Benefits and Challenges of CRM, MDM, CDP for Customer Data (2024)

To investigate how to improve the management of Customer Data, organizations often choose from among CRM, MDM or a CDP

Many valid options exist in the marketplace when seeking a solution to manage customer data. Organizations commonly consider Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Master Data Management (MDM) and Customer Data Platform (CDP) solutions. They each offer some significant differences but confusingly are marketed in a manner that causes them to appear to be the same. They are not the same. An instinctive choice might fulfill initial needs but could be at high risk for challenges or re-implementation as needs for new capabilities emerges. The recommended approach is to complete an internal discovery process before engaging with vendors and analysts.

First Glance at CRM, MDM, CDP

Modern companies have many information systems that contain valuable information about their customers. Discovering the best way to derive value from this often duplicated customer data is challenging. Many companies have implemented purpose-built software such as Master Data Management (MDM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) or a Customer Data Platform (CDP).

At first glance, the potential contribution from MDM, CRM or a CDP is the same: Increase the understanding of customer need and increase the quality of each interaction. To differentiate among the solution types is not as easy as it might seem, especially if the organization is not fully aware of what requirements exist and are most important. Determining when and how to employ each of these solutions effectively adds to the challenge.

Someone investigating solution options to manage customer data in the recent past would have evaluated MDM platform vendors as well as newer, analytic focused big-data solutions. When reviewing customer data in the context of on-boarding, journey management or service management, CRM solutions would have been the focus.

Most installed MDM vendors can provide the basics to address common needs and solve common challenges. These basics would include standards-based methods for acquiring data, cleanse-match-resolve, and a framework for configuring rules to maintain and make the results available to other systems in a variety of modes. The technical deployment platform, flexibility for changes to the underlying data or application model, breadth of capabilities for metadata management and references are the differentiators. The selection should not be prolonged or complicated; it should focus on the specific context and fit for purpose.

Master Data Management – Platform vs. Practice

One should differentiate between MDM the software and MDM the practice. The capabilities above are specific to the technical platform. The method of MDM includes broader change management topics that include a lifestyle of governance and discipline that not all organizations plan for appropriately. There are also additional tools and technologies to support initial and ongoing governance such as discovery, quality, workflow and analytics. Most vendors also employ some artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Depending on the vendor, these capabilities are enough to get started while others will depend on integration with specialty tools. MDM will commonly include a variety of methods to facilitate the ongoing maintenance and distribution of the data within the platform.

Recently, there has been a rapid increase in the number of CDP offerings. These are marketed as rapid deployment, identification of similar data (entity resolution) and integration with many familiar tools such as email, campaign management and analytics.


CRM is different from MDM since it supports business functions such as sales and service versus prioritizing the technology to perform data management. With CRM, one is managing the processes and lifecycle from prospect to purchase, service, may be an initial or first significant step into that style of solution.

The most common error made related to a customer data effort is to select, design and implement a technical solution before fully understanding the needs. This error becomes evident when a company seeks to advance beyond a simple, initial implementation.

Successful Customer Data Management Solutions Evaluation and Implementation

The following are some proven steps towards managing this risk and performing adequate discovery.

  • Complete a documented assessment of capabilities related to customer data, including integration and distribution with source and target systems. Use or reference established methods such as a data management framework and include participation from the data producers and consumers.
  • A documented and validated set of what is currently limiting growth and what the business has planned to change in the next two to five years. These should first be written in business terms then mapped into terms of customer data. Use these in preparation for conversations with the broader company to show how the target solution will address their needs.
  • Identify gaps between the business needs and the current and emerging capabilities. Work hard to include the quantified impact of not meeting or improving on the need.
  • Prioritize the gaps and begin to develop a plan for improving against the current state.
  • Depending on the size of the organization, urgency and the available experience, these discovery steps could take three months to a year or more to complete. Be disciplined about the process. It will be challenging to limit the scope. There will be a period of definition to determine what customer data is and what attributes matter. Inevitably, some related topics such as agreements, products and reference data will be included.
  • Once the understanding is known, a fact-based selection process can occur to research and evaluate an appropriate solution partner.
  • To illustrate, below is a scenarios with a sample of typical capabilities across the three solution types. These are not intended to reflect all capabilities of all vendors and with enough time and effort (money), any solution can fulfill any requirement.

This illustration is for a fictional, multi-line company with five systems per business line. It is seeking to evolve from selling exclusively through third-party retailers into direct to consumer as they expand to new countries.

Identify which customer data records from across all systems are really the same unique person.YYY
Manage N number of types of names and addresses and other attributes for the unique personNYN
Manage and maintain other data specific to the unique person such as account and locationYYN
Provide history of where contributing data elements were sourced and updatedNYN
Provide facility for authorized users to update data elements and distribute those changes to interested systemsYYN
Identify unique persons to be contacted for a campaign and track their preference to participate and intent to purchaseYYY
Maintain unique person data as it changes in its source systems and share changes with interested systemsNYN
Maintain localized and translated values for use by systems or campaignsYYN
Define and maintain analytics based on customer’s journey and interaction across all channelsYNY


An organization may reasonably justify having all three types of solutions. Do not get hung up on trying to fulfill all requirements with a single solution. If one solution could address all needs, the market would not offer so many.

Complete the discovery and prioritize which needs will matter most to the business and to what extent the capability is needed. Leverage the discovery work to help govern when and how to employ each capability to maximize impact.

Having an understanding of the need is critical to avoid a false start.

Benefits and Challenges of CRM, MDM, CDP for Customer Data (2024)


What are the benefits of a CDP? ›

A CDP can help an organization eliminate silos by unifying customer data and giving access to every employee who needs it. Accurate, timely customer data is a must for managing customer relationships. CDPs create customer profiles that help inform customer behavioral analysis and construct identity graphs.

What is the difference between CDP customer data platform and CRM? ›

A CRM and CDP have some overlap in terms of functionality, as they're both data management platforms. But generally, a CRM system is primarily to support sales, while a CDP delivers a more complete view of customer relationships beyond the sales cycle.

What is the difference between MDM and CDP? ›

The objective of MDM systems is to be able to identify whether two (or more) records are for the same person, product, supplier, location, or other entity in order to gain a single view. A CDP aims to better understand what or why a customer or prospect is doing something so a marketer can take the next best action.

What is an example of customer data in MDM? ›

Examples of MDM

Customer information: Names, phone numbers, addresses, and other critical customer insights are excellent examples of master data. Maintaining accurate customer data ensures you can enhance and maintain positive relationships with clients.

What data does a CDP have? ›

A Customer Data Platform (CDP) is a piece of software that combines data from multiple tools to create a single centralized customer database containing data on all touch points and interactions with your product or service.

What are the core capabilities of a CDP? ›

Your CDP must be able to ingest all types of customer data from many different locations and applications. This data includes customer profile data, interaction data, behavioral data, campaign data, customer support data, data from point-of-sale systems, devices, internet of things (IoT), and more.

Who needs a CDP and why? ›

Data Warehouses: Data for Business Intelligence

Data warehouses consolidate data to process for business intelligence. The difference is that a CDP is aimed at consolidating and analyzing customer data — it is designed specifically to be useful to the customer-facing side of the business.

What is the difference between CRM and MDM? ›

CRMs excel at the single domain of storing customer data and analyzing it. MDMs excel at transforming data and establishing consistency across domains. MDMs can bring context from multiple related but separate systems, improving efficiencies and reducing costs.

What is customer data in CRM? ›

CRM data refers to information or records about customers that are stored within a CRM system. There are many pieces of data that you can store in your CRM, such as a contact's name, email, phone number, city or location, address, gender, education, work history, and marital status.

How do CDP and CRM work together? ›

CRM manages customer interactions and captures transactional data, while CDP unifies data from multiple sources to create a comprehensive customer profile. The CRM leverages this enriched customer data from CDP, enabling businesses to deliver highly personalized experiences.

What is the difference between data quality and MDM? ›

Data quality vs.

Some common data quality issues include physical address cleansing, deduping customer records, and normalizing fields used to categorize data. MDM tools help organizations create and maintain golden records of primary entities such as accounts, contacts, products, and other reference data.

What does MDM mean in data? ›

Master data management (MDM) is a process that creates a uniform set of data on customers, products, suppliers and other business entities across different IT systems.

What is MDM in data quality? ›

MDM system helps synthesise data from different systems and cleanse it so that you deal with the right information and it is always in the hands of the right people. This eliminates duplications and integrity issues. For industries such as finance and healthcare, data cleansing and security is paramount.

What is customer MDM? ›

Customer MDM enables businesses to forge meaningful relationships with their clients and customers. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of customers through data integration into the customer retention system, businesses can deliver personalized experiences that drive customers down the sales funnel.

What is the main purpose of MDM? ›

The goal of mobile device management is to maximize device support, organizational functionality, and security while allowing a degree of user flexibility, such as the use of BYOD.

What is customer master in MDM? ›

Customer master data management is a process that helps organizations manage and maintain a centralized, consistent, and accurate view of their customer information.

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