Beginning DevOps with Docker (2024)

Docker Swarm is a clustering tool for Docker containers. It allows you to establish and manage a cluster of Docker nodes as a single virtual system. This means we get to run Docker on multiple hosts on our computers.

We control the swarm cluster through a manager which primarily handles and controls containers. With the swarm manager, you can create a primary manager instance and multiple replica instances in case the primary fails. This means you can have more than one manager in a swarm!


A swarm is created from a manager node, and other Docker machines join the cluster, either as worker nodes or manager nodes.

Clustering is important because it creates a group of cooperating systems that provide redundancy, creating ...

Beginning DevOps with Docker (2024)


Is Docker enough for DevOps? ›

If an application runs in a development environment, it will run successfully in another using Docker. Using Docker with DevOps makes it easier to create applications using unique interconnected components. You also get a high level of control over all the changes during the development life cycle.

How do I start working with Docker? ›

If you've installed Docker Desktop and want to explore more, here's a quick example to get you started:
  1. Open Docker Desktop.
  2. Type the following command in your terminal: docker run -d -p 80:80 docker/getting-started.
  3. Follow the instructions for either Mac or Windows to access your dashboard.
Mar 29, 2022

Why use Kubernetes over Docker? ›

Docker containers are one process per container. Kubernetes is particularly useful for DevOps teams since it offers service discovery, load balancing within the cluster, automated rollouts and rollbacks, self-healing of containers that fail, and configuration management.

Is Kubernetes a DevOps tool? ›

Decades ago, the deployment of applications required lengthy commands and instructions. However, there has been a paradigm shift in containerization tools. And this has made Kubernetes one of the star platforms in the DevOps environment.

Is Docker good for beginners? ›

Due to its ease of use and excellent capabilities, Docker is a common practice in software development, operation, and infrastructure maintenance. Learning Docker is not rocket science. Enrolling in the best Docker course is an excellent way to get started with Docker for beginners.

How many hours required to learn Docker? ›

Containerize Your Applications: 10 Best Docker Courses for 2024
Course HighlightWorkload
Best Hands-On Course for Beginners with Free Certificate (KodeKloud)4 hours
Best Free University-Level Course for Beginners (University of Helsinki)75 hours
Best Free Docker Course For Beginners (TechWorld with Nana)3 hours
7 more rows
Oct 2, 2023

Is docker hard to learn? ›

At the same time, learning Docker can be a challenge if you are a beginner or have never used Docker before, but with proper guidance and the right resources, you can easily understand Docker. Once you know the basic Docker concepts and commands, using with Java or any other programming language becomes easier.

What is docker in devops? ›

Docker is a software platform that allows you to build, test, and deploy applications quickly. Docker packages software into standardized units called containers that have everything the software needs to run including libraries, system tools, code, and runtime.

How long does docker take to start first time? ›

Starting Docker can take a while — up to 5 minutes. While it's doing so, an animation runs in the notification area: Another notification appears when it's finished.

What should I learn first, Docker or Kubernetes? ›

Docker vs Kubernetes: Which One to Learn First

If your goal is to keep multiple containerized apps up and running, Kubernetes is a great platform to take advantage of. If you are a developer, you most likely need to learn how to work with Docker first. The need for Kubernetes usually comes later.

Do I need both Docker and Kubernetes? ›

Can You Use Docker Without Kubernetes? The short and simple answer is yes, Docker can function without Kubernetes. You see, Docker is a standalone software designed to run containerized applications. Since container creation is part of Docker, you don't need any separate software for Docker to execute.

Is Kubernetes just Docker? ›

Docker and Kubernetes are two different technologies with different use cases. You use Docker Desktop to run, edit and manager container development. You use Kubernetes to run production grade applications at scale.

Is Jenkins part of Kubernetes? ›

The Jenkins Operator is a Kubernetes native Operator which manages operations for Jenkins on Kubernetes. It was built with immutability and declarative configuration as code in mind, to automate many of the manual tasks required to deploy and run Jenkins on Kubernetes.

Is Docker a CI CD tool? ›

Dockers in CI/CD Pipeline:

With Docker, your development environment will be the same as your production environment, and you can manage your infrastructure as you manage your applications. Dockers primarily alleviate the problem of “it's broken on my machine!”

Is AWS using Kubernetes? ›

AWS makes it easy to run Kubernetes in the cloud with scalable and highly available virtual machine infrastructure, community-backed service integrations, and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), a certified conformant, managed Kubernetes service.

Are containers good for DevOps? ›

Benefits of containers

DevOps teams know applications in containers will run the same, regardless of where they are deployed. Containers allow applications to be more rapidly deployed, patched, or scaled. Containers support agile and DevOps efforts to accelerate development, test, and production cycles.

Does Azure DevOps use Docker? ›

Azure DevOps Services

To build this image, all you need is a Dockerfile in your repository. You can build Linux or Windows containers, based on the agent that you use in your pipeline.

What is the difference between DevOps and Docker? ›

The DevOps culture was created to improve communication between the two teams, which had previously been siloed from each other. Docker containers are lightweight, easy-to-deploy environments for developers so they can deploy code without worrying about whether or not it will run on another system or environment.

Does Docker make deployment easier? ›

It allows developers to bundle an application, its dependencies, and the required configuration into a single container image. This image can be easily deployed on any system that supports Docker, streamlining the deployment process and reducing compatibility issues.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.