Chia seed from Paraguay is in big shortage (2024)

Prices have risen sharply in recent months from stable levels to over double. Growers have the upper hand as there is a shortage in the market, and the season is ending. In particular, the light/white chia is being hit hard. Frost days during the growing season have hit this year's harvest hard and increased market demand for this seed. Recently market prices for the conventional black chia seed are around USD 3,800 -4,300 per MT FOB. For the light/white chia, the price is USD 4,500-4,900 per MT FOB.

Chia seed from Paraguay is in big shortage (2024)


Chia seed from Paraguay is in big shortage? ›

Prices have risen sharply in recent months from stable levels to over double. Growers have the upper hand as there is a shortage in the market, and the season is ending. In particular, the light/white chia is being hit hard.

Why is there a shortage of chia seeds? ›

The shutdown of manufacturing units, shortage of manpower, and hurdles in raw material procurement have impacted the production of chia seed products and caused difficulty in meeting up the consumer demands.

Which country produces the best chia seeds? ›

JPA: Normally, chia produced in Bolivia has more stable nutritional and microbiological value than the chia produced in other South American countries because of the climate. In Bolivia, there is less precipitation than Paraguay in the winter when chia is harvested and no frost.

Who is the largest producer of chia seeds in the world? ›

In 2022, Paraguay was the leading exporter of chia seed, exporting about 112.4 million U.S. dollars' worth of chia seeds to the rest of the world. That year, China was the second major exporter of chia seed with exports valuing about 88 million U.S. dollars.

Which country do chia seeds come from? ›

Chia is grown and consumed commercially in its native Mexico and Guatemala, as well as Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Nicaragua, northwestern Argentina, parts of Australia, and the southwestern United States.

Why are so many seeds out of stock? ›

Due to COVID-19 workplace safety precautions, this process has been slow for many companies. While many seed companies anticipated higher demand, they continue to operate more slowly than they would in non-pandemic conditions, which means it can be difficult to keep up with orders.

Where are chia seeds grown in the US? ›

After successful production runs in both Kentucky and Arizona, we officially changed our name to US Chia to reflect the scope of our operations and to emphasize the value and pride we take in producing our products in the United States.

Where are chia seeds extracted from? ›

Chia seeds come from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, a member of the mint family. Salvia hispanica seed often is sold under its common name "chia" as well as several trademarked names. Its origin is believed to be in Central America where the seed was a staple in the ancient Aztec diet.

Where does chia grow best? ›

Chia plants are annuals that are native to Central America. They grow best in warmer climates such as in the southeastern U.S. or in USDA Hardiness Zones 8-11. A chia plant can reach 3 to 5 feet tall and several feet wide in one season, so it needs a location with plenty of space.

What is the miracle of chia seeds? ›

Maintains bone and oral health due to its high-calcium content and prevents osteoporosis. Potential natural type-2 diabetes treatment due to its ability to slow down digestion. Promotes fat loss as it lowers food cravings and keep you full for longer.

What is the secret of chia seeds? ›

The secret of chia seeds is that once moistened, they form a thick gel which bulks up meals and makes them more substantial – taking a long time to digest and thus keeping you fuller for longer without adding significant calories. Add to smoothies, sprinkle over breakfast cereals – just a teaspoonful or two is enough.

How much chia seeds should you eat a day? ›

Chia seeds may provide several benefits as part of a healthy diet. There is no RDA for chia seeds. Still, they can be safely eaten in amounts of 50 grams daily, which is about five tablespoons. The chia plant is a member of the mint family.

Can chia seeds reduce belly fat? ›

Both Chia seeds and Ginger have been shown in some studies to help suppress appetite. Feeling fuller for longer may lead to reduced calorie intake, which can contribute to weight loss, including fat loss in the belly area.

What's up with chia seeds? ›

Chia seeds contain large amounts of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, plenty of protein, and many essential minerals and antioxidants. They may help improve digestive health, lower blood pressure, and improve blood sugar control.

What are the concerns about chia seeds? ›

Because of their high fiber content, eating too many chia seeds may cause constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and gas. Chia seeds may also cause flare-ups with inflammatory bowel conditions such as Crohn's disease. Choking hazard. Dry chia seeds absorb water, which causes them to swell up and become gelatinous.

Is there a recall on chia seeds? ›

Select pouches of Great Value Organic Black Chia Seeds sold at Walmart are being recalled for potentially being contaminated with Salmonella, according to the FDA.1 The 32-ounce bags are marked with lot code 24095 C018, UPC 078742300665 and expiration date of October 30, 2026.

Why do chia seeds have a warning? ›

A doctor has issued a warning over a common mistake people make when eating chia seeds. The popular "superfood," which has been known to aid digestion, is often consumed with liquid. Eating it dry may form “a concrete-like mass in your digestive tract”, an expert has warned.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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