Bitcoins: The Currency of the Darknet | (2024)

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Bitcoins are an online currency with no ties to a government or central bank. Since their inception in 2009, it has become a medium for all kinds of black market activities online. Here's what you need to know about the not-so-legal side of Bitcoins.

Video Transcript

"Most people are awaiting Virtual Reality; I'm awaiting virtuous reality," said Eli Khamarov - but with the introduction of bitcoins in 2009, Eli will have to keep waiting. Bitcoins are an online currency, a virtual commodity with no ties to a government or central bank. Bitcoins are quickly rising as the currency of the online black market. Here's what you should know about the not-so legal side of bitcoins.

The Bitcoin Currency is Decentralized: Big brother doesn't know much, if anything, about purchases made with bitcoins - instead, security is in the hands of the people using bitcoins. There are no taxes, no chance of an account being frozen, and rampant opportunity for the currency to be used for things like prostitution, purchasing weapons, gambling, buying stolen art, and more.

The Silk Road: The Silk Road, aka the Amazon of illegal drugs, only allows transactions with bitcoins. At one point, the Silk Road drew the line at selling products harmful to others like firearms, stolen credit card numbers and more, but as the site grew things changed for the worse and in January 2012 guns were found for sale on the site. In 2012, studies estimated the Silk Road was doing $2 million dollars a month in drug sales - all transactions completed with bitcoins. But don't try typing in Silk Road to your address bar, the site is accessible through a TOR network of computers that makes your visit anonymous. Silk Road may be the most pervasive illegal selling site out there, but it's certainly not the only one.

Hacks and Speculation: Since 2011, there have been six major cases of hacks to bitcoin exchanges. In June 2011, hackers targeted accounts totaling nearly $9 million dollars US currency at the Mt. Gox online bitcoin exchange. Also, experts suggest the bitcoin currency can be gamed by speculators as more people adopt the currency. The value of bitcoins is always fluctuating, making them as risky as stocks, if not worse. Rates have fluctuated from $2.51 USD per bitcoin after a hack in 2011 to $33.00 per bitcoin around June of 2012.

Currently there are about 6.5 million bitcoins in existence, worth about $71 million US dollars. As the currency grows, it's no guess the online illegal market, hacking, and financial scheming will as well.

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Bitcoins: The Currency of the Darknet | (2024)


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Bitcoin's Role in the Dark Web:

The Dark Web soon became a hotbed for illicit activities, with various marketplaces facilitating the exchange of drugs, stolen data, hacking tools, and more using Bitcoin.

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DWMs are accessed through darknet browsers supporting the onion routing protocol (e.g., Tor), which provides anonymous communication connections35. Additionally, transactions are made with cryptocurrencies, mostly Bitcoin, which also provide anonymity to the transaction parties6,36.

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Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that records every transaction in a transparent and immutable manner. Each transaction is time-stamped and linked to the previous one in a chain of blocks. This transparency can be leveraged to identify and track illegal activities on the dark web.

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Cryptocurrencies can be vulnerable to hacking and theft. Cybercriminals employ various techniques, including phishing attacks, malware, and exploiting vulnerabilities in exchange platforms or wallets, to steal funds.

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Cryptocurrency is a sub-type of digital currency and a digital asset that relies on cryptography to chain together digital signatures of asset transfers, peer-to-peer networking and decentralization.

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Dark Web Price Index 2022
ProductAvg. dark web Price (USD)
Credit card details, account balance up to 1,000$80
Stolen online banking logins, minimum 2,000 on account$65
Israel hacked credit card details with CVV$25
Hacked (Global) credit card details with CVV$15
115 more rows

Where is Bitcoin forbidden? ›

Some of the countries where cryptocurrency is illegal are: Qatar. Saudi Arabia. China1.

Is Bitcoin used in the black market? ›

Bitcoins are an online currency with no ties to a government or central bank. Since their inception in 2009, it has become a medium for all kinds of black market activities online. Here's what you need to know about the not-so-legal side of Bitcoins.

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Federal data indicate that virtual currencies—for example cryptocurrencies—are increasingly being used in illegal activities, such as human and drug trafficking. The use of virtual currencies has added to the challenges federal law enforcement face when trying to prevent and discover these crimes.

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Secret Network is the world's first cryptocurrency blockchain that offers fully private smart contracts. This means that all smart contract data on the platform is entirely encrypted: transaction data on Secret Smart Contracts cannot even be viewed by the nodes running the Secret Network blockchain.

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Darknet markets are sites on the dark web where people can buy or sell illicit goods and services online. Transactions in darknet markets are anonymized and take place via cryptocurrency transactions. Darknet markets are accessible via the Tor network or other browsers that protect the user's identity and location.

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Miners who successfully add blocks to a blockchain automatically receive transaction processing fees and new digital tokens. Creates economic opportunities. The accessibility of crypto mining is creating new business opportunities for tech-savvy people around the world.

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Bitcoin enabled transactions using only digital identities, granting users some degree of anonymity. This made Bitcoin the preferred currency for illicit activities, including recent ransomware attacks.

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The murky origins of bitcoin date to the height of the financial crisis in 2008. A paper authored by a person or group using the Nakamoto pen name explained how digital currency could be sent around the world anonymously, without banks or national currencies. Nakamoto seemed to vanish three years later.

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Darknet markets

Just-Kill allows users to both deposit funds and donate to the site using a variety of cryptoassets – including Dogecoin. DogeCoin is also accepted on some popular darknet drug markets.

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Illicit activity on the dark web

In 2022, the total value received by darknet markets and fraud shops worldwide amounted to 1.5 billion U.S. dollars, down from 3.1 billion U.S. dollars in 2021.

How much is the Silk Road worth dark web? ›

Silk Road provided goods and services to over 100,000 buyers. Over the 2+1⁄2 years in which the website was in operation, it generated $183 million in sales and $13 million in commissions, based on the value of bitcoin at the time of transactions.

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The size of the hidden web, known as the Deep Web, is around 400 times larger than the Surface Web. For comparison, the Surface Web contains 19 terabytes of information, while the Deep Web stands at around 7,500 terabytes. In percentages, the Deep Web makes up around 95% of the entire Web.

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.