Building your business credit: 5 steps to success - The Points Guy (2024)

In general, good personal credit is all you need to qualify for a wide variety of business credit cards. Yet working to build your business credit history and a good business credit score has the ability to offer more benefits.

A good business credit score can provide better access to commercial loans and lines of credit, lower interest rates and even cheaper business insurance premiums. Since your business credit report is public (available for a fee), your potential clients, suppliers or investors may also use it when deciding whether to do business with you.

Having solid business credit may also help you separate your personal and business finances. With these details in mind, here are five steps you can take to build business credit.

Register your business

The first thing to do to establish business credit is register your business and set up a business credit profile.

If you have an established business with vendors and suppliers, you may have completed some of the steps below. Otherwise, here's what you need to do before applying for business credit in your company name:

  • Incorporate your business or form an LLC (limited liability company).
  • Apply for a federal employer identification number, the nine-digit number the IRS uses to identify businesses for tax purposes.
  • Open a business bank account in your legal business name.
  • Set up a dedicated phone line in your business name and ensure it's listed.
  • Register with Dun & Bradstreet to get your free D-U-N-S number (Data Universal Numbering System). A nine-digit D-U-N-S number establishes your company's D&B credit file and serves as a business identifier.

Building your business credit: 5 steps to success - The Points Guy (1)

Apply for a business credit card

There are many good reasons to get a business credit card, including the desire to build your business credit profile. Business credit cards can also earn you rewards on everyday business expenses, and many of the top cards offer valuable welcome bonuses, too.

Whichever credit card you decide is best for your business, be sure to manage it responsibly. Avoiding late payments is essential. It's also important to keep your credit utilization as low as possible. A high balance-to-credit-limit ratio could hurt you with some business credit scoring models.

Related: How to get a business credit card

Building your business credit: 5 steps to success - The Points Guy (2)

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Open tradelines with vendors

Another way to establish business credit is to apply for trade credit from vendors and suppliers. Here's how to do it:

  • Search for vendors and suppliers that offer net repayment terms, e.g., net 30, 60 or 90.
  • Confirm that the company reports activity to one or more of the major business credit bureaus (Dun & Bradstreet, Experian Business or Equifax Small Business).
  • Apply for a tradeline.
  • Use your tradeline to purchase supplies, inventory or other materials on credit for your business.
  • Never pay late.

Do note that you may need to establish several vendor tradelines to be eligible for a business credit score. To qualify for a Dun & Bradstreet Paydex score, for example, your business must have at least two supplier tradelines and three credit experiences on your credit report.

Pay on time, preferably early

Payment history is the most important factor that influences your credit score — both business and personal. For personal credit scores, payment history accounts for 35% of your FICO score. Paydex scores, on the other hand, measure a business's past payment performance. On-time payments, therefore, are a must if you want to earn and maintain a good credit score.

However, with some business credit scores, you might receive an added boost when you pay your credit obligations early. The only way to earn a perfect Paydex score of 100, for example, is to have a history of early payments on your Dun & Bradstreet credit report.

Related: TPG reader question: Does it hurt to pay off your card balance before the billing cycle ends?

Monitor your business credit report

Just as it's important to monitor the health of your personal credit report and score, you also should keep an eye on your business credit information. Mistakes and fraud can happen despite the business credit bureaus' best efforts. And when errors appear on your business credit reports, they can harm your business credit scores.

Building your business credit: 5 steps to success - The Points Guy (3)

Checking your business credit report won't affect your business credit score. However, there might be a cost associated with reviewing your business credit information depending on how you access it. Here are a couple of resources you can use to check your business credit online:

  • Dun & Bradstreet: CreditSignal provides free access to four of your Dun & Bradstreet scores for 14 days, then alerts you when your business credit scores or reports change. (Paid business credit-monitoring options are available from $15 per month.)
  • Nav: Nav provides free business credit-monitoring services and access to your Equifax business report and Experian Intelliscore summary. (Paid business credit-monitoring options are available from $49.99 per month/$189 per year.)

You can also contact the other business credit bureaus to purchase copies of your business credit reports and scores.

If you discover inaccurate data on your business credit reports, you should dispute those items with the appropriate business credit bureau as soon as possible.

Bottom line

Credit score bureaus don't reveal the exact formulas that determine your business credit scores. However, we know that registering your business, applying for business credit cards and opening tradelines with vendors can help build your business credit. Once you've completed those steps, try to pay early (or at least on time) and periodically monitor your business credit report.

Editorial disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are the author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, airline or hotel chain, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities.

Building your business credit: 5 steps to success - The Points Guy (2024)


What are the 5 steps to establish credit? ›

Here are five ways to build credit starting today.
  • Pay on time, every time. One of the fastest ways to build good credit is by paying your bills on time. ...
  • Lower your credit utilization rate. ...
  • Explore alternative lending options. ...
  • Review your credit report. ...
  • Protect yourself.

How to get a 100 business credit score? ›

How To Improve Your Business Credit Score
  1. Check your business credit report regularly and verify that the information is accurate and up-to-date.
  2. Establish business credit with companies that report trades. Remember, not all business creditors report their trade information.
  3. Pay your creditors on time.

What is the fastest way to build business credit? ›

Opening a business credit card is one of the fastest ways to build business credit, as you don't need a business credit history to apply. Credit card companies can use your personal credit reports and scores to approve you, even if your business has yet to generate any revenue.

How do I build credit for my business? ›

Seven tips to help improve your business credit score
  1. Pay promptly. Try to pay your invoices on time wherever possible. ...
  2. File on time. It's important to submit your accounts and returns by the deadline. ...
  3. Avoid County Court Judgments. ...
  4. Limit credit applications. ...
  5. Ask for a quote. ...
  6. Stay up to date. ...
  7. Don't forget partners.

What are the 5 C's of credit? ›

Called the five Cs of credit, they include capacity, capital, conditions, character, and collateral. There is no regulatory standard that requires the use of the five Cs of credit, but the majority of lenders review most of this information prior to allowing a borrower to take on debt.

What are the 5 C's of credit granting? ›

The lender will typically follow what is called the Five Cs of Credit: Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral and Conditions. Examining each of these things helps the lender determine the level of risk associated with providing the borrower with the requested funds.

Is a 78 business credit score good? ›

The Experian business credit score rating scale is as follows; 100–76: Low risk of delinquent or defaulted payment. 75–51: Low to medium risk of delinquent or defaulted payments. 50–26: Medium risk of delinquent or defaulted payments.

Is 70 a good business credit score? ›

A 90 means you pay 20 days early, and an 80 means you pay right on time. By most standards, 80 and above is the very good range and will get you favorable interest rates. If your score is between 50 and 79, you are in the good or fair range: You pay all of your bills, but some are late.

Is a 76 business credit score good? ›

Experian's business credit scoring system is called the Experian Intelliscore. Its scores range from one to 100 as well. A score of 76 or above is typically considered to be a good Experian business credit score, and 50 to 75 is still considered fair.

How to build business credit in one month? ›

Use this account responsibly, make prompt payments to vendors and creditors, consider getting a secured business credit card, and ensure your business information is reported to credit bureaus to establish a positive credit history.

How long does it take to build a good business credit score? ›

It can take three or more years to build a strong credit history for your business. However, there are steps you can take to start immediately, and you may qualify for some business credit opportunities after just one year.

What is a good business credit score? ›

The higher the score, the lower the risk. Experian calls scores above 75 “excellent.”1 Generally, a business will be seen to have good credit if it pays its bills on time, stays out of legal trouble, and doesn't incur too much debt.

What is the minimum credit score to start a business? ›

Still, a higher credit score of 700 or above generally means you'll be eligible for funding with more attractive terms. And while it's possible to get a business loan with a credit score as low as 500, a lower credit score could make it more challenging to qualify for a business loan.

How to fix business credit score? ›

How to Improve Your Bad / Thin Business Credit Score
  1. Don't Mix Your Business and Personal Finances. ...
  2. Pay Your Bills on Time. ...
  3. Build Credit with Vendors. ...
  4. Keep Your Credit Utilization Ratio Low. ...
  5. Check Your Credit Reports and Ensure Accuracy. ...
  6. Open Additional Credit Lines.

How does a business get a credit score? ›

A business credit score considers many of the same factors as a personal credit score, such as payment history and amount of debt used. However, business credit scores use different scoring models. Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) PAYDEX Score and Experian Intelliscore Plus are two business credit scoring models.

What is the process of establishing credit? ›

From there, building good credit relies on using credit responsibly by doing things like paying bills on time every month. You'll need at least one credit account open and reporting to at least one of the major credit bureaus for at least six months to generate a FICO® credit score.

What are the 4 steps to establishing credit? ›

4 Steps to Start Building Your Credit
  • #1 – Open a credit card. The simplest way to begin building credit is to open a credit card. ...
  • #2 – Use your card for everyday purchases and pay it off immediately. ...
  • #3 – Over time, ask for higher credit limits, but don't spend to them. ...
  • #4 – Build a financial safety net.
Mar 2, 2022

What are the steps of credit? ›

The credit process involves several steps that can be broken down into initial and later stages.
  • Generating a Loan Opportunity.
  • Reviewing the Five Cs of Credit.
  • Structuring the Loan.
  • Preparing a Credit Memo.
  • Loan Syndication.
Dec 21, 2022

How does someone begin to establish credit? ›

In order to build a good credit score, you must first establish credit. Establishing credit means beginning your credit history by obtaining a loan or line of credit. That's all you need to get your first credit report and score. And it's the first step toward one day qualifying for a decent mortgage, car loan, etc.

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