Best mobile phones to play Wild Rift in 2021 (2024)

League of Legends: Wild Rift is still in its beta phase, growing in popularity worldwide with every new update and server expansion.

The League of Legends' mobile-based MOBA is one of the most popular mobile games in 2021 and continues to receive overwhelming responses from gamers worldwide.


— League of Legends: Wild Rift (@wildrift) February 3, 2021

The League of Legends PC version had already gained a legendary tag in the world of professional Esports. With regular updates and improvisations, Riot now aims to give Wild Rift a similar standard.

#ICYMI League of Legends: Wild Rift is now in open beta testing and available in in Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea & Thailand. Download available via Google's Play Store on Android and Apple's App store on iOS. Full global release slated for 2021.

— Bad Bear Mobile Gaming (@BB_MobileGaming) November 1, 2020

Wild Rift is a technically demanding game, and to experience the game's competitiveness to the fullest, it is essential to possess a well configured, smooth-running smartphone. The game is available to play for free both in the Android and iOS stores.

3 best mobile phones to play League of Legends in 2021

#3 - OnePlus 8T

Best mobile phones to play Wild Rift in 2021 (1)

OnePlus 8T is a gaming beast, a perfect pick for League of Legends: Wild Rift. The 5G enabled phone comes with a massive 6.55 inch 120 Hz Fluid AMOLED.

Wild Rift!

— SNG Ryuh (@RyuhDK) April 12, 2020

The highlight of the smartphone lies in its powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 Octa-Core processor and 8GB RAM. It has an efficient 4500 mAh battery, perfect for an uninterrupted Wild Rift marathon.

#2 - iPhone 12 Pro Max

Best mobile phones to play Wild Rift in 2021 (2)

Apple devices are regular choices for Esports regulars because of the unparalleled stability and performance provided by the iOS platform. iPhone 12 pro-Max, Apple's latest smartphone, possesses a 6.7-inch Super Retina XDR OLED with a 1284 x 2778 resolution. It runs on an A14 Bionic Chip built on a 5-nanometer process.

thanks to the amazing teams at Apple and Riot for making this happen. looking forward to seeing @wildrift on iPhone 12!! #AppleEvent

— Ben Forbes (@draggles) October 13, 2020

The A14 chip makes it super efficient for running the game at high graphics and fps. Wild Rift has been fully optimized for the A14 too. At the iPhone 12 launch event, Apple called Riot devs out onto the stage to speak about the work they had been doing together.

Apple came through with a BIG gaming win!Snagging @riotgames' League of Legends: Wild Rift for the iPhone 12. #AppleEvent

— Erin Ashley Simon (@erinasimon) October 13, 2020

According to Riot Games Executive Producer Michael Chow,

iPhone 12's A14 enables a brand new level of fidelity that you can't find on any other platform. With off-the-charts GPU performance and frames per second, you get amazing details and fluid gameplay - even in the most chaotic team fights".

#1 - Asus ROG Phone 3

Best mobile phones to play Wild Rift in 2021 (3)

Asus ROG Phone 3 is undoubtedly the best smartphone pick for playing Wild Rift in 2021. It is a complete gaming-centric device that comes with a 6.59-inch full HD+ AMOLED display.

The mobile phone also runs on Qualcomm Snapdragon 865+ processor offering the best possible gaming experience. The 7-magnet stereo loudspeakers are perfect for an ecstatic gaming ambiance and support side charging that allows un-interrupted play.

Asus RoG 3 Ready !!!Let's Go League Of Legends Wild Rift -3- ~#WildRift #lolwildrift #wildriftid

— XiaoKen (@XiaoKen21) September 27, 2020

Adding on to all positives, Asus ROG Phone 3 has a rapid 144Hz refresh rate, which is more than twice as fluid as its 60Hz iOS rival.

Minimum requirements to play Wild Rift on Mobile

Best mobile phones to play Wild Rift in 2021 (4)

Android Phones:

  • Operating System: Android 4.4 and above
  • Memory: 1.5 GB RAM
  • CPU: 1.5 GHz quad-core (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • GPU: PowerVR GT7600

Apple Phones:

  • Operating system: iOS 9 and above
  • Memory: 2GB RAM
  • CPU: 1.8 GHz dual-core (Apple A9)
  • GPU: PowerVR GT7600

The requirements are thus, not something heavily demanding and should run easily on most smartphones around the world. Riot's decision to re-work Wild Rift separately for mobiles and not just port down League of Legends' PC version has made it playable on a wide array of mobile devices.

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Best mobile phones to play Wild Rift in 2021 (2024)


Best mobile phones to play Wild Rift in 2021? ›

This has been declared the best gaming phone of the year by almost every forum out there. It packs enough power to switch between many heavy games and programs while keeping LoL Wild Rift running.

What phones can play Wild Rift? ›

Devices such as 6, 6S, 6S PLUS, SE, 7/7 PLUS, 8/8 PLUS, X/XR, XS/XS MAX, 11/11 PRO/PRO MAX, can definitely run the game. Wild Rift is designed to run on low-end devices so everyone can enjoy the game no matter what mobile phones they have.

Which phone is better for gaming 2021? ›

We think the iPhone 14 Pro Max is the best for gamers, but if you prefer a smaller phone, the iPhone 14 Pro packs just as big a punch. However, the other two devices in the lineup use the older A15 Bionic processor, so we don't recommend picking up those two models if you want raw power.

Is 4gb RAM enough for Wild Rift? ›

Wild Rift's System Requirements are surprisingly not that big despite it being one of the most visually appealing mobile games. The minimum requirements for Android is 2GB RAM and Qualcomm 410 with 1.6 GHz quad processor. For iOS at least 2GB Ram and A9 Processor.

Which phone is best for League of Legends: Wild Rift? ›

Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max

Let's start right away with the new top dog of the smartphone market – the iPhone 12. Yes, Wild Rift is also coming to iOS, and Apple even used the game to introduce their new smartphone! The newly-released iPhone 12 Pro Max is at the spearhead of the current smartphone generation.

How much RAM does Wild Rift need? ›


Which Snapdragon is best for gaming? ›

Qualcomm's Snapdragon 870 5G processor is one of the most powerful on the market, and the 48MP OIS main camera with Sony's IMX598 sensor is great for capturing all of your gaming action.

How much RAM is best for gaming phone? ›

16GB is the recommended amount of RAM for playing most games and will provide a noticeable increase in performance from 8GB. You will also be able to run applications in the background without affecting gameplay.

What is the best FPS for wild rift? ›

Wild Rift Graphics Settings

The first thing you need to do is to select the “Custom” option. This way you can change all the settings that the game allows. Set the frame rate (FPS) to 60. If you don't, your device will force itself, as it always wants to give the highest FPS.

How big is Wild Rift 2023? ›

League of Legends: Wild Rift takes up about 1.70 GB, so you'll need enough space on your Android device to install this APK.

How much virtual memory should I set for 4GB RAM for gaming? ›

The Page File should be approximately 1.5 - 2 times the size of your total system memory (RAM). A computer with 4GB of RAM will need a Page File a minimum of 6GB (6144 MB) and a maximum of 8GB (8192MB).

Is Wild Rift harder than Mobile Legends? ›

In terms of in-game skills and abilities, Wild Rift has almost double the skills used in Mobile Legends, making for a steeper learning curve for new players as well as a crowded side screen for smaller handheld devices.

Is Wild Rift worth it? ›

So, is League of Legends: Wild Rift worth playing? You bet, and it's actually a much easier game to commit to than the PC version. If you're interested in getting into the franchise, it's an easy recommendation.

Why Mobile Legends is better than Wild Rift? ›

Mobile Legends is Simpler than Wild Rift

The roles are simply broken down to DPS, Tank, Nuke, and Support. Although there are subclasses like Assassin, Fighter, Mage, Marksman, and Jungler, there is not a whole lot of variation.

What is the average Wild Rift game? ›

Due to this, while on the PC version a match can last regularly 45 minutes, on the mobile version matches last approximately fifteen minutes. There are currently two different modes: Wild Rift (which covers PVP, ranked, and tournament draft) and ARAM.

Is League of Legends RAM heavy? ›

The minimum RAM for League of Legends is 1GB, while the recommended is 2GB. We most definitely recommend having at least 2GB of RAM. We really encourage you to have at least 4GB of RAM in your PC—not because LoL needs it, but because 2GB is an extremely small amount of RAM for any PC.

Does Wild Rift use a lot of data? ›

For example, an average game on Summoner's Rift uses between 15 and 30 MB of data without voice chat. With voice chat, it uses between 80 and 100 MB of data. If you use voice chat, expect to use up to 300% more data.

Which phone is the king of gaming? ›

This week on Cell Guru, we review what could be the ultimate gaming phone of the year, the Asus ROG Phone 7 Ultimate. This phone is packed with innovative technology for gaming and comes with an accessory that is sure to blow your mind.

What specs should I look for in a gaming phone? ›

Some of the best displays include Full HD+, Super Retina, and OLED – which offer a vibrancy that's perfect for gaming, especially when paired with minimal bezels. Another specification keen mobile gamers should look out for is a fast refresh rate, such as 90Hz or 120Hz.

Which Snapdragon is best? ›

The Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 is currently the fastest processor available for Android smartphones.

What phone has the fastest processor? ›

Golden Reviewer has published an image on Twitter that shows the Galaxy S23 Ultra scoring a whopping 1,600 points in Geekbench 5's single-core CPU performance test. In the multi-core CPU performance test, the smartphone scored 5,311 points, which is among the highest we've seen on any Android smartphone.

Is Snapdragon better than Iphone? ›

Over the years, Apple's A-series chipsets have consistently outperformed the best Snapdragon processors. While users might be unable to notice the difference between the processors in daily usage, the differences become apparent during intensive tasks such as gaming or video editing.

How much RAM is overkill for a phone? ›

Based on the results, our recommendation is to aim for a minimum of 6GB of RAM when buying a budget smartphone. For upper-mid-range or high-end devices, 8GB will provide a good multitasking experience plus some future-proofing.

Do I need 8 or 16 GB RAM? ›

Generally, we recommend 8GB of RAM for casual computer usage and internet browsing, 16GB for spreadsheets and other office programs, and at least 32GB for gamers and multimedia creators.

Is 30 FPS good for Wild Rift? ›

Wild Rift Minimum System Requirements

The game can run on 30FPS without stuttering on most low-end devices. Having a phone with at least 2GB Ram and a 2.0 GHz processor can help you reach 60 FPS maximum. On high-end phones like the Asus ROG Phone 3, the game can go up to 90-120 FPS.

What FPS do most gamers use? ›

For PCs, 60 FPS is usually the standard for current devices. Gaming computers, on the other hand, often reach 120 FPS during gaming due to the usually very powerful components.

What FPS do streamers play at? ›

According to Twitch, streaming at 4,500 kbps for 1080p 60 fps or 3,500 kbps for 1080p 30 fps is not recommended. Twitch urges streamers to use 720p at 30 frames per second with a bitrate of 3,000 kbps (around 0.4 MB/s) in most situations.

Is there a 240Hz phone? ›

For example, the Apple iPhone 14 Pro supports screen speeds of up to 120Hz. In the Android universe, phones such as the Asus ROG 6 Pro go as fast as 165Hz, while the Sharp Aquos Zero 2 features a best-in-class refresh rate of 240Hz.

Is 120Hz phone overkill? ›

Yes, it sure does. The GPU needs to push twice as much information and the screen should refresh itself twice as much compared to the standard 60Hz displays. You do not have to really worry a lot though. Most phones have adaptive refresh rates.

Is 120Hz a must phone? ›

Do you need a 90Hz or 120Hz refresh rate? Absolutely not — much in the same way you don't “need” a camera, flashlight, or pinball game on your smartphone. But anyone who has used a device with a 90Hz or 120Hz refresh rate will tell you the massive difference it makes to the way your device feels.

How do I stabilize my FPS in Wild Rift? ›

Tap on the cog icon in the upper right screen of the main menu. Tap on the “Graphics” tab and find the frame rate option. Select the frame rate you wish to set (30, 40, 60, 90, or 120 FPS). Take note that the 90 and 120 FPS options will be made available in Wild Rift Patch 4.2.

How many people play Wild Rift now? ›

League of Legends: Wild Rift Live Monthly Player Detailed Table
MonthAverage Monthly PlayersMonthly Gain / Loss %
Last 30 Days13,970,094-0.83
April 30, 202314,087,159-2.10
March 30, 202314,382,9893.20
February 28, 202313,937,0052.10
21 more rows

What champions will be in Wild Rift 2023? ›

Ornn, Swain, and Volibear are three new champions that will come to Wild Rift in patch 4.2. Ornn will be a tank champion whose beefy abilities allow him to fit in the baron lane. Volibear will also be a baron lane champion but he has strong attack damage abilities.

How much has been spent on Wild Rift? › reports that League of Legends: Wild Rift has amassed over $750 million in global player spending. The MOBA title has generated this amount of revenue in nearly two years after launching across Apple App Store and Google Play.

What is the easiest hero in Wild Rift? ›

Braum and 4 of these champions can be used by beginners in League of Legends: Wild Rift
  • Braum. Braum in League of Legends: Wild Rift (Image via ...
  • Master Yi. Master Yi in League of Legends: Wild Rift (Image via Riot Games) ...
  • Ashe. ...
  • Darius. ...
  • Vi.
Mar 6, 2023

Who is the hardest champion in Wild Rift? ›

All champions have something special to offer on League of Legends: Wild Rift, but ultimately, some are far stronger than others.
  1. 1 Varus Is A Rapid Fire Archer.
  2. 2 Kha'Zix Is An Unseen Threat. ...
  3. 3 Evelynn Assassinates To Obtain Victory. ...
  4. 4 Thresh Harvests The Souls Of The Dead. ...
  5. 5 Seraphine Is A Charming Healer. ...
May 19, 2022

Why does Wild Rift have low rating? ›

After spending some time observing it, as it turns out, some players give low ratings, not because of the overall of the Wild Rift app, but more because of the matchmaking, which is considered unfair for them (constantly getting an ally who don't have a good understanding of the game).

Does adding virtual RAM increase Performance? ›

Virtual memory frees up RAM by swapping data that has not been used recently over to a storage device, such as a hard drive or solid-state drive (SSD). Virtual memory is important for improving system performance, multitasking and using large programs.

Does virtual RAM increase Performance in phone? ›

Also, Virtual RAM does not help gaming performance. Because, as we said, it is there to provide aid for multitasking and cutting the workload of the existing RAM. It does not have the purpose of boosting the device's performance for gaming. Plus, more RAM is not the immediate answer to your gaming issues in your phone.

Does virtual RAM increase FPS? ›

Why does increasing virtual memory not help improve game performance? The only way to increase virtual memory is to change the CPU. It is by increasing CPU speed (with a faster processor) and adding more physical memory (when that is possible for a computer) that any program (not just a game) can run faster.

Can iPhone 6 play Wild Rift? ›

Starting in Patch 3.1, the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air (1st gen), iPad Mini 2 and iPad Mini 3 will no longer be supported in Wild Rift. Dirk Añora and 4,135 others like this.

Can Wild Rift be played on Android? ›

The MOBA king deploys its arsenal on Android

Participate in exciting, yet slightly shorter 5 on 5 games that typically last between 15 and 20 minutes. Controls in League of Legends: Wild Rift are designed explicitly for Android devices.

Can you play Wild Rift on mobile? ›

Team up with friends and test your skills in 5v5 MOBA combat. All the high-skill competition you crave, designed especially for mobile and console with revamped controls and streamlined matches.

Can you play Wild Rift with Samsung? ›

Once you've downloaded Wild Rift from the Galaxy Store, you'll find the game has automatically been integrated into your Samsung ecosystem!

Is iPhone 7 good for Wild Rift? ›

Compatible with iPhone 6S and above.

Is iPhone 6 is best for gaming? ›

If you're a bit of a mobile gamer then you'll really enjoy playing the latest 3D games with all the extra graphical effects on the larger screen. The only issue we experienced with performance has to do with certain apps. The Facebook app, for example, jerks and judders in use.

How big is Wild Rift on iPhone? ›

The initial size was around 3-5gb approx. Current game size is over 20gb for me.

Which Android emulator is best for Wild Rift? ›

A: Yes. LOL: Wild Rift is available on PC with emulator and LDPlayer is the best optimized emulator for Wild Rift. LDPlayer supports smooth gaming control and custom keymapping for different Champions.

How big is the Wild Rift on Android? ›

Downlaod size and Android Specifiations. The size of the LOL Wild Rift on the Play store is around 3.41GB. Players are recommended to make sure that they have sufficient storage space on their devices before downloading the game.

Is Wild Rift worth playing? ›

So, is League of Legends: Wild Rift worth playing? You bet, and it's actually a much easier game to commit to than the PC version. If you're interested in getting into the franchise, it's an easy recommendation.

Can my phone run League of Legends? ›

Minimum system requirements for League of Legends: Wild Rift

Operating System: Android 4.4 and above. Memory: 1.5 GB RAM. CPU: 1.5 GHz quad-core (32-bit or 64-bit) GPU: PowerVR GT7600.

Is Wild Rift removed from Galaxy Store? ›

Starting on March 16 00:01 UTC, Wild Rift will no longer be available through the Galaxy Store. This change will take place in Patch 4.1, but you can re-download now to make sure your experience isn't interrupted. All your progress is saved to your account, so just log in on the new app to continue as usual.

How many GB is Wild Rift mobile? ›

1.64 GB

What is the difference between Wild Rift and mobile legends? ›

To sum up, here are the major differences between Mobile Legends and Wild Rift: Wild Rift's pace is slower in comparison to Mobile Legends from a combatting perspective. Wild Rift is based on a rune system with preset passives while Mobile Legends is based on an emblem upgrade system.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.