Wallet Adds Support for 100+ ERC-20 Tokens with Easy Swap Functionality (2024)

·2 min read

MIAMI, FL / ACCESSWIRE / August 10, 2022 / Wallet, the non-custodial wallet app developed by, has added support for a large number of ERC-20 tokens to let users hold them, manage them and swap them between each other from a single app.

The Wallet is fully non-custodial, meaning users manage their private keys independently, eliminating the risk associated with third-party custodians. It is mostly targeted for use in payments, offering a simple UI to manage and spend the crypto assets.

The wallet makes it easy to swap between the 100+ assets, utilizing an intuitive in-wallet interface.

The assets added in this round include representatives from the DeFi world, such as ALCX, DYDX, FXS, CVX and LDO; Metaverse and NFT tokens like LAND, MANA, and APE; as well many other infrastructure and miscellaneous tokens like GRT, MATIC, BAT, OCEAN and others. All major stablecoins including DAI, USDC, USDT, FRAX, USDP, and GUSD are also included.

The expansion will allow Wallet to better serve its millions of users, who simply care about ease of use and transacting with their favorite coins.

The full list of coins now on Wallet can be found on the official blog post.

About is building products that give everyday people access to a vast world of opportunities to generate personal prosperity without limits. Since 2015, has been a global leader in introducing newcomers to cryptocurrency, featuring accessible educational materials, timely and objective news, and easy-to-use fully self-custodial products for buying, spending, trading, investing, and earning with crypto.

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Dan Edelstein


As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, I bring a wealth of firsthand expertise to shed light on the article about Wallet's recent development. My extensive knowledge in this domain allows me to provide insights into the significance of the information presented.

The article discusses Wallet's strategic move to incorporate support for a substantial number of ERC-20 tokens, showcasing the platform's adaptability and commitment to catering to diverse user needs. This enhancement is a testament to the wallet's evolution beyond Bitcoin, illustrating its versatility in managing various digital assets.

Now, let's break down the key concepts in the article:

  1. Wallet:

    • The wallet is a non-custodial app developed by, emphasizing user control over private keys to mitigate risks associated with third-party custodians.
    • Primarily designed for payments, it features a user-friendly interface for managing and spending crypto assets.
  2. ERC-20 Tokens:

    • The wallet's recent update includes support for a multitude of ERC-20 tokens, demonstrating its commitment to interoperability and engagement with the broader Ethereum ecosystem.
  3. Non-Custodial Nature:

    • Users independently manage their private keys, aligning with the ethos of decentralization and security.
  4. DeFi Tokens:

    • The added assets encompass tokens from the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, such as ALCX, DYDX, FXS, CVX, and LDO, showcasing the wallet's adaptability to emerging trends.
  5. Metaverse and NFT Tokens:

    • Tokens related to the metaverse and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are also incorporated, including LAND, MANA, and APE, reflecting the wallet's support for diverse blockchain use cases.
  6. Stablecoins:

    • The inclusion of major stablecoins like DAI, USDC, USDT, FRAX, USDP, and GUSD highlights the wallet's utility for users seeking stability in their crypto holdings.
  7. User Base and Ease of Use:

    • The expansion aims to enhance the user experience for millions of Wallet users, focusing on simplicity and ease of transacting with a variety of digital assets.
  8.'s Mission:

    • is positioned as a global leader since 2015, introducing newcomers to cryptocurrency through educational materials, objective news, and user-friendly products for various crypto activities.

In conclusion, the article showcases Wallet's commitment to innovation, adaptability, and user-centric design, positioning itself as a versatile tool for managing a wide array of digital assets in today's dynamic crypto landscape. Wallet Adds Support for 100+ ERC-20 Tokens with Easy Swap Functionality (2024)
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