Beating Back the Debt (and Anything Else Life Throws at You) (2024)

“When everything seems to be going against you,remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”

~ Henry Ford

Last month the American Psychology Association released a survey that confirmed millennials reported higher stress levels than the national average, causing many to dub it as the most stressed out generation in America. Concerns about debt, low wages, lack of employment and lack of health care are the leading causes of Generation Y’s anxiety.

According to a Wells Fargo survey, 54% of millennials say debt is their “biggest financial concern currently.” It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by debt, especially when you are trying to balance life, work and keep an eye on the future. You may find yourself feeling like you can’t get the ball of life rolling, but it doesn’t have to be, or stay, that way.So, how do you cope with the inevitable curve balls life throws our way?

Beating Back the Debt

It’s natural to feel like you’ll never get out from under your debt; it can make you feel trapped in a kind of purgatory or stuck on a proverbial gerbil wheel. If this is where you’re at, it’s time to take the bull by the horns. This starts with figuring out where you’re at and where you want to be, and recognizing what you do, or don’t, have control over.

Financial Goals

Create a list of financial goals, then prioritize them. This ranking will give you an idea about how much you’re going to put where. For example, contributing to your 401K is an important goal, but may not be as critical as paying down debt.


One of your goals should be to create a cash cushion; an emergency or rainy day fund. This is sort of like overdraft protection for life. On a day to day basis pretend this doesn’t exist.

Snowball the Debt

Bite the bullet and total up the debt. Ignorance is not bliss in this case. It may be scary, and slightly depressing, but in order to make progress towards paying it down you need to know the total amount. List how much you owe and to whom so you can pay the minimum on everything and a little extra to the smallest debt until it’s gone.


You did the really scary math, so this should be easy. Take a look at your last three months of expenses and create a list of what you’re spending and where. Highlight the ones you can’t control, like rent, because everything else is in your realm of control whether you realize it or not.

Be Frugal

This isn’t new news, but it is important. Take a hard look at your expenses and figure out where you have control and what you want versus what you need. A great way to do this is to track your spending by category. You don’t need to become a Spartan, but be honest about if you need something or just want it. (You can live without a laser printer, though you may not want to.)

Credit Cards

It is very tempting to think a credit card will solve your immediate problems and down the road, when your earnings improve, you will pay them off. Credit cards are not inherently evil (they can be very helpful if you use them the right way). Think about reserving your credit for the most truly important and unavoidable expenses.

Perception is Everything

Once you have a full picture of what you have, what you owe and how you’re going to get where you want to, don’t give up. Belief and perception is critical to your success; not only in tackling debt but also in life in general. Debt is not a judgment or a permanent condition, it just…is. You have control over it and can change it. Maybe not as quickly as you’d like, but it will happen. The knowledge that this is true will considerably reduce your stress level which, in turn, will help you be happier, healthier and give you the energy you need to deal with anything life has to throw at you.

Let Go of the Stress

You’ve got a plan, you’re doing it, so let the stress go. Remove distractions and do one thing at a time. Simplify your schedule and reduce the clutter. Make sure you leave time to do some sort of activity every day, even if it’s just a good, long walk with your dog. Schedule time for fun and calm – this can be a nap or a bath, yard work, reading a book, etc.

You can pay down your debt and balance that with work and life. Sometimes it may be a challenge, but did you know airplanes take off against the wind, not with it? Airplanes fly thanks to lift that is generated by the wings, who do this by moving forward through the air. So keep moving forward and before you know it, you’ll be flying.

Susie Brown is a FastUpFront Blog contributor and business author. Fastupfront offers cash flow solutions to small businesses. Visit FastUpFront

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Beating Back the Debt (and Anything Else Life Throws at You) (2024)


What does "whatever life throws at you" mean? ›

Good things happen, making us feel good, and bad things happen too, causing us to feel sad, angry, or low. Life throws all sorts of experiences at us and having such a colorful range of experiences helps us appreciate the good and find the strength to get through the bad.

When life throws you challenges? ›

Learning how to overcome challenges that life throws at you requires patience, perseverance, and an optimistic outlook. No matter where you are in life, difficult moments will arise. But if you have the appropriate attitude and practice, you'll be able to go through them every time and develop as a result!

How to clear debts fast quora? ›

I am going to list 5 of the easiest and quickest ways for you to get out of debt.
  1. START SAVING! You have to save money in order to have more to pay off past financial liabilities. ...
  2. Find a way to make some extra cash! There are plenty of opportunities to make some extra money that many don't take advantage of. ...
  3. BUDGET!
Feb 28, 2023

How do you deal with what life throws at you? ›

10 tips for coping with whatever life throws at you
  • Stay in the moment, at least some of the time.
  • Cut 'should' from your self-talk vocabulary.
  • Be curious about change.
  • It's okay to be sad. It's also okay to be happy.
  • Find your anchors.
  • Remember to set boundaries with others.
  • Stay connected.
  • Know that you're not alone.
Feb 1, 2021

When life throws things at you quotes? ›

You can't control what life throws at you, but you can control how you respond to it!

What are the 3 challenges of life? ›

Final answer: Three challenges of life are competition for resources, environmental conditions, and predation. Organisms can face challenges such as competition for nesting sites and food, adapting to a lack of water, and evading predators.

How do you stay strong when life puts obstacles in your way? ›

  1. Experiencing hardship and adversity.
  2. The role of resilience in times of crisis.
  3. Building resilience tip 1: Practice acceptance.
  4. Tip 2: Reach out to others.
  5. Tip 3: Invest in self-care.
  6. Tip 4: Look for meaning and purpose.
  7. Tip 5: Stay motivated.
Feb 5, 2024

How do I get rid of struggles in life? ›

Strategies for Dealing with Life's Difficulties
  1. Stop the overthinking. There are several ways to stop yourself from overthinking: ...
  2. Replace worrisome thoughts. ...
  3. Solve what can be solved. ...
  4. Figure out your triggers. ...
  5. Look at the wider perspective.

What's the smartest way to get out of debt? ›

Try the debt snowball or avalanche method

You can start to see progress while paying off the lowest balances first, then move on to the next. The debt avalanche method saves money on interest when you pay the minimum on all debts while putting extra funds toward the balance with the steepest interest rate.

How can I get my debt erased? ›

People who file for personal bankruptcy get a discharge — a court order that says they don't have to repay certain debts. Bankruptcy is generally considered your last option because of its long-term negative impact on your credit.

How to get out of $10,000 debt fast? ›

7 ways to pay off $10,000 in credit card debt
  1. Opt for debt relief. One powerful approach to managing and reducing your credit card debt is with the help of debt relief companies. ...
  2. Use the snowball or avalanche method. ...
  3. Find ways to increase your income. ...
  4. Cut unnecessary expenses. ...
  5. Seek credit counseling. ...
  6. Use financial windfalls.
Feb 15, 2024

What does "No matter what life throws at you" quote? ›

No matter what life throws at you, you shouldn't put yourself down. Life is unpredictable, anything can happen, but never lose your self worth, never lose your sense and always know that we are all able to do something in our lives.

What life throws at you is not always your choice quotes? ›

What the world throws at us is not always our choice. What we make out of it is hundred percent our choice. Let this become a time where you truly enhance the quality of who you are.

What does throwing mean in slang? ›

In the context of video games, "throwing" typically refers to a player intentionally losing a game or match. This can be done for various reasons, but it's generally considered unsportsmanlike behavior.

What does it mean when something throws you? ›

Cause someone to be confused or perplexed, disconcert someone, as in We didn't let our worries throw us , or That unfavorable review threw her .

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