Benefits of Free Shipping on Order Minimums | USPS Delivers (2024)

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A free shipping threshold can make a big difference for sales and profits. Understand why and start calculating minimum order values now.

Benefits of Free Shipping on Order Minimums | USPS Delivers (1)

Free shipping for online purchases is practically a necessity in today’s world, where brand competition is fierce. In fact, a Retail TouchPoints survey found that 85% of surveyed U.S. internet users cited free shipping as the most important element of the shopping experience.[1]

Small business owners in particular will probably want to use free shipping incentives to boost sales. But if the investment doesn’t pay off, businesses can hurt their bottom lines by diminishing net margins.


of surveyed U.S. internet users cite free shipping as the most important element of the shopping experience.

It can be tricky to establish a balance between increasing sales volume and maintaining profit margins. One way to do this is to set a minimum order value for the free shipping incentive.

This value needs to be carefully determined—when chosen wisely, a minimum order value for free shipping could be a huge boost for sales. But if a business is unrealistic about how much customers are willing to spend, it can detrimentally drive away potential sales.

Here’s what business owners need to keep in mind when it comes to leveraging free shipping incentives:

How to determine minimum order value

Businesses that decide to implement free shipping after an order meets a certain dollar amount often struggle to determine exactly what that minimum threshold will be. If it’s too high, businesses might not see much of an increase in sales volume and may potentially lose sales. If it’s too low, it can put their profit margins at risk.

One way to determine an appropriate threshold for free shipping is to determine the average order value. Knowing how much an average customer spends per transaction can provide a better idea of what a business’ minimum order value for free shipping should be.

A free shipping threshold should be slightly (about 30%) above the average order value. This can motivate customers to spend more while helping a business cover its true shipping costs.[2] For example: if the average customer is spending $45 per order, consider setting a free shipping threshold at $60.

How to calculate minimum order value:

  1. Subtract the Average Order Value (AOV) from the proposed Minimum Cart Value (MCV).
  2. Take that number and multiply it by your Gross Profit Margin (GPM).
  3. Take that number and subtract your Average Shipping Costs (ASC).

If the resulting number is less than 0, the free shipping threshold is not fiscally viable. If it is more than 0, the free shipping threshold is viable.

It is important to remain realistic when determining how much customers are willing to spend for free shipping. Consider A/B testing two threshold amounts and measuring their effectiveness to make a more informed decision.

Here’s an example:

A business wants to set their minimum cart value at $50. Right now, their average order value is $35, their gross profit margin is 40% and their average shipping costs are $7.

$50 − $35 = $15
$15 × 0.40 = $6
$6 − $7 = −$1
Because −$1 is less than 0, this minimum order value isn’t a good choice fiscally.

So, the business returns to square one and tries a minimum cart value of $60.
$60 − $35 = $25
$25 × 0.40 = $10
$10 − $7 = $3
Because $3 is more than 0, this minimum order value is a viable fiscal choice.

Test the tipping point

When a business determines its free shipping threshold, it needs to convey the message to shoppers visiting their website. Consider alerting customers when their cart is close to the minimum order value for free shipping, especially during the checkout process. Additionally, consider dedicating a portion of the checkout screen to display items that customers can quickly add to reach the threshold.

Test the waters throughout the year with short-term sales that use free shipping incentives. This will highlight when customers are willing to spend more in order save on shipping.

Commit to understanding customers’ online buying habits. If they see value in free shipping promotions, then they may be more likely to buy more items, thus leading to improved conversion rates and increased profits.



  1. [1]2019 Shopper Insights Survey Mapping The Customer Journey: What Works — And What’s Broken,” Retail TouchPoints, October 2019. arrow_right_alt
  2. [2]Kristina Lopienski, “How to Offer Free Shipping on Your Ecommerce Store + FAQs,” ShipBob, Inc., May 28, 2020. arrow_right_alt

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Benefits of Free Shipping on Order Minimums | USPS Delivers (2024)


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By eliminating these costs, businesses can create a positive emotional impact on potential buyers. One of the significant benefits of offering free shipping is its impact on customer loyalty. Multiple studies suggest that consumers tend to be more loyal to businesses that offer free shipping over those that don't.

What is the minimum order value for shipping? ›

Minimum order value, or MOV, is the minimum amount that the shoppers need to spend on a website or app to checkout successfully or place an order. In hopes of getting more orders, several merchants accompany MOV with the added benefit of free shipping to motivate customers to spend the amount they want them to.

What is an excellent indicator to determine the minimum value for free shipping? ›

To calculate your free shipping threshold, you need to know your average order value (AOV) and your average shipping cost (ASC). A simple formula is to multiply your AOV by 1.5 and add your ASC. For example, if your AOV is $50 and your ASC is $10, your free shipping threshold could be $85.

How do you calculate minimum order for free shipping? ›

How to determine minimum order value
  1. Subtract the Average Order Value (AOV) from the proposed Minimum Cart Value (MCV).
  2. Take that number and multiply it by your Gross Profit Margin (GPM).
  3. Take that number and subtract your Average Shipping Costs (ASC).

How important is free shipping to customers? ›

Free shipping has a significant impact on sales and customer satisfaction. According to research, 78% of consumers are willing to buy more to qualify for free shipping. This means that by offering free shipping, businesses can increase their average order value and drive more sales.

How important is free shipping to consumers? ›

The cost of shipping remains a key factor for both consumers and retailers. 62% of shoppers said they won't consider purchasing from a retailer that doesn't offer free shipping. Another 35% said they prefer it, and just 3% of consumers said they don't care about shipping costs.

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Minimum order requirements are stipulations on specific types of packaging materials that only allow you to make a purchase if you order a specified amount of the material, which is dictated by the manufacturer or distributor you are ordering from.

What is minimum order explanation? ›

A minimum order is the smallest amount or number that may be ordered in one delivery, usually to spread delivery costs over an economical number of units.

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The Minimum Order Quantity for a product is the lowest number of units a supplier is willing to sell. An MOQ can be set as a cost or a quantity – for example a Minimum Order Quantity might be either $10,000 worth of milk, or 1,000 litres of milk, depending on the supplier's preferences.

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Definition: Free shipping is an increasingly-popular option for online shopping, where customers do not have to pay an additional shipping charge. Free shipping is attractive to customers who appreciate simple pricing structures, which in turn makes it a potential competitive advantage for online businesses.

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It increases your average order value

A free shipping threshold can boost your average order value from $35 to $50 or $85 to $100, depending on the amount you set. This will boost sales overall by increasing the average amount customers spend.

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41% of consumers will pay for shipping for a product they want, and 32% will proceed with an order if they find the shipping cost reasonable. Only 26% of shoppers will pay for shipping because they need their order in a faster timeframe than the free shipping option allows for.

How does free shipping work? ›

Does the Customer Pay? Let's say an item's retail price is $20, and it costs $5 to ship. If the retailer charges $25 and announces, “free shipping”, then the customer is paying.

What is the difference between free shipping and free delivery? ›

“Shipping” denotes the processing, packaging, and dispatching of small items that can be sent quickly and easily, typically through a local courier service. “Delivery”, on the contrary, refers to the transportation of relatively large items like electronics and furniture from a warehouse to a customer's address.

How to factor in free shipping? ›

Here's a formula for calculating your free shipping threshold:
  1. Free shipping threshold = (Average shipping cost per order / gross profit margin percentage as a decimal) + average value of an order.
  2. Free shipping threshold = ($10 / .30) + $50.
  3. Free shipping threshold = $83.33.
Oct 4, 2023

Does free shipping really matter? ›

Customers love to think they're getting a great deal. So, even though shipping costs are usually baked into product prices, just seeing the word “free” can have a profound impact on their purchasing decision.

Why is shipping important? ›

shipping, the transporting of goods and passengers by water. Described as the backbone of global trade, maritime shipping is responsible for the transport of the majority of raw materials, components, and finished products that drive the economy.

Does free shipping help sales? ›

Free shipping can act as a powerful incentive, motivating customers to make a purchase they might have otherwise hesitated on. This boost in conversions leads to increased sales and revenue.

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