Benefits of Video Games For Kids & Adults (2024)

Video games are often dismissed as unsophisticated or the domain of couch potatoes, but did you know that many common elements of these simulated worlds can provide tangible benefits in real life? Benefits of video games for both children and adults include:

  • Healthy brain stimulation
  • Development of problem-solving skills
  • Stress relief

Learn more about the benefits of video games before firing up your favorite computer or console game.

Benefits of Video Games For Kids & Adults (1)1. Video games can improve manual dexterity.

Controller-based games can be great for your hands. In a study involving a group of surgeons, researchers found that those who played video games were faster at performing advanced procedures and made 37 percent fewer mistakes than those who didn’t. Special video games have also been used as physical therapy to help stroke victims regain control of their hands and wrists.

2. Video games can increase your brain’s gray matter.

Gaming is really a workout for your mind disguised as fun. Studies have shown that playing video games regularly may increase gray matter in the brain and boost brain connectivity. (Gray matter is associated with muscle control, memories, perception, and spatial navigation.)

3. Gamers may have better social skills.

The stereotype of a shy person who uses video games as a way to escape is not what the average gamer looks like. Past research involving children found that those who played more video games were more likely to have good social skills, perform better academically, and to have built better relationships with other students because of the social and collaborative component to some types of games.

4. Games can teach you to be a better problem solver.

Open-world, mission-based, and multi-level games are designed like complex puzzles that take several hours to solve. Occasionally, the solution varies based on your actions in the game. Learning to think on your feet and strategize in a fast-paced fantasy environment is a skill that can translate to the real world. One long-term study published in 2013 showed that children who played strategy-based games showed an improvement in problem-solving skills—and thus, tended to get better grades—the next school year.

5. You can become more physically active as a gamer.

Most major consoles now have the technology to get gamers off of the couch and onto their feet. The future of VR gaming will take things to a whole new level. Mobile game programmers have also started to create games that are played across physical space, building them around real-world location data and inspiring gamers to relocate in order to advance in the virtual world.

Benefits of Video Games For Kids & Adults (3)

6. Video games can improve your vision.

As long as you’re not staring at the screen for 10 hours straight (or sitting two feet away), playing video games can actually make for better vision. In one study, 10 male students who were not gamers were trained for 30 hours in first-person action games and then tested against 10 non-gamers. The students who played were able to see objects more clearly in cluttered spaces because of improved spatial resolution. They were able to train their brains to see smaller details, because in each game, those details turned out to be important.

7. Video games can have mental health benefits.

Studies have shown that some video games can boost mood and make for better heart rhythms—a sign that they may also help relieve stress. The correlation (not causality) between video games and stress has been reflected in numerous unrelated studies, which is why video games have been used in therapy for over a decade.

8. They’re a fun way to get tricked into learning.

There are videos games on just about everything. Early on, developers realized that video games could be used to improve reading and math skills. Today, there are games that incorporate world history, cooking, politics, chemistry, architecture, and other topics you may not have been exposed to in school.

9. Video games can inspire you to be more persistent.

With video games you either win or you keep trying, learning from your mistakes as you progress until you reach the goal. Because of this, some researchers and educators argue that video games can teach people to be more confident and to work towards their goals, treating each misstep as just another learning opportunity.

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Benefits of Video Games For Kids & Adults (2024)


Benefits of Video Games For Kids & Adults? ›


But many others — from puzzles and mysteries, to managing virtual cities or empires — offer kids the chance to take on a problem and work to find a solution. Some researchers say kids who play these video games improve in three areas: planning, organization, and flexible thinking.

What are the many benefits for kids of playing video games? ›


But many others — from puzzles and mysteries, to managing virtual cities or empires — offer kids the chance to take on a problem and work to find a solution. Some researchers say kids who play these video games improve in three areas: planning, organization, and flexible thinking.

Are video games beneficial to adults? ›

Therefore, it's evident that video games can play a significant role in supporting mental health. Whether it's through relaxation, stress reduction, self-reflection or social connection, these digital experiences offer a variety of benefits for emotional well-being in adults.

How are video games beneficial? ›

Benefits of video games for both children and adults include: Healthy brain stimulation. Development of problem-solving skills. Stress relief.

Are video games good for child development? ›

A 2022 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that video games have a positive effect on children including better performance on cognitive skills tests involving impulse control and working memory compared to children who have never played video games.

What are the main advantages of children's games? ›

Research has shown that games are essential for healthy development in early childhood and beyond. Play lets children practise what they know, and also what they don't. It allows them to experiment through trial and error, find solutions to problems, work out the best strategies, and build new confidence and skills.

Are video games good for your brain? ›

Flex That Brain

Engaging in new activities, such as gaming, can keep the parts of the brain that are susceptible to memory problems sharp. One study revealed that memory improved in people from 60 to 80 years old who played video games each day over the course of four weeks.

What are the pros and cons of video games? ›

Video games can be used to help improve test scores, teach life and job skills, improve brain function, and encourage physical exercise. Because video game addiction can negatively impact social and physical health, parents should be aware of the symptoms. Kids have been wild about video games for decades.

Are video games good for mental health? ›

Despite what people may think, playing video games boosts your mood and has lasting effects. Whether you're using gaming to spend time with your friends or to release some stress, it's a great option.

How long should a 12 year old play video games per day? ›

Put clear limits on your child's gaming.

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests time allotted should be under 30 to 60 minutes per day on school days and 2 hours or less on non- school days.

What are the 10 benefits of gaming? ›

The benefits of playing videogames
  • They speed up response times. ...
  • They encourage teamwork. ...
  • They stimulate creativity, focus and visual memory. ...
  • They improve strategy and leadership. ...
  • They teach languages. ...
  • Critical thinking.

What are 3 benefits of gaming? ›

Improved cognitive abilities. Improved problem-solving skills and logic. Increased hand-to-eye coordination. Greater multi-tasking ability.

Do video games help in real life? ›

The combination of concentration and neurotransmitter surges when playing games helps to strengthen neural circuits, giving the brain a real workout. Video games can improve mental skills, such as: Problem solving and logic. Hand-eye coordination, spatial skills and fine motor coordination.

How do video games affect a child's brain? ›

Contrary to popular belief, video games can have positive effects on children's brains. Studies have shown that playing video games can improve cognitive function, including memory, attention, and decision-making skills. In addition, video games can also enhance problem-solving abilities and promote creativity.

How does gaming affect children's behavior? ›

Too much video game can lead to poor social skills, time away from family, school work and other hobbies, lower grades, reading less, exercising less, becoming overweight, and having aggressive thoughts and behaviors.

How many hours a day should a child play video games? ›

A study of nearly 2,000 children found that children who reported playing video games for three hours per day or more performed better on cognitive skills tests involving impulse control and working memory than children who had never played video games.

Can video games help students? ›

Digital games are really useful in Special Education because they grab students' attention and make learning more fun and engaging. They help reduce stress and make kids feel more involved and included.

Are video games important for students? ›

Enriched Cooperation Skills

Often, playing games requiring the player to be on a team can lead to strategic planning, coordinating, and sharing knowledge and skills with fellow players. This can improve collaboration skills and make children more effective and comfortable when working in groups at school.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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