wish to check and then hit the Query button.

Claiming Rewards Using The FTSO Reward Manager Songbird Network (6)

The output will again appear in the window below. To arrive at a meaningful number, you’ll need to insert a decimal 18 places to the left, from the end of the number, so 24311884823976827839 becomes 24.31 which is how many SGB you’ve earned.

Claiming Rewards Using The FTSO Reward Manager Songbird Network (7)

Write Contract

Next let’s look at claiming rewards directly from the contract, for this we’ll need to use the Write Contract.

Claiming Rewards Using The FTSO Reward Manager Songbird Network (8)

You’ll need to have your wallet connected so you can authorise the transaction into your account.

When you’ve connected your wallet you’ll see it displayed here.

Now you want to use 3. claimReward by entering in the recipient wallet address, the epoch number you’re claiming and then press the Write button.

Claiming Rewards Using The FTSO Reward Manager Songbird Network (9)

You’ll be prompted to sign the transaction just as if you were doing it using

The above claiming steps can be taken at any time or if you’re having issues claiming through a wallet.

Useful Information

If you’re new to Flare Networks and Songbird you might find our Getting Started index of posts and pages useful. It includes a post, Delegation Factors To Consider which is worth reading.

Other relevant posts include Connecting MetaMask Wallet For Songbird & How To Wrap, Unwrap & Delegate Songbird Tokens.

If you’re having troubles, please contact us on Twitter, or Discord.

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Claiming Rewards Using The FTSO Reward Manager      Songbird Network (2024)


How do I claim my FLR rewards? ›

Claiming from the Flare Portal
  1. Go to the Flare Portal.
  2. Click Connect to Wallet and log into your wallet.
  3. Your Main Account is open by default. ...
  4. Under Claim your FlareDrop distribution, any $FLR you have to claim displays on the button. ...
  5. Click the Claim button to claim your $FLR .

What are the rewards for delegation in Songbird? ›

If the signal provider you delegate your Songbird to provides good price data, you are rewarded with Songbird tokens that are claimable every two weeks and forfeited if left unclaimed for six months.

What are the rewards of flare token delegation? ›

Your delegated Flare tokens count towards a signal provider's total vote power. If the signal provider you delegate your Flare to provides good price data, you are rewarded with Flare tokens that are claimable twice per week and forfeited if left unclaimed for three months.

What is Songbird Epoch? ›

What is an epoch? Regarding #Songbird, an epochs is a period of 7 days. During this time, you can redelegate your $SGB! Find out more about the epoch rewards cycle and when is best to redelegate in this video!

How do I check my flare airdrop balance? ›

Go to XRPScan, paste your XRP address, and navigate to the Flare tab to find your Flare address and claimable FLR balance. If some FLR tokens are available to claim, head over to Ledger Live or MetaMask to claim your tokens. Learn more.

How do you wrap a FLR token? ›

Select your Ledger Flare account and click Next. Click Connect. Your Ledger Flare account appears. Select the amount of FLR to wrap and click Wrap.

How many Songbird tokens will I receive? ›

0.1511 SGB were distributed for every 1 XRP token each user held, along with an amount of FLR tokens. In September 2021, the entire supply of SGB was distributed via an airdrop to the same users who were eligible to receive Flare's FLR tokens.

What are the benefits of a songbird? ›

They benefit farmers and foresters by consuming millions of insects that could damage crops and trees. Millions of homeowners and gardeners also appreciate this benefit as well. Many people create songbird habitats with native plants, water sources and nesting boxes to attract songbirds to their landscapes.

How many Songbird tokens will there be? ›

How many Songbirds are there? Songbird was created with a 15 billion SGB maximum supply that would increase by 10% every year.

What are token incentives? ›

Token incentive schemes do exactly what they say: they incentivise team members and advisors, who are the stakeholders of a particular Web3 project, to contribute to the project, with the incentive, or promise, or tokens as a reward for their efforts.

Is Songbird the flare token? ›

The Flare Network released Songbird, a "Canary" network for Flare. The Songbird network has its own token, Songbird (SGB), which was airdropped to anyone eligible for the Flare airdrop. For every 1 XRP held at the time of the snapshot, 0.1511 SGB was allocated.

What is an Ftso? ›

The FTSO is Flare's native oracle for time series data such as cryptocurrency prices. It provides applications on the Flare network with highly accurate and decentralized data. No single party is in control of the process and it would take a very large amount of effort to disrupt.

How long to claim Flare Rewards? ›

How long do I have to wait to claim my rewards? # Rewards can be claimed after the end of each reward epoch (7 days on Songbird, 3.5 days on Flare). You need to wait for the full reward epoch in which you have delegated your vote power to be able to claim.

What happens when you delegate flare? ›

Delegation is one of the multiple ways in which the Flare blockchain rewards participants of the ecosystem. In particular, delegation allows token holders to put their stake behind an FTSO data provider to increase its relative weight (See the FTSO page for more information).

What wallet supports Flare tokens? ›

Choose your wallet:
  • Bifrost Wallet.
  • Brave Wallet.
  • D'CENT Wallet.
  • Enkrypt Wallet.
  • Ledger Nano X and Nano S.
  • MetaMask.
  • SafePal S1 Wallet.
  • Trezor T.

How do I wrap my flare tokens on Coinbase? ›

Coinbase doesn't support wrapping FLR tokens. To participate in FlareDrop monthly, you need to move your tokens from your account.

How to stake XRP on Flare Network? ›

If you own XRP, you may be wondering how you can stake it on the Flare Network. The Flare Network is a new decentralized platform that is designed to enable smart contracts on the XRP Ledger. In order to stake XRP on the Flare Network, you will need to create a Flare account and deposit your XRP into the account.

How do I find my XRP flare address? ›

If you don't remember what address you claimed to, you can enter the XRP address you claimed from in a block explorer like XRP Scan or Bithomp and find the section showing your Flare or Songbird address. Your Flare (FLR) address is the same as your Songbird (SGB) address.

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.