Cargo and Automotive: Lost Keys | FAQs (2024)

Q: I lost the keys for my steering wheel lock / pedal to wheel lock. Is it possible to obtain new keys?


No, unfortunately we cannot provide you separated keys for this reference.

Q: I lost the keys to my Master Lock lock and don't know the key number. Will Master Lock send me a replacement?


No. Without the key number, there is no way for Master Lock to know which key will open your lock. There is not a master key that will open all Master Lock products.

Q: I lost the keys for my garage protector lock. Is it possible to obtain new keys?


Yes, you can obtain new key blank for your garage protector by ordering the K7000BOX

Q: Can I order a new Master Lock lock that will work with my existing key?


Most lock models have an option to match an existing key when ordering new locks. With a wide variety of locks Master Lock offers, we recommend contacting a distributor or our call center for confirmation.

Q: My hardware store no longer provides key replacement. Can I order replacement keys directly from Master Lock?


We do not supply replacement keys directly to customers. Instead, you may try another hardware store in your area or contacting a locksmith to see if they can produce a replacement key.

Q: Can I buy additional keys for my lock directly from Master Lock?


Master Lock does not provide keys directly to consumers; however, you may take one of your keys to a local hardware store, home center or locksmith where they can cut duplicate keys. Please note that not every store will have the appropriate key blanks available. Please call ahead.

Q: My hardware store could not get a new key for my lock. What should I do?


Check with a local locksmith to see if they can duplicate a replacement key. Sometimes, replacement keys are not available for every model of lock. If this is the case, you may need to purchase a new lock.

Q: Can Master Lock keep a record of my combination or key number for me?


Yes! You can store your combination and/or key numbers at - a FREE service from Master Lock! The Master Lock Vault provides a safe & convenient place to store all of your confidential data for quick & easy access from your PC, iPhone, or any other mobile devices!

Cargo and Automotive: Lost Keys | FAQs (2024)


What to do if both keys are lost? ›

If you have a traditional key, a locksmith can make you a replacement key without the original on the spot. If you have a more technologically advanced key, you'll probably need to get a tow to a dealership and order a replacement from them.

What happens if I lose the keys to my truck? ›

If you don't have an extra key, you'll likely need to get a replacement at a dealership and provide proof of ownership, according to Carfax. The dealership will then program a new key to work with your car. This may take a few days, during which they will need to hold onto the car.

How do you find the key code for a vehicle? ›

Vehicle KeyCodes are located on the original vehicle invoice to the dealership. There is a small white bar coded tag sent with most new vehicles that also has the key code printed on it. Dealerships should make a practice of comparing the tag's keycode numbers to the keycode listed on the invoice.

What happens if you lose your van keys? ›

An Auto Locksmith can help you with lost keys for any type of motor vehicle from a car, van, truck or motorcycle. So if you need a spare car key cutting or your remote car key programming we recommend to contact a local MLA approved auto locksmith near you.

Can AutoZone make a key without the original? ›

Does AutoZone cut blank keys? AutoZone can cut a new key blank for most makes and models, whether or not you require a transponder key. It's traced from your current key and is digitally verified before you leave the store.

Can AutoZone program a key fob? ›

We have nearly every make and model car key fob in stock and can program it while you wait.

What is the difference between a transponder key and a chip key? ›

Transponder key (Chip Key) is a key equipped with RFID (radio frequency identification) chip inside its plastic head. This technique prevented car theft by rendering hot-wiring ineffective.

Can you track truck keys? ›

If you have a key fob, smart key, or transponder key, you can track them. You will need a car key tracking device or an app connected to your key. The device consists of two parts - a remote and a receiver. You use the receiver to send a signal and then you can track it with the radio frequency or Bluetooth.

Can I program a key fob myself? ›

A: It really depends on the car. With some, the key fobs can be programmed without any special tools, but others require one or more tools to do the job.

Can I get a key code from VIN? ›

There are a number of "Code Brokers" who offer a service for getting the key code from the VIN. They work by taking your enquire to the vehicle manufacturer.

Can you decode a lost car key? ›

However, if you had only one set of car keys and lost them, then you may decode your car lock. After that, you will receive a code and can make new keys for the car or recode your lock so no one will be able to open your car with the old ones.

How do I find a key number? ›

In most cases the key number will be stamped on the front of the lock next to where the key enters. In some cases the number may also be stamped on the original key.

Can an AA open a locked car? ›

If you're locked out, we can open the lock to get you back in your car . Our equipment reads the key design from the car's lock so we can copy it. We'll pick a blank key or fob to suit your vehicle from the range carried in our vans. We can usually cut and program a replacement key in around 40 minutes.

How do you start a car if you lost the key fob? ›

There are several methods you can try to start your car without a key fob in case of an emergency: the screwdriver-hammer method, hotwiring the engine, or looking for the red coil wire. You can also try to use the mobile app (if applicable) or locate the secret switch that's usually located in the steering column.

Why are car keys so expensive? ›

Customization: Key fobs are designed to work with specific car models, which means they are often customized to match the specific make and model of the car they are intended for. This customization process also contributes to the higher cost of replacement.

Should I worry about lost keys? ›

The odds of a burglar using a lost key to enter your home are very slim, but we still recommend replacing your locks after losing house keys.

Should I change my locks if I lose my keys? ›

A locksmith will recommend you change your door locks if you lose your keys as a security prevention. Changing your locks after losing your keys will stop anyone from accessing your home who does not have permission to.

Can I claim for lost keys? ›

Report your lost keys to your insurer as soon as you realise they're gone – even if you have spares. Any lost keys could be used to steal a vehicle and become a security risk for your car and even your home. Insurance can cover the loss of keys, while others may pay to send someone to get into your car if needed.

How to locate a lost key fob? ›

Leveraging Bluetooth Trackers

Bluetooth trackers are game-changers for finding lost items like key fobs. Devices such as the Tile Mate and Tile Pro are designed to attach to your key fob and, through your smartphone's key fob finder app, allow you to track its location.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.