Breadcrumbing: Why You're Being Led On in Dating (2024)

If a new partner shows interest but it feels like you’re getting nowhere, you could be experiencing breadcrumbing

Catfishing, ghosting, love-bombing, cuffing … There’s plenty going on in the world of modern dating to keep us on our toes. But have you heard about breadcrumbing?

“In a relationship context, breadcrumbing refers to a person who gives you just enough ‘crumbs’ of attention or affection to give you hope and keep you on the hook — but not enough to make you feel comfortable or assured the relationship is going well,” explains Dr. Gemma Harris, a clinical psychologist based in Bermuda.

If you’ve experienced this phenomenon, you’re not alone: Research from 2021 indicates around 30% of dating adults have been breadcrumbed in the last 12 months.

But are some more susceptible than others? Harris notes that “we’re all potentially vulnerable,” but “some people might be more attracted to, and more likely to stay with, someone who is liable to breadcrumbing.”

For instance, individuals with low self-esteem or high empathy levels “may be prone to normalizing breadcrumbing behavior,” she explains. Harris also reveals that this type of pressure-free relationship can appeal to those more afraid of commitment.

In addition, individuals who have a dependent attachment style are at greater risk as they’re “resistant to setting boundaries,” she states, and they “may also be more likely to romanticize a relationship, and exaggerate the worth of the breadcrumbs.”

Possessing these traits doesn’t mean you deserve to be strung along or treated poorly.

Signs of breadcrumbing

Actions can occur in person or digitally (although they’re more frequently experienced virtually) and take various forms. For example:

  • They flirt repeatedly, but never ask you out.
  • They message you to say hi and offer compliments, but ignore your suggestions to meet.
  • They leave comments on your social media but don’t respond to DMs or texts.
  • They send memes and GIFs, but never engage in a proper conversation.
  • They’ll say, “let’s go for a coffee,” but never follow through to set a date or place.
  • They suddenly show more interest as soon as you start to back off.

There’s no one-size-fits-all explanation as to a definitive breadcrumbing meaning. However, several factors may come into play.

Low self-esteem

Breadcrumbing can help establish a sense of power and control — something those with low self-esteem might be lacking in other areas of their life. Leaving a trail of crumbs and seeing you coming back for more can also make them feel wanted and worthy.

Insecure attachment style

“Those with avoidant or disorganized attachment are prone to a form of breadcrumbing, but theirs is generally viewed as less manipulative or intentional,” Harris explains. In fact, it’s likely done as a method of self-defense. “When they deliver breadcrumbs, it is often because they are withdrawing from intimacy or intensity that has left them feeling vulnerable,” she notes.

Emotional unavailability due to a mental health condition

The individual may have a mental health concern, such as narcissistic personality disorder — which drives them to engage in breadcrumbing behaviors and relationship ‘games’.

These tactics make those with narcissistic tendencies feel powerful and special, reveals Harris, and provides them with the attention they crave.

They might be small, but these crumbs can be mighty confusing and hurtful. There are steps you can take to avoid being burned.

How to respond to someone breadcrumbing you

Although sometimes easier said than done, you need to talk it out. This will help you establish whether the individual is “maliciously wasting your time,” says Harris, or if “this is a phase that might be managed better with some open communication.”

So what’s the best way to go about it? “Try to engage them in an open dialogue, to gauge their level of insight and understanding into their behavior,” Harris recommends. “Collaborative change is more likely if they are able to recognize and own these patterns.”

Still getting nowhere? It might be time to show them the door.

How to avoid being breadcrumbed

Getting caught up in the heady early days of a new romance often makes it tricky to notice warning signs. However, according to Harris, the following steps could help prevent you from succumbing to those crumbs:

  • Set boundaries and stick to them.
  • Acknowledge when you repeatedly hit brick walls.
  • Recognize that you deserve to be treated well.
  • Be aware of patterns of negative breadcrumb-like behaviors.
  • Maintain your social activities, so you’re not dependent on the breadcrumber.
  • Don’t bury your head in the sand if you think you’re being breadcrumbed.

Tips to handle being breadcrumbed

According to a 2020 study, people who experience breadcrumbing are more likely to report feelings of loneliness, lower life satisfaction and helplessness.

So the first step to picking yourself back up is to “be careful and compassionate with yourself not to take things personally or feel to blame,” shares Harris.

Breadcrumbing behaviors are often combined with gaslighting — thus, walking away can make it feel like you’ve ditched something incredible.

To help you remember the reality, “it might be useful to write a list of the disappointments and rejections,” Harris suggests.

If your self-esteem has taken a hit, write down all the good things about yourself that the breadcrumber has missed out on. Great sense of humor? Fantastic in the kitchen? It’s their loss.

Breadcrumbing — when someone leads you on with no real intention of developing a relationship — can be hurtful and confusing to those on the receiving end.

Various factors can cause someone to engage in breadcrumbing behaviors, such as low self-esteem and personality disorders.

Meanwhile, those with high levels of empathy and a dependent attachment style may find themselves more at risk of succumbing to a breadcrumber’s tactics.

Several approaches can be taken if you’re being breadcrumbed, but the most important factor is recognizing that you’ve done nothing wrong and it’s not your fault.

Harris G. (2022). Personal interview.

Navarro R, et al. (2020). Ghosting and breadcrumbing: Prevalence and association with online dating behavior among young adults.

Navarro R, et al. (2020). Psychological Correlates of Ghosting and Breadcrumbing Experiences: A Preliminary Study among Adults. Available at:

Breadcrumbing: Why You're Being Led On in Dating (2024)


How do you respond to breadcrumbing dating? ›

How To Respond to Breadcrumbing in a Relationship
  1. Be direct and call them out. Don't let the behavior go unrecognized. ...
  2. Communicate your expectations and set strong boundaries. Set clear expectations. ...
  3. Remember your worth and know when it's time to move on. We all deserve someone that's 100 percent in it and about us.
Feb 17, 2023

How do you outsmart breadcrumbers? ›

Call them out. Once you catch on that someone is breadcrumbing you, call them out on what they are doing. Pointing it out to them can accomplish the following goals: It shows that you are aware of what is happening and that you are not gullible to manipulative tactics.

Can someone unintentionally breadcrumb you? ›

Some people might realize their communication tactics leave something to be desired, but they may have less awareness of just how much their vague, sporadic messages upset you. Breadcrumbing can certainly be intentional, but more indirect motives can drive this behavior, too.

What does a breadcrumber want? ›

Breadcrumbing refers to a form of manipulation — whether intentional or not — involving one person “feigning interest and acting as though they feel sincerely interested and invested in a relationship with another person when they are not,” said Dr.

What happens when you ignore a breadcrumber after? ›

What Happens When You Ignore a Breadcrumber? In some cases, the breadcrumber might notice your lack of response and decide to increase their efforts to regain your attention. They might send more frequent messages, be more attentive, or even try to initiate deeper conversations.

What to text when he is breadcrumbing? ›

Hey, I don't appreciate. the inconsistency with our communication, and I've decided to move on. I wish you all the best and take care.

How to get a guy to stop breadcrumbing you? ›

Fortunately, if someone is breadcrumbing you, there are ways to deal with it.
  1. Communicate directly.
  2. Stop replying.
  3. Talk with a trusted source.
Oct 20, 2022

Do breadcrumbers ever commit? ›

They don't commit to future plans

“With breadcrumbers,” Dr. Albers explains, “There's very little talk of what we're doing next week, or where is this relationship going? Everything is very in the moment.” And if you do try to nail something down, expect them to stall, dissemble or make excuses.

Why do Breadcrumbers come back? ›

In the end, you just wind up feeling confused, burned, and unlovable. And the more an anxious person clings, the more the avoidant breadcrumber will, well, avoid. "Then when they realize the anxious person is pulling away, they'll give them a breadcrumb again to keep them to keep them hanging on," Nuñez adds.

How to deal with being led on? ›

Keep in mind that you might have difficulty being “just friends” with her since you've developed feelings.
  1. Spend some time apart.
  2. Unfollow her on social media. ...
  3. Call her out when she flirts with you.
  4. Avoid answering her phone calls or texts right away. ...
  5. Spend time with her in safer group settings.

Why do I keep getting LED on? ›

A lot of the time feeling “led on” comes down to a mismatch of expectations between the people in the relationship. Butterworth says setting your expectations in dating is crucial.

Why did he start breadcrumbing me? ›

According to Campbell, while the reasons behind breadcrumbing can vary from person to person, people typically engage in breadcrumbing "because their self-esteem is impacted by how much attention they can secure from others." She further explains that "The more interest from others they maintain, the better they feel ...

What is the personality of a Breadcrumber? ›

Narcissism: Serial breadcrumbers have been found to have personalities that are associated with elevated levels of narcissism. This can lead to them showing very little regard for the feelings of those around them, and having no remorse for others' hurt feelings.

What is narcissist breadcrumbs? ›

Breadcrumbing is when a person gives you enough attention to “string you along” or makes you think they are interested in you. They will pop into your life and then disappear just as quickly. This behavior can make you feel hopeful but then confused and hurt.

How to tell if you're being breadcrumbed? ›

Signs of breadcrumbing
  1. You only receive attention from the person when you prompt them. ...
  2. Your conversations are very surface-level. ...
  3. They only reassure you when you lose interest. ...
  4. Their actions don't align with their words. ...
  5. The relationship feels compartmentalized.
Dec 20, 2023

Do Breadcrumbers know they are breadcrumbing? ›

According to Ajjan, insecurity and loneliness can lead people to breadcrumb without even realizing they're doing it. These people need multiple "relationships" to boost their self-esteem, and they tend to convince themselves they aren't doing anything wrong.

How do you say no to breadcrumbing? ›

Say: I deserve more than someone who would play with my feelings. There should be no ambiguity about that because you are serious and you are honest and you wouldn't do those things. You wouldn't breadcrumb. And you deserve someone who is the same - and you better believe those people exist.

How do you deal with a man who is breadcrumbing? ›

7 ways to handle someone who is breadcrumbing you
  • Discuss with them. It is important to have honest and open communication with anyone who is breadcrumbing you. ...
  • Cut ties with them. ...
  • Be honest with yourself. ...
  • Ignore their tactics. ...
  • Beat them at their game. ...
  • Have dates with other people. ...
  • Respect yourself.

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