Bitcoin Mining Compared to Fossil Fuels in Terms of Its Environmental Footprint (2024)

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Taken as a share of the market price, the climate change impacts of mining the digital cryptocurrency Bitcoin is more comparable to the impacts of extracting and refining crude oil than mining gold, according to an analysis published in Scientific Reports by researchers at The University of New Mexico.

The authors suggest that rather than being considered akin to ‘digital gold’, Bitcoin should instead be compared to much more energy-intensive products such as beef, natural gas, and crude oil.

“We find no evidence that Bitcoin mining is becoming more sustainable over time,” said UNM Economics Associate Professor Benjamin A. Jones. “Rather, our results suggest the opposite: Bitcoin mining is becoming dirtier and more damaging to the climate over time. In short, Bitcoin’s environmental footprint is moving in the wrong direction.”

In December 2021, Bitcoin had an approximately 960 billion US dollars market capitalization with a roughly 41 percent global market share among cryptocurrencies. Although known to be energy intensive, the extent of Bitcoin’s climate damages is unclear.

Jones and colleagues Robert Berrens and Andrew Goodkind present economic estimates of climate damages from Bitcoin mining between January 2016 and December 2021. They report that in 2020 Bitcoin mining used 75.4 terawatt hours of electricity (TWh) – higher electricity usage than Austria (69.9 TWh) or Portugal (48.4 TWh) in that year.

“Globally, the mining, or production, of Bitcoin is using tremendous amounts of electricity, mostly from fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas. This is causing huge amounts of air pollution and carbon emissions, which is negatively impacting our global climate and our health,” said Jones. “We find several instances between 2016-2021 where Bitcoin is more damaging to the climate than a single Bitcoin is actually worth. Put differently, Bitcoin mining, in some instances, creates climate damages in excess of a coin’s value. This is extremely troubling from a sustainability perspective.”

The authors assessed Bitcoin climate damages according to three sustainability criteria: whether the estimated climate damages are increasing over time; whether the climate damages of Bitcoin exceeds the market price; and how the climate damages as a share of market price compare to other sectors and commodities.

They find that the CO2 equivalent emissions from electricity generation for Bitcoin mining have increased 126-fold from 0.9 tonnes per coin in 2016, to 113 tonnes per coin in 2021. Calculations suggest each Bitcoin mined in 2021 generated 11,314 US Dollars (USD) in climate damages, with total global damages exceeding 12 billion USD between 2016 and 2021. Damages peaked at 156% of the coin price in May 2020, suggesting that each 1 USD of Bitcoin market value generated led to 1.56 USD in global climate damages that month.

“Across the class of digitally scarce goods, our focus is on those cryptocurrencies that rely on proof-of-work (POW) production techniques, which can be highly energy intensive,” said Regents Professor of Economics Robert Berrens. “Within broader efforts to mitigate climate change, the policy challenge is creating governance mechanisms for an emergent, decentralized industry, which includes energy-intensive POW cryptocurrencies. We believe that such efforts would be aided by measurable, empirical signals concerning potentially unsustainable climate damages, in monetary terms.”

Finally, the authors compared Bitcoin climate damages to damages from other industries and products such as electricity generation from renewable and non-renewable sources, crude oil processing, agricultural meat production, and precious metal mining. Climate damages for Bitcoin averaged 35% of its market value between 2016 and 2021. This share for Bitcoin was slightly less than the climate damages as a share of market value of electricity produced by natural gas (46%) and gasoline produced from crude oil (41%), but more than those of beef production (33%) and gold mining (4%).

The authors conclude that Bitcoin does not meet any of the three key sustainability criteria they assessed it against. Absent voluntary switching away from proof-of-work mining, as very recently done for the cryptocurrency Ether, then potential regulation may be required to make Bitcoin mining sustainable.

Reference:Jones BA, Goodkind AL, Berrens RP. Economic estimation of Bitcoin mining’s climate damages demonstrates closer resemblance to digital crude than digital gold. Sci Rep. 2022;12(1):14512. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-18686-8

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Bitcoin Mining Compared to Fossil Fuels in Terms of Its Environmental Footprint (2024)


Bitcoin Mining Compared to Fossil Fuels in Terms of Its Environmental Footprint? ›

The resulting carbon footprint was equivalent to that of burning 84 billion pounds of coal or operating 190 natural gas-fired power plants. To offset this footprint, 3.9 billion trees should be planted, covering an area almost equal to the area of the Netherlands, Switzerland, or Denmark or 7% of the Amazon rainforest.

What is the environmental footprint of Bitcoin? ›

A 2022 non-peer-reviewed commentary published in Joule estimated that bitcoin mining resulted in annual carbon emission of 65 Mt CO 2, representing 0.2% of global emissions, which is comparable to the level of emissions of Greece.

How does cryptocurrency compare to carbon footprint? ›

For example, the carbon footprint of one Bitcoin transaction is often compared to driving a gas-powered sedan for over 500 miles. Every Bitcoin transaction has the same carbon footprint as 1.4 million Visa transactions.

What does Bitcoin mining have to do with fossil fuels? ›

The miners generally prefer calculating emissions based on that mix of power. Using that method, WattTime estimated that they consume 54 percent fossil fuel-generated power, resulting in nearly 10.4 million tons of carbon emissions.

What percentage of Bitcoin mining is renewable energy? ›

18, 2024, Bitcoin mining sustainable energy usage hit a new all-time high of 54.5%, according to the Bitcoin ESG Forecast.

Is Bitcoin Mining really bad for the environment? ›

UN Study Reveals the Hidden Environmental Impacts of Bitcoin: Carbon is Not the Only Harmful By-product. Global Bitcoin mining is highly dependent on fossil fuels, with worrying impacts on water and land in addition to a significant carbon footprint.

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Bitcoin's e-waste adds up to 30.7 metric kilotons annually, which is comparable to the amount of IT and telecommunication equipment waste produced by the Netherlands, according to de Vries and Stoll. The amount of e-waste generated by bitcoin mining alone could surpass current global estimates.

What is the carbon footprint of bitcoin mining? ›

Subsequently, global BTC mining emitted more than 85.89 Mt of CO2eq from 2020 to 2021, equivalent to carbon emissions from 84 billion pounds of coal burned, 190 natural gas-fired power plants, or over 25 million tons of landfilled waste.

What is the carbon footprint of Bitcoin vs USD? ›

The carbon footprint equivalent of Bitcoin in 2020 has been almost 10 times the one of any form of fiat currency and far greater than the sum of all conventional alternatives combined. Looking at the contribution of buildings of financial institutions, it can be seen that their carbon dioxide emissions are significant.

What is the carbon footprint of crypto mining? ›

The tracker focuses on bitcoin, the cryptocurrency with by far the largest market share, and estimates that at its current rate of “mining” new coins, bitcoin will release about 62 megatons of “carbon-dioxide equivalent” each year—about as much as the entire country of Serbia emitted in 2019.

Is Bitcoin a waste of energy? ›

Bitcoin alone is estimated to consume 127 terawatt-hours (TWh) a year — more than many countries, including Norway. In the United States, cryptocurrency activity is estimated to emit from 25 to 50 million tons of CO2 each year, on par with the annual emissions from diesel fuel used by US railroads.

What is the controversy with Bitcoin mining? ›

Texas residents have complained that industrial-scale bitcoin mines are driving up energy prices and destroying the quality of life of those living nearby. Meanwhile, politicians are demanding clarity over crypto mining's impact on both the environment and the stability of the ailing Texas energy grid.

Is blockchain bad for the environment? ›

Blockchain technology has a significant carbon footprint due to its energy-intensive process of verifying transactions and creating new blocks on the blockchain. The energy consumption of blockchain technology results in significant greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change.

How much of the world's electricity is used to mine Bitcoin? ›

The CBECI estimates that global electricity usage associated with Bitcoin mining ranged from 67 TWh to 240 TWh in 2023, with a point estimate of 120 TWh. The International Energy Agency estimated global consumption of electricity during 2023 to have been 27,400 TWh.

What is the alternative energy for Bitcoin mining? ›

Supporting cryptocurrency can hasten the building of extra energy infrastructure and potentially create 78.4 megawatt hours of solar power for each Bitcoin mined in New Mexico, for example, and potentially 265.8 megawatt hours of wind power for each Bitcoin mined in Wyoming, according to the paper.

How much energy does Bitcoin mining use compared to countries? ›

The value of Bitcoin, which makes up 49% of the whole cryptocurrency market, reaches approximately $921 billion. It is believed that Bitcoin, which surpassed 167 countries in global electricity consumption, may take 26th place on the list of most electricity-consuming countries.

What is the alarming carbon footprint of Bitcoin? ›

Subsequently, global BTC mining emitted more than 85.89 Mt of CO2eq from 2020 to 2021, equivalent to carbon emissions from 84 billion pounds of coal burned, 190 natural gas-fired power plants, or over 25 million tons of landfilled waste.

Will Bitcoin ever be environmentally friendly? ›

Companies are finding ways to capture vented methane on landfills and then turning that methane into electricity. They then use that electricity to mine bitcoin. This practice both reduces carbon emissions and monetizes stranded energy by taking toxic fumes and converting them into digital gold.

What is Bitcoin's future carbon footprint? ›

The future carbon footprint of Bitcoin strongly depends on the decarbonization pathway of the electricity sector. If the electricity sector achieves carbon neutrality by 2060, Bitcoin's annual carbon footprint will peak in 2023, with cumulative emissions of about 1 GtCO2 by 2100.

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