Chapter #2 - Rich Dad Poor Dad (2024)

Chapter 2 of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki is titled "The Rich Don’t Work for Money." In this chapter, the author reflects on the lessons he learned from his "rich dad," who taught him about the difference between working for money and having money work for you.

Kiyosaki begins by sharing a story about how he and his best friend Mike would work for his "rich dad" during the summer, earning 10 cents an hour. When they asked for a raise, the rich dad instead offered to teach them how to make money for themselves.

The rich dad began by explaining the concept of financial independence, which he defined as having enough income from assets to cover one’s expenses. He stressed that the key to financial independence was to focus on acquiring assets rather than working for money.

Kiyosaki’s rich dad taught him about the importance of financial education and how it was essential to becoming financially independent. He believed that schools did not teach people about money, and that it was up to individuals to educate themselves.

The author also learned about the different mindsets of rich and poor people when it comes to money. Rich people, according to the rich dad, think about opportunities to acquire assets that will generate income, while poor people focus on working for money and spending it on expenses that do not increase their wealth.

Kiyosaki concludes the chapter by emphasizing the importance of taking action and learning from one’s mistakes. He suggests that people should not be afraid to take risks and make mistakes, as they are essential for learning and growing.

Overall, Chapter 2 of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" stresses the importance of financial education, acquiring assets, and adopting the mindset of the rich to become financially independent

Chapter #2 - Rich Dad Poor Dad (2024)
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