Can Polkadot Reach $10000, $1000? Polkadot Price Prediction 2023-2030 (2024)

Article Coverage: Polkadot Performance, Latest News, Polkadot Price Prediction Today, Polkadot Price Prediction 2023-2030, Is Polkadot a Good Investment? Will Polkadot Recover? FAQs

Latest Polkadot Price

Polkadot Past Performance

  • Last 7 Days: -0.7%
  • Last 1 Month:+26.2%
  • Last 12 Months: +42.9%

Polkadot Latest News

  • Polkadot’s Annual Data Report highlights key achievements in 2023, revealing significant growth and engagement in the ecosystem. Among the notable developments are the launch of OpenGov, which increased activity in proposals and voter engagement. The number of parachains secured by Polkadot reached 50, while the total fee-paying transactions on the Polkadot Relay Chain and parachains exceeded 100 million in 2023, averaging over 9 million transactions per month. The growth in unique addresses saw a remarkable 44% increase in less than 12 months, reaching around 4.54 million by November. These metrics showcase Polkadot’s continued expansion and influence in the decentralized web space.
  • Polkadot initiates its #PolkadotDapps series with a focus on Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs), highlighting their blockchain security, user-controlled keys, and direct peer-to-peer trading. The series introduces notable DEX protocols in the Polkadot ecosystem, featuring HydraDX, touted as the fastest-growing liquidity protocol, ArthSwap, a DeFi protocol offering swapped assets and staking, and StellaSwap, a hybrid DEX with a comprehensive asset range and over $1.3 billion in trading volume.

Latest Polkadot Statistics

  • DOT Stats:

Polkadot – Buy or Sell, Crowd Poll

  • July 20th:+41.5%
  • Aug 31st:+48.8%
  • Sept 19th: +51.1%
  • Oct 3rd: +42.5%
  • Dec 9th: +48.4%
  • Dec 12th: +49.5%
  • Dec 18th: +51.3%

Polkadot Last 7 Days Performance

Mixed Movement: Polkadot’s performance over the past week has been mixed, with fluctuations both up and down.

Polkadot’s performance in the last 7 days has been mixed:

  • Uncertainty surrounding parachain auctions:Concerns arose about potential delays or unexpected outcomes in the upcoming parachain auctions scheduled for December 20th and 27th.This uncertainty might have caused some investors to hold off on DOT for the time being.
  • Profit-taking:After a period of gains earlier in December,some investors might have opted to take profits by selling their DOT holdings,leading to a temporary price dip.
  • Lack of significant news:While the Polkadot ecosystem remains active,the absence of major news or impactful developments over the past week could have limited excitement and buying pressure on DOT.

Polkadot Price Prediction Today, Tomorrow and Week

UTC: Dec 18th, 2023 06:16 PM

  • Polkadot DOT Price Prediction in the next 24 hours is between $6.39 and $6.88
  • Polkadot DOT Price Prediction this week is between $6.63 and $6.86

UTC: Dec 18th, 2023 03:01 PM

Overall OutlookNeutral
1. Market's WisdomPartially Bullish
1a. Market DataBullish
1b. Technical RecommendationSell
2. Crowd's WisdomNeutral
2a. Social Media BuzzHigher
2b. Social Media SentimentLower

Polkadot Price Prediction 2023, 2025 and 2030 (Aggregated)

  • Polkadot DOT Price Prediction 2023 is $7.25
  • Polkadot DOT Price Prediction 2024 is $12.5
  • Polkadot DOT Price Prediction 2025 is $16.8
  • Polkadot DOT Price Prediction 2026 is $22.2
  • Polkadot DOT Price Prediction 2027 is $26.9
  • Polkadot DOT Price Prediction 2028 is $36.4
  • Polkadot DOT Price Prediction 2029 is $52.4
  • Polkadot DOT Price Prediction 2030 is $74.5

Polkadot Price Prediction 2040: As per the Polkadot crypto price prediction 2040, Polkadot is expected to reach $127.4 by 2040, considering the current macroeconomic and liquidity factors.

Can Polkadot Reach $10000?

Polkadot Price must rise 2000 times to reach $10000. At $10000, Polkadot’s Market Cap would be a mammoth 12 Trillion.

Polkadot has risen 84% over the last 2 years. It also rose 7 fold in two months before inflation hit us in 2021. So what we know is Polkadot is capable of growth in high liquidity periods. How did Polkadot grow this year? Polkadot has been a top performer this year growing 84% in 2023.

So we know Polkadot has momentum and is capable of growth during high liquidity periods. But is that enough to rise above $10000?

To validate that, we need to look at the Market Cap Figure.

  • Bitcoin is ranging around $500 B
  • Apple Stock is nearly $ 3 Trillion.

Our forecast forApple Stock is that it is likely to reach $15 Trillion by about 2031. That would mean, it took Apple 30 years to rise from a Market cap of $6 B (Polkadot today) to a Market Cap of $12 Trillion (Poladot at 10000). During that time, Apple Invented Ipod, Ipad, and the modern smartphone. Apple also owns a highly lucrative app store. Let us look at Bitcoin, only 2-3 analysts have put out a prediction of $12 Trillion Market Cap. While Bitcoin’s utility is rising beyond payments to NFT and DeFi this year, the future is quite uncertain to make accurate predictions.

Taking in all the data, Polkadot could reach $ 10,000 in 30 years if it remains as competitive and innovative as Apple was in the last 20 years. The second scenario is for a couple of major liquidity events (like COVID) that would artificially drive the prices of cryptocurrencies like DOT. That is difficult to predict. Perhaps the most practical possibility is for Polkadot to burn a significant proportion of DOT (say 90%) and then sustain performance and pray for one major liquidity event in the next 10 years. That would certainly make $10000 feasible.

Can Polkadot Reach $1000, $500, $100?

Polkadot Price Prediction $1000: Detailed Analysis

For Polkadot to reach $1000, it would need to increase by a factor of 250. At $1000, DOT’s Market Cap will be $1.2 Trillion. If Polkadot were to grow at a rate of 25% each year, it would take about 25 years to reach $1000. Let us evaluate this data

  • Quality of Investment-Moderate
  • Growth required to reach $10- Feasible
  • Market Cap at $10- Not Feasible
  • Time required to reach $1000 if it were to rise at 25% per annum- Not Feasible

Considering the criteria Quality of Investment, growth required and time required, Polkadot has a low chance of reaching $1000. Let us analyze it further:

Is it possible for Polkadot to rise 250 times?

DOT would have to go up 250-fold over 25 years. Looking at Bitcoin, it shot up 1,400 times in just 10 years. So, a coin can multiply 250 times in 25 years.

Therefore, if the market is right, Polkadot could very well grow by that much.

Can we forecast accurately that a token will grow at a rate of 25% every year for the next 25 years?

No, a coin’s value doesn’t grow steadily, and predicting its growth for 25 years is a stretch. So, it’s not realistic to think Polkadot will grow 25% every year for the next 25 years.

Polkadot Price Prediction $1000: Conclusion

  • Polkadot possesses significant utility as a token.
  • As an investment, it presents a moderate proposition.
  • While it has the potential to achieve the discussed growth rate within the specified duration,
  • Attaining such an elevated market capitalization is currently not plausible.
  • Consistent growth for Polkadot over the next 25 years seems improbable.

Considering these factors comprehensively, it appears highly unlikely that Polkadot will approach the $1,000 mark in the foreseeable future.

Polkadot Price Prediction: Is Polkadot a Good Investment?

The primary purpose of Polkadot is to bring together multiple blockchains and enable them to function together effectively. As a sharded blockchain, it connects several chains into a single network. For example, some blockchains are quite good at NFT (say Solana) while some others are good at DeFi (Say Tron), Polkadot brings out the best of all blockchains. Polkadot facilitates cross-chain transfers of assets that include tokens, documents, and other assets.

Polkadot’s connection makes it possible to share data and value across previously incompatible networks. Furthermore, the network is designed to be scalable and fast to avoid speed issues. The reduction of parallel processing segments is also one of the aspects of this network. Users can execute numerous transactions at lightning speed thanks to its layer, which is referred to as a para-chain.

A few important projects on the Polkadot Network (Source: Finish 🏁 @0xFinish)

  1. Moonbeam Network is developing an easy path to multi-chain by bringing Ethereum smart contracts into the Polkadot Ecosystem. This integration allows for seamless connection and a superior development experience.
  2. Kusama Network provides a platform where developers can innovate and test advanced blockchain projects. It acts as a launchpad for future blockchain breakthroughs, promoting quick growth and exploration.
  3. Astar Network is a scalable, interoperable infrastructure for DApps (Decentralized Applications) within the Polkadot ecosystem. Astar focuses on user experience, giving developers the resources to build innovative, rewarding DApps.
  4. Acala Network is a decentralized finance hub and a stablecoin platform that powers cross-blockchain liquidity and applications. Acala, built on Substrate for Polkadot, unlocks a range of financial opportunities.
  5. Parallel Finance is working to deliver the next generation of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) on Polkadot. It enables users to lend, borrow, and stake assets, to maximize their crypto portfolio’s yield.
  6. Moonriver Network, the sister network to Moonbeam, is designed for Kusama. It offers Ethereum compatibility and a robust environment for developers to test and deploy their DApps.
  7. Bifrost Finance provides a smooth bridge between the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems. It enables the liquidity of staked assets and forms a flexible platform for DeFi projects, ensuring maximum utilization of crypto assets.


Polkadot’s XCM (Cross-Consensus Messaging) is a feature that enables seamless communication and interaction between different chains and protocols within the Polkadot ecosystem. This thread highlights some of the groundbreaking applications of XCM:

  1. Polkadot teams, such as Kilt Protocol and one_frequency, have combined decentralized identity with real-time data streams to create trustless verification and enable decentralized social networking on a large scale.
  2. Moonbeam Network’s smart contracts and Manta Network’s privacy layer have come together to facilitate seamless interaction between different chains. This collaboration opens up possibilities for developing privacy-focused decentralized applications (dApps) across various sectors.
  3. DAOstack has integrated XCM to separate the business logic from DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) logic. This integration allows protocols to vote on Genesis DAO using XCM, demonstrating the advantages of specialized chains and Polkadot’s composability.
  4. Saturn and InvArch Network have performed the first XCM multisig transaction on Polkadot, revolutionizing multichain asset management. This development enables non-custodial access to assets across different blockchains, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Polkadot.
  5. 2blox has partnered with peaq (Built on Polkadot) to develop a decentralized physical infrastructure network (DePIN) that uses AI-powered cameras to gather live traffic data. Unlike traditional navigation apps that rely on user data, 2blox allows people to earn cryptocurrency rewards for the data collected, without any personal input. This approach ensures user privacy while delivering vital real-time traffic insights. The 2blox system will run on the peaq network, emphasizing peaq’s role as a leading layer-1 network for such decentralized projects. By doing so, 2blox aims to offer a more private, efficient, and rewarding method for data collection in traffic monitoring.

How are Polkadot Use Cases performing?

Polkadot has a limited presence in NFT gaming, DeFi and NFTs. Polkadot Insider has posted a list of top-performing Polkadot projects which include PCX ChainX (DEX), Moonbeam, Haka TribeOne, and Dock.

DOT Token

The use of the Polkadot network lies in its native token, Dot. Polkadot’s native token DOT serves three distinct purposes: ensuring operations and security, facilitating network governance, and binding tokens to connect parachains.

Here is how DOT serves these purposes

Governance: The Dot holders have full control over the protocol. Governance in blockchain means how a transaction and block can be verified based on the rules and how the rules can be enforced. Polkadot provides a facility of Governance through its proof of stake consensus. By this function, even the fees of the network are determined. These functions are not formally granted to DOT holders, but rather the underlying code of Polkadot will enable DOT holders to participate in governance.

Staking: Polkadot provides a medium for rewarding the holders by the process of staking. Game theory incentivizes token holders to behave in honest ways. To secure its network, Polkadot rewards the good actors while the bad actors lose a stake in the network. The Polkadot network will rely on the holders solely for executing this function. DOT required to participate in the network will vary according to the activity undertaken, the duration DOT is staked for, and the total number of DOT staked.

Bonding: Bonding is a form of proof of stake. Of this new parachains are added to the Polkadot network. The DOT will be locked during their bonding period and will be released back to the account that bonded them.

Who are the Competitors of Polkadot?

Competitors to Polkadot are based upon its use cases, differences, and also reliability of blockchain, and ease of use of blockchain. Some of the important competitors of Polkadot blockchain are:

  • Corda R3
  • Algorand
  • AVA Labs
  • Dfinity

The Future of Polkadot

DOT’s Use cases are not exactly proving to be strong ones as users can still get on with their lives without DOT. Two, Polkadot’s Limited presence both in NFT and DeFi makes it a difficult investment. Lastly, while cryptocurrencies like Matic have navigated well through the liquidity crisis of the last year, DOT’s leadership has failed to do so. DOT is likely to slip further in the ranks if they don’t revisit its strategies. Polkadot is recommended as Buy by Crypto analyst Michael Van de Poppe but our view is that the investment case is weak.

Read: SOL Solana Price Prediction And Forecast

As we can see DOT couldn’t manage to outperform Cosmos for the past year. Though both the cryptos have been rising in price for the past month, Cosmos is more consistent in its growth (because its price has increased in the last six months).

Polkadot Staking Rewards: CEX.IO, Kraken, Uphold, and more.

Polkadot Staking

Polkadot staking is available on:

CEX.IO:Stake Here

Kraken:Stake Here

Uphold:Stake Here

Kucoin:Stake Here

Coinspot:Stake Here

To learn more about staking polkadot:Read Here

Polkadot Price Prediction: Will Polkadot Recover?

DOT’s price fell by more than 80% since the last year indicating that 2022 was quite a tough year for Polkadot. The unfavorable economic environment for the crypto business may be a factor in this fall. The majority of cryptocurrencies experienced declines in their value in the previous year because of the tight liquidity conditions for the growth of cryptocurrencies.

But, the most recent CPI Index report gives us reason to believe that the crypto business is on the upswing. Although the CPI Index has risen, is at a slower rate than it did the month before, suggesting that there may be room for a relative recovery in the cryptocurrency market.

It’s presumably why the price of the DOT has been rising over the previous few weeks. Thus, DOT may show some signs of possible recovery if the market conditions ease up even more, but it is still not certain that it will rebound and achieve its all-time high value once again.

DOT Coin Price Prediction Related FAQs

What could Polkadot be worth in 10 years?

It is highly difficult to predict the price of the Polkadot 10 years from now. The price of crypto is basically dependent on world events. In 2021 there was a huge surge in the crypto market and the overall crypto market cap went over $3T but now that is 7 months into 2022, the overall crypto market cap is below $1T.

Polkadot in 2021 clocked $55 and now it is below $10. Therefore, in 10 years Polkatdot could rise over $100 or could fall below $10 will be decided by the events that unfold then. As of now, if the same condition of the market remains, Polkadot may not cross $20 even 10 years from now.

What Will Polkadot Be Worth In 2040?

As per the price prediction, DOT’s price is expected to reach a maximum price level of $1,876 by the end of the year 2040. Its expected minimum price for the year is $1,568.

How Much Will Polkadot Be Worth In 2050?

DOT’s price is expected to reach a maximum price level of $3,752 as per the Polkadot price prediction for the year 2050.

Check out 350 Crypto Price Predictions and Sentiments in one page

Where to Buy Polkadot?

The following are the general steps to buy Polkadot tokens:

  • Choose a reputable cryptocurrency exchange that supports Polkadot (listed ahead).
  • Sign up for an account on the chosen exchange platform.
  • After your account is verified, deposit funds into your exchange account. This can usually be done by transferring cryptocurrency (such as Bitcoin or Ethereum) or fiat currency (like USD or EUR) into your exchange wallet.
  • Once your account is funded, navigate to the trading section of the exchange and search for the DOT trading pair. Common trading pairs are DOT/USD, DOT/BTC, or DOT/ETH.
  • Specify the amount of DOT you wish to purchase and review the order details.
  • Confirm and execute your buy order. The exchange will process the transaction, and if your order is filled, the DOT tokens will be credited to your exchange wallet.

Polkadot tokens can be purchased from various exchanges, including:

  • Binance
  • Kraken
  • Coinbase Pro
  • Bitfinex
  • Huobi Global
  • KuCoin
  • OKEx
  • Bittrex
  • Poloniex
  • Bitstamp
  • CoinEx
  • Upbit
  • HitBTC
  • Coinone

Note: Crowdwisdom360 collates Predictions and data from all over the net and has no in-house view on the likely trends in the Stocks or Crypto Coins. Please consult a registered investment advisor to guide you on your financial decisions.

As an enthusiast and expert in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrency, I've closely followed the developments in the Polkadot ecosystem. My extensive knowledge in this domain is backed by a deep understanding of the underlying technologies, market trends, and the specific projects within the Polkadot network.

Polkadot's Annual Data Report Highlights (Evidence of Growth):

The annual data report for Polkadot in 2023 reveals significant achievements, showcasing the platform's growth and engagement in the decentralized web space. Notable developments include the launch of OpenGov, increased activity in proposals and voter engagement, reaching 50 secured parachains, and exceeding 100 million fee-paying transactions on the Polkadot Relay Chain and parachains. Unique addresses saw a remarkable 44% increase in less than 12 months, reaching around 4.54 million by November. These metrics demonstrate Polkadot's continued expansion and influence.

PolkadotDapps Series and Notable DEX Protocols:

Polkadot initiates its #PolkadotDapps series focusing on Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs). Notable DEX protocols highlighted include HydraDX, known as the fastest-growing liquidity protocol, ArthSwap, a DeFi protocol offering swapped assets and staking, and StellaSwap, a hybrid DEX with a comprehensive asset range and over $1.3 billion in trading volume.

Latest Polkadot Statistics (Evidence of Positive Trends):

Recent statistics indicate positive trends in Polkadot's performance, with a revenue increase of 155.1% in the last 30 days and a growth of 11.4% in active daily users. The crowd poll shows consistent positive sentiments on various dates, reflecting a bullish outlook.

Polkadot Price Performance (Last 7 Days):

The article highlights mixed movement in Polkadot's performance over the past week. Factors contributing to this include uncertainty surrounding parachain auctions, profit-taking by investors, and the absence of significant news or impactful developments.

Polkadot Price Predictions (Short-Term and Long-Term):

The article provides short-term price predictions for Polkadot, indicating a neutral overall outlook. The long-term predictions for 2023 to 2030 show a gradual increase, reaching $74.5 by 2030. The article also explores the possibility of Polkadot reaching $10,000, considering various scenarios and market conditions.

Polkadot's Use Cases and Competitors:

Polkadot's primary purpose is to bring together multiple blockchains, enabling them to function together effectively. It connects different chains into a single network, facilitating cross-chain transfers of assets. The article mentions competitors such as Corda R3, Algorand, AVA Labs, and Dfinity.

Polkadot Staking and Future Outlook:

The article discusses Polkadot staking options available on platforms like CEX.IO, Kraken, Uphold, Kucoin, and Coinspot. The future outlook considers factors like DOT's price fall in 2022, potential recovery, and the challenging market conditions for cryptocurrencies.

Polkadot Price Predictions for 2040 and Beyond:

The article provides price predictions for Polkadot in 2040, suggesting a potential reach of $127.4 based on macroeconomic and liquidity factors. It also explores the possibility of Polkadot reaching $10,000 and analyzes the challenges and scenarios for such a significant price increase.

Conclusion on Polkadot's Investment Potential:

The article concludes with an evaluation of Polkadot as an investment. It acknowledges Polkadot's utility but expresses caution about the challenges in reaching extremely high price predictions. The overall investment case is deemed moderate, considering factors like growth, market cap feasibility, and time required for significant price increases.

FAQs on Polkadot's Future and Market Trends:

The article addresses frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to Polkadot, including its potential worth in the next 10 years, predictions for 2040 and 2050, and where to buy Polkadot.

In summary, Polkadot's performance, latest news, price predictions, investment potential, and future outlook are comprehensively covered in the article, providing readers with a detailed understanding of the current state and potential trajectory of the Polkadot ecosystem.

Can Polkadot Reach $10000, $1000? Polkadot Price Prediction 2023-2030 (2024)


Can Polkadot Reach $10000, $1000? Polkadot Price Prediction 2023-2030? ›

According to our analysis, there is no evidence that Polkadot will reach $1000. How high can Polkadot go? In our Polkadot price prediction, we expect Polkadot to reach a possible high of $8.35 in 2023, $18.24 in 2025 and $50.88 in 2030.

How much will 1 Polkadot be worth in 2030? ›

Polkadot (DOT) Price Prediction 2030

Driven by its technological innovation and adoption, it is projected that the Polkadot coin price could potentially ascend to a maximum value of approximately $60.00. Factoring in market dynamics, the average expected trading price for DOT might hover around $58.50.

How high will the dot go in 2024? ›

If the positive momentum continues and DOT breaks above its moving averages, it could reach targets between $5.18 and $12.84 by the end of 2024, with the average price set at $12.48.

Can Polkadot reach $100? ›

Can Polkadot Reach $100? Yes, the price of Polkadot's DOT can reach $100, and we expect it to do so in the 2030s, with 2040 being the first time it spends a whole year above $100.

How much Polkadot to be a millionaire? ›

But to turn a new $1,000 investment into $1 million, Polkadot's price would need to rally above $6,000 and propel its market cap to about $9 trillion. That would make it worth nearly four times as much as the entire cryptocurrency market today.

What is the price prediction for DOT in 2035? ›

Based on our AI/ML predictive models, the forecasted average price of DOT for the year 2032 is projected to be over $16.67, further soaring to over $25.77 in 2035.

Can Polkadot reach 500 dollars? ›

To reach a value of $500, basically, the market cap has to grow 21 times which is more than Ethereum's market cap today. It won't go $500 atleast for few years from now, but yeah maybe in next 5–10 years if the overall crypto market grows it can.

Can DOT go to $1000? ›

It depends on market forces. Bullish predictions put the DOT price slightly above $160 by 2030. As a result, it will take a long time for the price to hit $1,000. Remember, though, that investing in cryptocurrencies like DOT is risky, and you could lose your investment.

What will DOT be worth in 10 years? ›

As per our Polkadot price prediction 2030, Polkadot price is expected to range between $33.79 and $50.88 in 2030. Where can I buy Polkadot (DOT)?

How much will the dot price be in 2040? ›

In the year 2040, our prediction suggests that the DOT cryptocurrency will achieve a peak price of $370.52, with a potential minimum price of approximately $44.78. This means the coin will be traded between $44.78 and $370.52.

Can Polkadot skyrocket? ›

Our real-time DOT to USD price update shows the current Polkadot price as $6.20 USD. Our most recent Polkadot price forecast indicates that its value will increase by 13.39% and reach $7.03 by July 16, 2024.

Can Polkadot hit 200? ›

Polkadot price prediction 2025

Coinpedia believes that by the beginning of 2025, we can expect to overcome the mark of at least $ 120, and December will end at at least $ 200.

Is Solana or Polkadot better? ›

Solana focuses on high throughput and efficiency with a single-chain platform utilizing a proof-of-history (PoH) consensus mechanism. Solana boasts higher transaction speeds (up to 65,000 TPS) compared to Polkadot (around 1,000 TPS), but faces criticisms regarding centralization and security risks.

What is the maximum price prediction for Polkadot? ›

According to your price prediction input for Polkadot, the value of DOT may increase by +5% and reach $ 8.334729 by 2030.

Is Polkadot a risky investment? ›

As with any investment, reaching such heights likely requires a substantial starting stake and a long-term commitment. Additionally, the DOT token's success is tied to the overall adoption of web3 and Polkadot's ability to continue innovating. It's a high-risk, potentially high-reward scenario.

Can Polkadot reach $10 000? ›

Polkadot would need to rise more than 1800x from its current price to reach $10,000, an extremely difficult feat for an asset that already has a market cap of $6.7 billion. Let's take the example of Ethereum.

How much will Polkadot be worth in 2040? ›

Polkadot Price Prediction for 2040

In the year 2040, our prediction suggests that the DOT cryptocurrency will achieve a peak price of $371.37, with a potential minimum price of approximately $45.62. This means the coin will be traded between $45.62 and $371.37.

Can Polkadot reach $$200? ›

Polkadot price prediction 2025

Coinpedia believes that by the beginning of 2025, we can expect to overcome the mark of at least $ 120, and December will end at at least $ 200.

What will Polkadot be worth in 2025? ›

Polkadot Price (DOT/USD)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.