Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (2024)

Finding the right lenses for real estate photography is difficult. You have to look for a number of specifications to make sure the lens is applicable to your projects. Below is a small checklist I put together to help you when searching for the perfect lens. Keep in mind this article focuses entirely on full frame lenses.

Real Estate Lens Checklist

  1. Wide Angle (within the 10mm – 24mm range is ideal)
  2. Prime vs. Zoom
  3. Interior vs. Exterior Setup
  4. Focal Length
  5. Manual vs. Auto Focusing

Going into a bit more detail on the checklist above. The 10mm – 24mm size isn’t strict, but this seems to cover the ideal range for most real estate lenses. Deciding between a prime lens and a zoom lens is entirely dependent on cost. If you can afford it, typically prime lenses offer sharper more high quality focusing. In terms of interior vs. exterior setup, you’ll need to consider the size of the properties you are documenting both indoors and outdoors. Then decide if you need specific lenses to capture the yard/property lines, external features of the house, etc.

Finally, you need to consider the focal length and focusing capabilities of the lens. Real estate agents like images that are clear, crisp, and in focus. They want you to accentuate the details and bring rooms to life.

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (1)

Photo: Moloney Creative Agency

With that in mind, here is a list featuring some of the best full frame lenses for real estate photography. This list includes lenses made for Nikon, Canon, and Sony cameras.

Best Real Estate Lenses

1. Nikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 16-35mm f/4G ED

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (2)

The NIKKOR 16-35mm lens is great for real estate photography because of it’s sharp, quick focus and range. You can handle the interior photos and tight spaces at 16mm and move up to 35mm for exterior views.

View theNikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 16-35mm f/4G ED→

2.Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (3)

The EF 17-40mm is a fantastic ultra wide angle zoom lens from Canon that features ultrasonic focus and three Aspherical lens elements. Similar to the lens above, the 17-40mm range is an ideal focal length for covering both interior and exterior features of a home or property.

View the Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM→

3. Tamron SP AFA012C700 15-30mm f/2.8 Di VC USD (for Canon)

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (4)

The tight range on the Tamron 15-30mm lens makes it super sharp and flexible for a variety of real estate photography shoots. At 15mm you can get ultra wide shots and show the details in a space. Scaling up to 30mm you can showcase larger areas and exterior features.

View theTamron SP AFA012C700 15-30mm f/2.8 Di VC USD (for Canon) →

4.Tamron A012N SP 15-30mm F2.8 Di VC USD (for Nikon)

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (5)

This is identical to the lens above, just made for Nikon. It features the same great sharpness and ideal range for real estate and property photography.

View theTamron A012N SP 15-30mm F2.8 Di VC USD (for Nikon)→

5.Sony SEL1224G 12-24mm f/4-22

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (6)

Built for full frame Sony photographers, theSEL1224G 12-24mm is an excellent lens for your real estate photography business. Starting at 12mm allows you to capture incredibly wide angles for any type of large property, arena/stadium, and/or commercial space. This is the widest perspective Sony offers for their full-frame E-mount lens lineup.

View theSony SEL1224G 12-24mm f/4-22→

6.Sigma 12-24mm f/4 DG HSM (for Canon)

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (7)

The Sigma 12-24mm f/4 lens provides sharp and fast focusing. The range of 12-24mm combined with zero distortion makes this perfect for real estate photography. This lens is for Canon full frame photographers.

View theSigma 12-24mm f/4 DG HSM (for Canon)→

7.Sigma 12-24mm f/4 DG HSM (for Nikon)

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (8)

As stated above, the Sigma 12-24mm f/4 lens provides sharp and fast focusing with an ideal range for real estate photos. This is identical to the lens above, just for Nikon full frame photographers.

View theSigma 12-24mm f/4 DG HSM (for Nikon)→

8.Canon EF 11-24mm f/4L USM

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (9)

Compared to the other lenses, this is more expensive, but not without justification. The Canon EF 11-24mm features one of the widest perspectives for Canon photographers. The sharpness and unique perspectives make this lens one of the best available for full frame Canon DSLRs.

View theCanon EF 11-24mm f/4L USM→

9.Nikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 18-35mm f/3.5-4.5G ED

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (10)

The NIKKOR 18-35mm is a great lens for real estate documentation. It is also one of the cheapest options for Nikon full-frame DSLRs without losing out on quality. It features fast and quiet focusing and is ideal for capturing wide angles of rooms.

View theNikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 18-35mm f/3.5-4.5G ED→

10.Canon EF 20mm f/2.8 USM

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (11)

Getting into prime lenses, the EF 20mm is an affordable wide angle fixed lens from Canon. You may need flash for low light situations with this lens, but overall it is a great choice for Canon full frame photographers.

View theCanon EF 20mm f/2.8 USM→

11.Sony Vario-Tessar T* FE 16–35 mm F4 ZA OSS

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (12)

The Sony Vario-Tessar 16-35mm is an excellent choice for a7 series photographers. Featuring a coating of Zeiss glass to reduce flare and ghosting, coupled with a nice range for various real estate scenarios make this a lens worth checking out for Sony full frame photographers.

View the Sony Vario-Tessar T* FE 16–35 mm F4 ZA OSS →

12.Sigma 20mm F1.4 ART DG HSM (for Canon)

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (13)

If you’re looking for a prime lens the Sigma 20mm is a great option. This lens features sharp auto-focus and a large frame of view for documenting open areas, rooms, and commercial spaces. This variation is made for full frame Canon photographers.

View theSigma 20mm F1.4 ART DG HSM (for Canon) →

13.Sigma 20mm F1.4 ART DG HSM (for Nikon)

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (14)

Identical to the lens above, this is a great equivalent for full frame Nikon photographers. The 20mm wide angle helps you to cover interior and exterior details for any project.

View theSigma 20mm F1.4 ART DG HSM (for Nikon)→

14.Nikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 20mm f/1.8G ED

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (15)

TheNIKKOR 20mm offers a prime ultra-wide angle for Nikon full frame photographers. This lens is a bit cheaper than the other prime lenses and still offers incredible sharpness and ultrasonic focusing capabilities.

View theNikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 20mm f/1.8G ED→

Tilt Shift Lenses

Thanks to our readers for pointing out some additional great tilt shift lenses used for real estate photography. While these are typically much more expensive, they can make a great addition to your kit and help with hard to see areas like bathrooms, closets, and smaller spaces.

15.Canon TS-E 17mm f/4L UD

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (16)

The Canon TS-E 17mm is a versatile and ultra wide tilt shift lens compatible with all Canon EOS cameras. Many reviews along with a few readers have mentioned that this lens works well on Sony cameras too. Using the tilt and shift capabilities, you can take some really unique shots of the real estate and architectural details of your project.

View the Canon TS-E 17mm f/4L UD →

16.Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5L II

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (17)

Another nice option for tilt and shift Canon/Sony users, the TS-E 24mm is ideal for larger spaces and exterior details.

View the Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5L II →

Other Lenses for Real Estate Photography

While researching the various lenses suitable for real estate photography that are available on the market, I came across quite a few lenses. Here are some additional lenses worth checking out if you are looking for something else:

What is your favorite lens?

Leave a comment below to share your favorite lens! Do you shoot with Nikon, Canon, Sony, or a different camera?

Best Full Frame Lenses for Real Estate Photography - FilterGrade (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

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