Can I Gift My Home to My Children to Avoid Inheritance Tax (IHT)? (2024)

Can I gift my home to my children to reduce inheritance tax?

In today’s article, we tackle the issue of IHT, and whether gifting your home to your children can help avoid inheritance tax. Over the years, those liable for inheritance tax has risen, mainly due to rising property prices, particularly in the South East. That said, there are various ways to reduce or avoid this tax, ethically and legally.

Taxed to death

We spend our lives paying all sorts of taxes. Income tax and national insurance on your earnings, income and capital gains tax on your savings. Stamp duty when you buy a house, council tax to live in it. Car tax, fuel duty, value added tax; excise duty and corporation tax if you run your own business.

And after paying all those taxes during your lifetime, you are expected to pay inheritance tax when you die – there is just no escape! None of these taxes are popular, but inheritance tax is without question the most loathed of all.

Is it fair to be taxed again on your wealth after your death?

Many don’t think it is and believe inheritance tax should be abolished. Furthermore, house prices have pushed many ordinary people’s estates over the inheritance tax threshold. As a result, one of the most common questions I get asked as a financial adviser is “Can I gift my house to my children to avoid inheritance tax?”

Yes, it can be done, but it certainly isn’t straightforward.

There are pros and cons, and these should be considered carefully before proceeding. If your estate is worth more than £325,000 or £650,000 for married couples, careful planning may be necessary to avoid your children paying 40% inheritance tax on the difference when you die.

Related reading

  • 10 effective ways to avoid inheritance tax in the UK

Gifting your home to your children to avoid inheritance tax

Of all your assets, your home is the asset most likely to push you over the inheritance tax threshold. Gifting your home to your children is therefore a natural consideration.

The good news is that you could gift your home to your children and if you lived for at least seven years after the gift was made, it would be removed from your estate.

Therefore, no inheritance tax would be due. This arrangement is called a potentially exempt transfer and becomes a fully exempt transfer after seven years. If you are unsure if your estate is liable for this levy, try this inheritance tax calculator, by Which?

Factors to consider

This all sounds simple enough but there are some pitfalls to be aware of. To erase the inheritance tax liability completely, the gift must be made unconditionally. If the parents benefited in any way from the property, the gift would be deemed a “gift with reservation of benefit” or ‘GROB’ and would remain in the estate.

This means that if you decided to gift your home to your children to reduce inheritance tax, but continued to live in the property, the gift would fail. The only way to get around moving out completely would be to rent the property back from your children and pay rent at the market rate. If you paid less than the market rate, the house could remain in your estate and would be subject to inheritance tax. Your children would of course have to pay income tax on the rent received.

Gifting half your house to your children

Alternatively, you could gift half the house to your children and split the bills evenly. This way, their half of the house would not be subject to inheritance tax though the rent would still be taxable. Remember, in both scenarios, you’d have to live for seven years before the gift would be deemed complete.

Selling your home cheaply to your children to avoid inheritance tax

One alternative would be to sell your home cheaply to your children to reduce IHT.

The discount on the property would be treated as a gift and would be exempt from inheritance tax after seven years. Bear in mind however, that there would be stamp duty for your children to pay in purchasing the property and you could end up paying capital gains tax if the property wasn’t your main residence.

Can equity release be used to reduce IHT?

Equity release mortgages allow you to release funds from your home. The funds released could be used for a number of reasons. You could spend it yourself or gift it to your children to help them get on the property ladder, for example.

Any such gifts would be subject to the seven year rule after which the gift would fall out of your estate. This method is becoming more popular and is proving quite effective in inheritance tax planning.

Nonetheless, inheritance tax planning is an area riddled with pitfalls, traps, and drawbacks. If you are considering using equity release to avoid or reduce inheritance tax, our advice would be to seek independent financial advice before proceeding.

With careful planning, it might just be possible to escape some or all of the most unpopular tax in the country.

Summary:Can I gift my home to my children to reduce inheritance tax?

In conclusion, gifting your home to your children to avoid inheritance tax (IHT) is a viable strategy. Rising property values have increased the exposure to IHT for many, prompting individuals to explore various options such as equity release.

The process is detailed and there are many factors to consider and laws surrounding whether it is possible – such as the seven-year rule.

Need advice on inheritance tax?

At Sterling & Law, we have an extensive network of inheritance tax advisers covering London, the Home Counties, and the south of England.

If you are looking for guidance, find out more about our inheritance tax advice services or call us today on 020 3740 5856.

Can I Gift My Home to My Children to Avoid Inheritance Tax (IHT)? (2024)


Can I Gift My Home to My Children to Avoid Inheritance Tax (IHT)? ›

Gifting your home to your children is therefore a natural consideration. The good news is that you could gift your home to your children and if you lived for at least seven years after the gift was made, it would be removed from your estate. Therefore, no inheritance tax would be due.

Can I put my house in my children's name to avoid inheritance tax in the UK? ›

If you gift your home to your children and continue to live in the property then HMRC will class this as a gift with reservation of benefit (GROB). This means that the value of the property will be included in your estate for inheritance tax purposes.

How to avoid inheritance tax on UK property? ›

You can avoid inheritance tax by leaving everything to your spouse or civil partner in your will. Alternatively, you could reduce your inheritance tax bill by giving gifts while you're alive or leaving part of your estate to charity. What is the current inheritance tax threshold?

Is it better to gift or inherit property? ›

Think twice about property as a gift

From a financial standpoint, it is usually better for your heirs to inherit real estate than to receive it as a gift from a living benefactor.

How do I transfer property to a family member tax free in the UK? ›

In order to transfer property to a family member as a gift, you'll need to execute a “Deed of Gift”. This is also known as a “Transfer of Gift”. This legal process ends with the family member(s) classified as the property's legal proprietors. The new owners' names will then appear on the Land Registry.

Is it better to gift or inherit property UK? ›

In some cases, transferring your property to your children during your lifetime is the best way to pass on wealth and make sure that your heirs are adequately provided for. It can also be a useful way of reducing Inheritance Tax (IHT) or protecting the property from a future sale to fund care home costs.

What happens if my parents gift me their house? ›

The recipient of the property doesn't have to report the gift, meaning their income tax won't be affected. When the donor exceeds the exclusion ceiling, they can expect to pay 18% – 40% in a gift tax. In the example below, the gift tax is 20% and the fair market value of a house is $350,000.

What are the disadvantages of putting your house in a trust in the UK? ›

While it offers substantial benefits in terms of asset protection, avoiding probate, tax advantages, and maintaining control, the process involves costs, potential loss of control, complexity, and limited flexibility.

What is exempt from inheritance tax in UK? ›

Lifetime gifts exempt from IHT

Broadly speaking, if you make any gifts in your lifetime and survive for seven years after making them, then their value will not be counted as part of your estate on death and will be exempt from IHT.

Do you pay tax if you inherit a house UK? ›

No, you do not need to declare it, however, if the inheritance generated income, such as interest or dividends, then they would be subject to tax.

What are the disadvantages of gifting property? ›

4 Reasons You Might Not Want to Hand Over the House
  • You May Need the Money One Day.
  • You Could Be Giving Your Child a Huge Tax Bill.
  • Your Mortgage Might Be an Obstacle.
  • You Might Still Want to Live There.

How to avoid paying capital gains tax on inherited property? ›

Here are five ways to avoid paying capital gains tax on inherited property.
  1. Sell the inherited property quickly. ...
  2. Make the inherited property your primary residence. ...
  3. Rent the inherited property. ...
  4. Disclaim the inherited property. ...
  5. Deduct selling expenses from capital gains.

Do you have to pay capital gains on a gifted house? ›

If you deed your property to your child, you give them your basis along with it. So when they later sell that property, they have to pay capital gains income tax on the difference between the basis and the sales price, that capital gain.

How to pass property from parent to child? ›

5 Ways To Transfer Ownership of Property From Parents to Child
  1. 1Outright gift or bequest. The most common way to transfer a home to your child is for them to inherit it after you pass away. ...
  2. 2Intrafamily loan. ...
  3. 3Bargain sale. ...
  4. 4Qualified personal residence trust. ...
  5. 5Remainder purchase marital trust.
Jan 24, 2024

How much does it cost to transfer ownership of a house in the UK? ›

Costs Associated with Changing Title Deeds

Solicitor fees - between £250 and £750 +VAT. Land Registry fee - £330 based on a property value of £277,000. Stamp Duty - 0% on the first £125,000, 2% on the next £250,000, and between 5% and 12% for the next three bands.

How to avoid Inheritance Tax? ›

How to avoid inheritance tax
  1. Make a will. ...
  2. Make sure you keep below the inheritance tax threshold. ...
  3. Give your assets away. ...
  4. Put assets into a trust. ...
  5. Put assets into a trust and still get the income. ...
  6. Take out life insurance. ...
  7. Make gifts out of excess income. ...
  8. Give away assets that are free from Capital Gains Tax.
Jan 23, 2024

Can I put property into trust to avoid inheritance tax UK? ›

If you put things into a trust, provided certain conditions are met, they no longer belong to you. This means that when you die their value normally won't be counted when your Inheritance Tax bill is worked out. Instead, the cash, investments or property belong to the trust.

Can I put my children's names on house deeds in the UK? ›

In order to add your child's name to the deeds, you'll need to transfer a share of equity to them. This needs to be overseen by a solicitor like us at Bromfield Legal.

Can you put property in a child's name UK? ›

In the UK, it is not possible for people under 18 to hold property, but the equity can be put into a trust which can then make it available to them when they turn 18 years old.

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