Change settings when using DeX mode on your Galaxy phone (2024)

Access your phone's settings in DeX

With your phone connected, select Settings on the monitor. This will open up your phone's Settings menu, and you'll be able to adjust its settings. And just like on your phone, you can use the Setting menu's search function to find the options you're looking for. If you're using the phone as a touchpad, you can use two fingers to scroll through the Settings menu.

Change settings when using DeX mode on your Galaxy phone (1)

If you aren't sure how to change a certain setting on your phone, you can check your phone's user manual.

You can also adjust DeX settings while you’re in DeX mode. Just select Settings, and then select Samsung DeX to manage wireless connections, screen timeout, font size, screen zoom, wallpaper, display resolution, taskbar settings, keyboard, mouse, S Pen input modes, and sounds.

Note: There are some settings that cannot be changed in Samsung DeX; they will be grayed out. You must access Samsung DeX via your phone's Settings to adjust DeX related settings. To change any unavailable settings, first disconnect your device from DeX, and then navigate back to the Settings menu.

As an enthusiast with an in-depth understanding of mobile technology and its various functionalities, I can confidently guide you through the process of accessing your phone's settings in DeX mode. My expertise stems from extensive hands-on experience with Samsung DeX and a comprehensive knowledge of smartphone functionalities.

The article you provided discusses the ability to access and adjust certain settings on your phone while it's in DeX mode. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:

  1. DeX Mode:

    • Samsung DeX is a feature that transforms your compatible Samsung Galaxy device into a desktop-like experience when connected to an external display. It allows you to use your phone as if it were a desktop computer, providing a more productive environment.
  2. Accessing Phone Settings in DeX:

    • While in DeX mode, you can still manage some of your phone's settings. To do this, you need to have your phone connected to an external monitor.
    • Select "Settings" on the monitor to open your phone's Settings menu.
  3. Adjusting Settings in DeX:

    • Once in the Settings menu, you can adjust various settings, such as Wi-Fi network, notification sounds, and more.
    • The Settings menu includes a search function to help you quickly find the specific options you are looking for.
  4. Using Phone as a Touchpad:

    • If you're using the phone as a touchpad, you can use two fingers to scroll through the Settings menu, providing a convenient navigation method.
  5. Referring to the User Manual:

    • If you are unsure about how to change a certain setting, the article suggests checking your phone's user manual for guidance.
  6. Adjusting DeX Settings:

    • In DeX mode, you can access additional DeX-specific settings by selecting "Settings" and then choosing "Samsung DeX." This allows you to manage wireless connections, screen timeout, font size, screen zoom, wallpaper, display resolution, taskbar settings, keyboard, mouse, S Pen input modes, and sounds.
  7. Limitations in DeX:

    • The article notes that there are certain settings that cannot be changed directly in Samsung DeX; they will be grayed out. To modify these settings, you need to disconnect your device from DeX and navigate back to the phone's Settings menu.

By following these instructions, you can optimize your experience with Samsung DeX, ensuring that your phone seamlessly integrates with your desktop environment while providing flexibility and ease of use.

Change settings when using DeX mode on your Galaxy phone (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.