Bank of Canada, Federal Reserve Should Focus on Vital Main Mission (2024)


It is a relief that the U.S. Federal Reserve Board is not veering off into climate theology or other mission-irrelevant distractions. While recent comments of the Fed’s chair, Jerome Powell, were unequivocal, comments from the Bank of Canada have not been as definitive. Amelioration of real or perceived non-economic matters, such as largely social or cultural ones, should not have any share of these institutions’ attention.

Ensuring the soundness of Canada’s national currency, our beleaguered loonie, via shrewd and careful management of the supply of money should be the primary mission of our central bank. All too often since the Federal Reserve Board and the Bank of Canada were established, both have performed this function badly. Since the beginning of the 20th century, both the U.S. and Canadian dollar have lost over 95 percent of their initial values. Current stubborn inflation is but the latest episode.

Aside from managing the money supply, the main functions of a central bank, according to basic economics textbooks, include: lender of last resort, regulator of banks and similar entities, maintaining orderly financial markets, and being the “fiscal agent” for federal governments.

That last badly handled duty has put the BoC, the Fed, and other national central banks in deep trouble, by hurting savers, lenders, and borrowers; devaluing money; and damaging the standard of living of the citizens they (ostensibly) serve and protect. (Also, not to mention having severely damaged their own reputations of competence, professionalism, and ethics—along with their independence—all due to political, media, and pressure group influence.)

An elementary general lesson of basic economics is that, while the relationship is not precise, a given growth rate in the money supply exceeding economic growth will, roughly, cause a similar growth rate in inflation (money supply being physical money in circulation, and chequing and other easy-access bank accounts).There are exceptional temporary circ*mstances where this will not hold true, as in the deep deflationary plunge in the first year or two of the Great Depression of the 1930s, and in the enforced pandemic-panic lockdown of March–May, 2020.

In those sorts of cases, a lot of newly created money could and can be poured into the economy to improve liquidity (to save firms and people from penury). Normally, such times are of very short duration. In the case of the Great Depression not enough newly created money was poured in, and it and other mistakes prolonged the agony.

In this recent “flash depression,” too much newly created money was poured in, and for too long in duration, leading to remediation that was far too late. The highly educated technocrats at the BoC and the Fed either did not recognize, or refused to accept, that they were the enablers of profligate central government spending—the genesis of the inflation now plaguing North America and Europe.

A conceptual or perceptual dodge that governments and, sadly, central banks are too eager to accept is that the monetization of debt is largely, or even entirely, cost-free. The “fiscal agent” function in practice has central banks buying the debt the national government issues to fund itself. In this scheme, a central bank will create money “out of the ether.” The “new money, added to the then-existing money supply, was then spent by government on transfer payments to lower-income citizens, pay out subsidies and grants to businesses or non-profit organizations, and pay for programs and infrastructure.

Over the past three years, the increase in Canada’s money supply exceeded 25 percent, so it is not surprising that inflation over the 2020—2022 period was in that range.

This extravagant spending jamboree has now ended, which tempts politicians to make the Bank of Canada direct its attention to the federal government’s ill-conceived green transition, pursue environmental, social, and governance aims, or even contort itself in diversity, equity and inclusion knots. This reorientation is beyond its remit or competence, and would not aid its difficult central mission of ensuring sound money towards restoring Canadians’ confidence that prices and other economic metrics will become stable again.

Some politicians want to put all institutions at the disposal of their dubious utopian future. Neither the Bank of Canada nor the American Fed should participate.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

Bank of Canada, Federal Reserve Should Focus on Vital Main Mission (2024)


What is the Federal Reserve's main mission? ›

The Federal Reserve sets U.S. monetary policy to promote maximum employment and stable prices in the U.S. economy.

What is the primary goal of the Bank of Canada? ›

Our main role is “to promote the economic and financial welfare of Canada,” as defined in the Bank of Canada Act.

Which of the following answer choices correctly identifies the three parts of the Federal Reserve system? ›

There are three key entities in the Federal Reserve System: the Federal Reserve Board of Gov- ernors (Board of Governors), the Federal Reserve Banks (Reserve Banks), and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC).

Why does the Federal Reserve focus on targeting the federal funds rate? ›

The federal funds rate is one of the most important interest rates in the U.S. economy. That's because it impacts monetary and financial conditions, which in turn have a bearing on critical aspects of the broader economy including employment, growth, and inflation.

What is the Federal Reserve's main goal? ›

It is the Federal Reserve's actions, as a central bank, to achieve three goals specified by Congress: maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates in the United States (figure 3.1).

What is the mission mandate purpose of the Federal Reserve? ›

The Federal Reserve System has been given a dual mandate—pursuing the economic goals of maximum employment and price stability. It does this by using a variety of policy tools to manage financial conditions that encourage progress toward its dual mandate objectives—in other words, conducting monetary policy.

What is Canada's main goal? ›

Through the Government of Canada's programs and policies, we are reducing poverty, building sustainable economic growth, supporting reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, advancing gender equality and taking action on climate change and clean energy.

What is one of the Bank of Canada's most important roles is to be ________? ›

Setting the interest rate is one of the BOC's most important roles. Canada's monetary policy framework is designed to keep inflation low and stable. The interest rate is decided eight times a year.

What is the vision of the Bank of Canada? ›

Our vision is to be “a leading central bank—dynamic, engaged and trusted—committed to a better Canada.” No other employer in the country offers you the unique opportunity to work at the very centre of Canada's economy.

Who really owns the Federal Reserve? ›

There is a common misconception that the Federal Reserve System is privately owned. In fact, it combines public and private characteristics: The central governing board of the FRS is an agency of the federal government and reports to Congress.

What are 3 things the Federal Reserve is responsible for regulating? ›

Its core responsibilities include setting interest rates, managing the money supply, and regulating financial markets.

What are the two main responsibilities of the Federal Reserve system and to ________? ›

Conduct monetary policy; oversee financial markets.

How does the Federal Reserve negatively affect the economy? ›

The Federal Reserve's decisions on interest rates significantly impact the economy, affecting everything from the costs consumers and businesses pay to borrow money to the job market, the stock market and inflation.

Do banks have to follow the Fed funds rate? ›

The Fed funds rate is a range because the Federal Reserve cannot mandate a set number. Instead, it sets a target range of rates as a guide for banks to follow.

How can the Federal Reserve target the interest rate instead of the money supply? ›

The Fed targets a federal funds rate range, which influences the rates that banks charge on loans. The Fed can alter the interest rate it pays on the funds that banks hold as reserve balances. It can also modify its overnight repo rate and its discount rate to affect financial institution lending and borrowing.

What was the original purpose of the Bank of Canada? ›

The Bank of Canada was formed to standardize money production in Canada away from many different private banks. Central banks support national and international markets by researching and understanding how new technologies can impact financial systems.

What is the purpose of banks in Canada? ›

The chartered banks accept deposits from the public and extend loans for commercial, personal and other purposes. Other financial institutions, known as “near-banks,” perform some of these functions, but banks are the only institutions that can increase or contract the basic money supply.

What is the primary tool of the Bank of Canada to achieve its objective? ›

The objective

Canada's monetary policy framework consists of two key components that work together: the inflation-control target and the flexible exchange rate. This framework helps make monetary policy actions readily understandable, and enables the Bank to demonstrate its accountability to Canadians.

What is the overall responsibility of Bank of Canada? ›

Supporting this overarching objective, the Bank has four main responsibilities: monetary policy; promoting a safe, sound and efficient financial system1 within Canada and internationally; designing and issuing bank notes; and acting as fiscal agent and banker to the Government of Canada, including managing the public ...

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.